Connect Ottery St Mary with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Ottery St Mary to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Ottery St Mary


Slow Ways linking Ottery St Mary and Budleigh Salterton, Colyton, Cullompton, Exeter, Honiton, Sidmouth, Silverton, Topsham

England / Devon / Ottery St Mary

Ottery St Mary’s eight Slow Ways are 66% checked

Drawn: 8/8
reviewed: 7/8
verified: 5/8
and surveyed: 1/8

Help connect Ottery St Mary

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Ottery St Mary’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Ottery St Mary from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Budleigh Salterton—Ottery St Mary
Budott one

Review me Distance 16km/10mi Ascent 176m Descent 133m
Budleigh Salterton—Ottery St Mary
Budott two Survey me Distance 16km/10mi Ascent - Descent -
Budleigh Salterton—Ottery St Mary
Budott three Pioneer me Distance 17km/10mi Ascent - Descent -
Cullompton—Ottery St Mary
Culott one Verify me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent 260m Descent 253m
Exeter—Ottery St Mary
Exeott one

Double check Distance 28km/17mi Ascent 379m Descent 367m
Exeter—Ottery St Mary
Exeott two Review me Distance 29km/18mi Ascent - Descent -
Exeter—Ottery St Mary
Exeott three Verify me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent - Descent -
Ottery St Mary—Colyton
Ottcol one Pioneer me Distance 22km/13mi Ascent 343m Descent 369m
Ottery St Mary—Honiton
Otthon one Survey me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 242m Descent 301m
Ottery St Mary—Sidmouth
Ottsid one

Double check Distance 13km/8mi Ascent 346m Descent 389m
Ottery St Mary—Sidmouth
Ottsid two Enjoy me Distance 12km/8mi Ascent - Descent -
Silverton—Ottery St Mary
Silott one Survey me Distance 21km/13mi Ascent 328m Descent 361m
Silverton—Ottery St Mary
Silott two Review me Distance 22km/14mi Ascent - Descent -
Topsham—Ottery St Mary
Topott one

Double check Distance 25km/16mi Ascent 433m Descent 394m
Topsham—Ottery St Mary
Topott two Survey me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent - Descent -

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Ottery St Mary and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

57% of Ottery St Mary’s eight route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









15 people have contributed to Ottery St Mary’s Slow Ways

1 people have pledged to walk and review a route

1 people have surveyed a route in Ottery St Mary

261km out of 300km have been walked and reviewed

625km of reviews have been shared in Ottery St Mary

Latest Updates

The stretch between Budleigh Salteron and Otterton provides excellent opportunities for bird watching and to see the rewilding of this section of the estuary....


Walk this route

This route is good enough to be in the network, but it would be great if there was a more pedestrian friendly and enjoyable way into Exeter from the east....


Walk this route

LOVED this route, especially the views across Pebblebed Heath towards the Otter. If you have a choice, I'd walk from Topsham to Ottery so you can enjoy those views. I also loved walking along the river....


Walk this route

The western end of the route has some quiet lanes, but they all felt good to walk. The route could be better drawn by the Otter (just follow the river staying on the western side), by the Woodbury allotments (the path runs alongside the western edge of the allotments) and also at Darts Farm Business Park (follow the cycle path to the west of the pedestrian crossing), but is easy enough to follow in these places....


Walk this route

It's not possible to walk down the east bank of the Otter. The bank is eroding and so the path has been closed. Use Topott Two instead, which is brilliant....


Walk this route
Budleigh Salterton—Ottery St Mary

mgabgt added Budott three, a new walk from Budleigh Salterton to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

The river flows from the rolling hills around Ottery St Mary down to the sea, with vegetation and wildlife changing as it gos. Whichever way you choose to walk it lays out a rich tapestry of the Devon countryside. Take care to leave it as you found it....


Walk this route

This was walked as a wet weather option to silott(one) when in early December when I set off from Silverton and found flooding of the path to Killerton....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route
Silverton—Ottery St Mary

Tim Ryan added Silott two, a new walk from Silverton to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

If walking from Ottery to Silverton the flooding can be seen from the road - and so the road option to Silverton can be chosen at this point. I got around the issue of the M5 crossing by using the road bridge at Lower Budlake, by using a byway onto the B3181 which has a pavement linking with the route at Budlake farm.I....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route

A nice safe route using the west bank of the Otter (mostly) between Tipton and Ottery. Very pleasant. Includes quiet lanes in and out of Sidmouth as well as around the village of Harpford, otherwise traffic free....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route

If not there is a minor road passing Higher Bagmores Farm and Shepherds park farm between Bagmores SX 99204 88014 and Woodbury SY 01033 87350....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route
Topsham—Ottery St Mary

Tim Ryan added Topott two, a new walk from Topsham to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

Almost entirely riverside along the delightful River Otter. There are convenient pub stops at Otterton, Newton Poppleford and at Tipton St John....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route

But overall a very pleasant walk with some lovely countryside, clear route and quiet minor roads....

Andrew Davies

Walk this route

This alternative to Budott1 was drawn up following the issues of access and accuracy as identified by reviewers on that route....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route
Budleigh Salterton—Ottery St Mary

Tim Ryan added Budott two, a new walk from Budleigh Salterton to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

I could not find the crossing shown but was able to cross the bridge just to the north after walking through a farm yard....

Nick Silver

Walk this route

Lovely route, with some very steep climbs at times! Great views of the countryside and nice diverse path....

Andy Martin

Walk this route

Absolutely dreadful weather resulting in some rather dispiriting route-finding through long wet grass in the fields around Aunk (poorly maintainted paths - and little used, given the extensive nettle growth at the gates), but the high degree of lane-walking, easy and not busy, made up for it!...


Walk this route

There is also an issue at Budlake where the mapping is not quite right - the permissive pass runs along the M5 for a while and over the farm bridge - the crossing indicated on the route does not exist....


Walk this route

At the Exeter end it mostly follows the Sustrans E3 cycle route, which is well signed. Although the excellent route description given by Carine, the route designer is clear and describes the way well, and well worth using....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route

There is a nice walk along the stream at the Cullompton end which is no longer than the road route....

Tim Ryan

Walk this route

I especially enjoyed walking along the streams and river....


Walk this route

The suggestions of Hayne lane sound good and could perhaps create a good route through Honiton too....


Walk this route

I used it as part of a hike between Budleigh Salterton and Honiton and am keen to come back and do the whole walk again in the summer....


Walk this route
Exeter—Ottery St Mary

CarineSilver added Exeott three, a new walk from Exeter to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

It is not safe (walking along the main A3052 is for the foolhardy), nor especially scenic (other than the early river section and crossing Venn Ottery common) nor is it direct. The section through Exeter, whilst direct, is tedious. There are many better options that win either on being scenic or on being direct....


Walk this route

Its is a fantastic route, all off road and following the route of the River Otter....

Andy Martin

Walk this route
Exeter—Ottery St Mary

danravenellison added Exeott two, a new walk from Exeter to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

It would be great if the council created a safe walking route parallel to the A3052 to unlock a route via The Cat & Fiddle....


Walk this route

A much easier route is to use the other side of the river, a minor change and the natural route most people navigating themselves will no doubt end up taking anyway. Otherwise the route is good and very pleasant....


Walk this route

Can alternatively use Hayne lane for other end of honiton (albeit a steep route)...


Walk this route

This route had loads of positives - varied countryside from woodland, farmland and more urban scenery; only one short section of busy road just before Roundball Hill from the Gittisham direction....

Emily Howells

Walk this route

Instead it is recommended to change the section of the route from Tipton St John to Ottery St Mary by walking to Tipton Vale and then on public footpaths on the west side of the River Otter....

Roger Moseley

Walk this route

The track round the north (Greenway Lane) and east (Higher Greenway Lane) sides of Bulverton Hill can be very muddy after rain. Expect lots of gates, stiles and mud - but fine countryside....


Walk this route

A great walk, though I'd alter slightly at Honiton to take in the paths along the bank of the stream through Littletown, rather than walk the length of Honiton Bottom Road....


Walk this route

I note your warning about the A3052 road crossing at Harpford — it’s quite a shocker — and next time I’ll try rerouting via Harpford Wood to avoid it (assuming the crossing up the hill isn’t as bad)....


Walk this route
Ottery St Mary

MartinPratt surveyed Ottery St Mary

View facilities

The road past Woods Farm is narrow, with no pavement and absolutely unsuitable for walkers. There are much better routes avoiding this section....


Walk this route

A very scenic route along good paths and greenlanes with a small amount of walking on minor roads and urban pavements. There are many steps and kissing gates along the route which makes the route only accessible by walkers....


Walk this route

This route is not possible because the route crosses inaccessible private woodland West of The Bowd....


Walk this route
Ottery St Mary—Sidmouth

MartinPratt added Ottsid two, a new walk from Ottery St Mary to Sidmouth

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Ottery St Mary—Colyton

Hevver added Ottcol one, a new walk from Ottery St Mary to Colyton

Walk this route
Budleigh Salterton—Ottery St Mary

Slow Ways added Budott one, a new walk from Budleigh Salterton to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route
Cullompton—Ottery St Mary

Slow Ways added Culott one, a new walk from Cullompton to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route
Exeter—Ottery St Mary

Slow Ways added Exeott one, a new walk from Exeter to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route
Ottery St Mary—Honiton

Slow Ways added Otthon one, a new walk from Ottery St Mary to Honiton

Walk this route
Ottery St Mary—Sidmouth

Slow Ways added Ottsid one, a new walk from Ottery St Mary to Sidmouth

Walk this route
Silverton—Ottery St Mary

Slow Ways added Silott one, a new walk from Silverton to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route
Topsham—Ottery St Mary

Slow Ways added Topott one, a new walk from Topsham to Ottery St Mary

Walk this route

Ottery St Mary, Tue 18 February


Ottery St Mary’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

50.75107° / -3.27931°

Easting / Northing

309,848E / 95,390N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Ottery St Mary and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Ottery St Mary's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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