
Inspired by The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

By Slow Ways connections

Total distance 1,017.2km/632.1mi. 79 routes.
Estimated walking time 203 hours 23 minutes.

Routes on this waylist

So far 64 of 79 routes have been reviewed on this Waylist. Log in to see how many of these routes you have reviewed.

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Collective Stats

Here’s our collective progress on reviewing these routes

81% of routes reviewed

25% of routes surveyed

46% of routes verified

746km of 1,017km reviewed

Whole network stats

71,379km of 136,373km reviewed

Route Distance Download (.gpx)
Kinhal one 12.5km/7.8mi
Haltot one 11.7km/7.3mi
Buctot two 11.4km/7.1mi
This route no longer exists in the network as it has been flagged (990)
Ashbov one 13.2km/8.2mi
Bovchu three 10.0km/6.2mi
Chuexe two 20.6km/12.8mi
Exesil two 14.7km/9.1mi
Tivsil two 13.8km/8.5mi
Tivwel one 26.8km/16.7mi
Weltau one 12.3km/7.6mi
Strgla one 3.2km/2.0mi
Glawel two 11.1km/6.9mi
Welmid one 17.5km/10.9mi
This route no longer exists in the network as it has been flagged (1407)
Radbat one 13.2km/8.2mi
Batmar one 12.8km/8.0mi
Marbur one 9.5km/5.9mi
Burshe one 9.6km/6.0mi
Shetet one 9.0km/5.6mi
Naitet one 10.7km/6.6mi
Taulan one 26.4km/16.4mi
Lanstr one 15.7km/9.8mi
Midrad one 3.2km/2.0mi
Strnai four 7.3km/4.5mi
Strpai one 5.6km/3.5mi
Paibro one 9.0km/5.6mi
Broche one 9.7km/6.0mi
Chewin one 12.5km/7.8mi
Winbro one 14.5km/9.0mi
Brohon one 8.4km/5.2mi
Honstr one 15.6km/9.7mi
Strwar one 16.8km/10.4mi
Warken one 9.1km/5.7mi
Kencov one 10.9km/6.8mi
Bucash two 5.0km/3.1mi
Covbed one 10.7km/6.6mi
Bedhin one 13.1km/8.1mi
Marhin one 11.1km/6.9mi
Meamar one 13.4km/8.3mi
Meaash one 6.8km/4.2mi
Dermel one 14.9km/9.3mi
Ashmel one 12.3km/7.6mi
Derhea one 16.1km/10.0mi
Riphea two 7.2km/4.4mi
Ripalf three 7.1km/4.4mi
Claalf two 10.5km/6.5mi
Checla one 10.7km/6.6mi
Droche three 11.8km/7.3mi
Droshe three 12.0km/7.5mi
Chashe one 13.1km/8.1mi
Chahoy three 6.6km/4.1mi
Worhoy two 5.9km/3.6mi
Barwor two 3.9km/2.4mi
Barroy two 6.2km/3.8mi
Newroy one 6.1km/3.8mi
Newwak two 6.2km/3.9mi
Midwak two 11.6km/7.2mi
Midlee one 8.2km/5.1mi
Leehar two 18.5km/11.5mi
Harhar one 13.3km/8.3mi
Harrip one 21.1km/13.1mi
Rippic one 15.1km/9.4mi
Picnor one 16.5km/10.3mi
Hurnor one 22.9km/14.2mi
Darhur one 4.8km/3.0mi
Shidar one 20.1km/12.5mi
Bisshi one 5.2km/3.2mi
Crobis one 9.4km/5.8mi
Wolcro one 10.5km/6.5mi
Stawol two 10.6km/6.6mi
Blasta one 13.6km/8.5mi
Hexbla one 18.0km/11.2mi
Hexkno one 32.4km/20.1mi
Knorot one 22.2km/13.8mi
Rotaln one 27.1km/16.8mi
Woober one 35.2km/21.9mi
This route no longer exists in the network as it has been flagged (8946)
Wooaln two 37.8km/23.5mi