This is a Slow Ways route connecting Nailsworth and Tetbury.
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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Nailsworth and Tetbury.
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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.
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Route status - Live
Reviews - 3
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Is this route good enough? - Yes (3)
There are currently no problems reported with this route.
Downloads - 7
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Geography information system (GIS) data
Total length
Maximum elevation
Minimum elevation
Start and end points
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
51.69514° / -2.21908°
Easting / Northing
384,954E / 199,621N
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
51.63687° / -2.15935°
Easting / Northing
389,068E / 193,130N
Naitet One's land is
Nailsworth | |
Grid Ref | ST8495499621 |
Lat / Lon | 51.69514° / -2.21908° |
Easting / Northing | 384,954E / 199,621N |
What3Words | loops.cooked.kipper |
Tetbury | |
Grid Ref | ST8906893130 |
Lat / Lon | 51.63687° / -2.15935° |
Easting / Northing | 389,068E / 193,130N |
What3Words | mysteries.madness.vague |
Arable | 32.3% |
Pasture | 28.8% |
Urban | 31.3% |
Woods | 7.6% |
Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
Georgia M
11 Nov 2021An accurate easy route to follow from Nailsworth to Tetbury. Quite muddy in parts but beautiful scenery and views. There's a pub in Avening open for food from midday on Saturday & Sunday's, or after 5:30 on weekdays.
21 Jun 2021I walked this route from Tetbury to Nailsworth. It was difficult to find the beginning of the footpath near the Tetbury Audi dealer roundabout because it is now in the carpark of a new housing development. Coming the other way it wouldn't have been a problem. For anyone experiencing this difficulty I suggest walking another 100m along the A433 and taking the next road on the left. The footpath can be seen clearly crossing this road.
Otherwise the route was easy to follow, especially if you have downloaded it onto the OS maps app. Some stiles and kissing gates and field walking as well as hills so maybe not for everyone but lovely countryside walking and views ending with a long descent into Nailsworth.
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02 May 2021Nice walk, fairly easy to navigate. Refreshments available at the pub about halfway in Avening. Busy road to cross in Avening and Tetbury. Mostly nice wide tracks (bridleways etc). Only a few stiles, but quite a few kissing gates.
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Karen Phimister
08 Aug 2022This is a lovely walk, really easy to navigate with well connected and wel established paths. Very varied scenery takes you in shady woods, across farmland over hills. This took us 2.5 hours
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