BarnsleyRoyston (Yorkshire)

Barroy two
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By danravenellison on 13 Apr 2022







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This is a good way to walk between Barnsley and Royston. I enjoyed walking this route.

The route fixes a couple of issues with Barroy One

This is a good way to walk between Barnsley and Royston. I enjoyed walking this route.

The route fixes a couple of issues with Barroy One


This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to safety.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SE3464706535
Lat / Lon 53.55432° / -1.47849°
Easting / Northing 434,647E / 406,535N
What3Words stages.scuba.loyal
Royston (Yorkshire)
Grid Ref SE3615911446
Lat / Lon 53.59837° / -1.45509°
Easting / Northing 436,160E / 411,447N
What3Words earful.obliging.kinks

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Jane Taylor

06 Nov 2023 Autumn

Ahhh so near and yet ….
There were some safety/accuracy problems which probably only show up when walking from Royston towards Barnsley: a steep slippery path down to the A61, which I felt failed the ‘safe’ criterion, especially for a careful, slow, not very agile solo walker; and a misleading drop down to a dangerous section of road at Smithies Lane, requiring an equally dangerous backtrack.

I’ve put up a new version Three which corrects the problems, but is otherwise as this route (which is generally very good).

Hugh Hudson

10 Sep 2022 (edited 11 Sep 2022) Summer

The final part of my four route 14 mile walk from Chapeltown to Royston via Hoyland, Worsbrough and Barnsley. This route is mostly straightforward but has a few steps, and a couple of field crossings where the path is not clearly marked.

Leaving Barnsley Interchange, it is probably best to walk down the left (west) side of Eldon Street - I stayed on the right and almost walked straight past the turn into Honeywell Street. Take care crossing Old Mill Lane. The way down Barnabas Walk starts with a flight of steps, and there is another just before Canal Street. At Canal Street you have to choose between going left or right round a fenced off yard to reach the surfaced path below, which is popular with local dog walkers. This leads easily down to Smithies Lane, where we cross the river Dearne and follow a path up to the right, which has a couple of stiles, onto an old railway path that we follow left.

Just beyond the bridge over Smithies Lane a little path (easily missed) goes right through a small strip of land between gardens, and another flight of steps takes you up to Wakefield Road through a vet's car park. There is a pelican crossing across Wakefield Road that you can use if it is busy. We follow it north, then take more steps up to the right on a path that leads on to Richard Road. Crossing the A643 we continue straight on following the whole of Chatsworth Road, cross Laithes Lane and proceed straight across the playing field opposite, avoiding any footballers and teenagers on motorbikes. We join a surfaced path at a little bridge, and follow it NE. There is a little path down to the lake, but it is a little further than the GPX file suggests. We then follow the Crookes Lane track left around the lake. The way forward is not signposted, and goes through a gap in the hedge, and the way across the next field was unmarked when I walked it. Using the pylon ahead it is fairly easy to walk the right line, and beyond the lane the path is clearly visible, leading up to Royston without any further complications. There is a Co-op where we meet the High Street, and there are plenty of buses back to Barnsley from just outside it.


13 Apr 2022 (edited 19 Aug 2022) Spring

I enjoyed walking this route.

I suspect that someone local will be able to suggest one or two other good routes to contend with this one.

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Barnsley—Royston (Yorkshire)

Barroy three







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