Connect Dudley with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Dudley to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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West Midlands

Slow Ways linking Dudley and Brierley Hill, Coseley, Kingswinford, Oldbury (Sandwell), Rowley Regis, Sedgley, Tipton, Wombourne

England / West Midlands / Dudley

Dudley’s eight Slow Ways are 63% checked

Drawn: 8/8
reviewed: 8/8
verified: 2/8
and surveyed: 2/8

Help connect Dudley

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Dudley’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Dudley from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Brierley Hill—Dudley
Bridud one

Double check Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 65m Descent 116m
Brierley Hill—Dudley
Bridud two Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 135m Descent 85m
Brierley Hill—Dudley
Bridud three Enjoy me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 118m Descent 67m
Cosdud two Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 75m Descent 116m
Cosdud three Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 74m Descent 115m
Dudley—Oldbury (Sandwell)
Dudold one Review me Distance 9km/5mi Ascent 97m Descent 47m
Dudley—Oldbury (Sandwell)
Dudold two

Enjoy me Distance 6km/3mi Ascent 36m Descent 88m
Dudley—Rowley Regis
Dudrow one

Double check Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 115m Descent 147m
Dudley—Rowley Regis
Dudrow two Verify me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 136m Descent 172m
Dudtip one

Double check Distance 4km/2mi Ascent 9m Descent 70m
Dudtip two Verify me Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 9m Descent 72m
Kindud one

Double check Distance 9km/6mi Ascent 187m Descent 69m
Kindud two Verify me Distance 9km/6mi Ascent 236m Descent 119m
Seddud one

Double check Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 110m Descent 87m
Seddud two Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 104m Descent 81m
Seddud three Verify me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 144m Descent 122m
Womdud one Pioneer me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 247m Descent 141m
Womdud two Review me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent - Descent -

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Dudley and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

54% of Dudley’s eight route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









5 people have contributed to Dudley’s Slow Ways

0 people have pledged to walk and review a route

2 people have surveyed a route in Dudley

104km out of 114km have been walked and reviewed

167km of reviews have been shared in Dudley

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Steve Litchfield took this photo on Kindud two

Walk this route

The section close to the north of the Middle Pool felt a little overgrown (photo 12) even in Winter, and imagined it could be difficult in Summer if it wasn't maintained....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Steve Litchfield took this photo on Seddud three

Walk this route

I completed this walk yesterday walking from Sedgley. In particular, the Wren's Nest - a fascinating area which is undoubtedly the highlight of the walk and in my opinion elevates it to five stars, for to give it any less would do the walk a disservice....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Steve Litchfield took this photo on Dudtip two

Walk this route

I completed this walk two days ago travelling south from Tipton. It's a fairly perfunctory route which improves mainly after leaving the busy Birmingham New Road behind along what felt like an old dismantled railway route. There is some interest provided by the zoo and the castle at the Dudley end....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Hugh Hudson surveyed Bridud three

Walk this route

This is a good route, though the pavement walking out of Dudley is a little tedious. My reason for not going to 4 stars was mostly the amount of pavement walking, and now that the canal path has been widened, it looks possible that the west end of DUDOLD 1 could be combined with the east end of this one to make a more satisfying route....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

From Brierley Hill High Street, we turn left onto Level Street, which we follow across the A4036 and down the hill to a roundabout, where we join the canal through the Waterfront development and on through a series of bends, under the A4036 and over a footbridge to reach Blackbrook Road, which we follow uphill over another canal to reach a nature reserve. I suspect there may be easier and flatter linespaths than the GPX/right of way line, which drops down easy angled steps twice then climbs to reach Cinder Bank, which we cross, then follow New Road up the hill, continuing up Vicar Street, then right into the centre of Dudley and the meeting point by the bus station....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Steve Litchfield took this photo on Dudrow two

Walk this route

The direct route along Hawes Lane would be infinitely easier, and i'd love to hear opinions as to whether the reviewers think the 'diversion' is worthwhile....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

The last section of the mapped route along the canal here is not actually allowed as this short section is privately owned by the 'Dudley Canal & Caravans co.' (photo 12), but the different route is only a 200 metre diversion and as such I don't think warrants a whole new route being created....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Starting by looping north out of the bus station and touching the main A459 route, rather than continuing along the main road, it turns off and follows quieter back roads towards Tividale. The next section through Kates Hill follows the pavements of a predominantly residential area before coming out at a crossing of the A4123....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Cosdud two, a new walk from Coseley to Dudley

Walk this route

The route through Tipton Green is quiet and residential, before joining the main road, Hurst Lane. In summary this is a good, direct and enjoyable route but could do with leaving the canal at a better place....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Cosdud three, a new walk from Coseley to Dudley

Walk this route

Having left Castle Hill and passed the Zoo car park, the footpaths are a nice way to get to the edge of Tipton Green....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

Route started well in Dudley, the detour to avoid following the main road didn't seem too arduous. 2 Having got in to Canal Park, rather than following the reasonably weather proof cycle path, the route goes down a boggy uneven footpath by the side of the canal (not a towpath)....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Kindud two, a new walk from Kingswinford to Dudley

Walk this route

Having started along the High Street, it detours slightly to avoid following the main road. The last section before the final walk along the main road into Kingswinford, includes probably my favourite part of the walk....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

You cross Parkes Hall Road and enter Mons Hill and then Wrens Nest Nature Reserve. The final section of the walk is pretty well all pavement into Dudley....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

The rest of the walk consists of the residential streets of The Straits, Lower Gornal and London Fields, alternating with parks and nature reserves. It consists of quite a few climbs too, but the views are amazing! This route is safe, direct, offroad, where it can be, varied in nature and with quite a few stops and shops in its undulating 10km....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

The route uses the towpath of the privately owned Dudley Canal and Caverns. The footpath between the Hippodrome building and martial arts school can not be accessed either...

David Sanderson

Walk this route

Having walked down a couple of residential streets with pedestrian crossings, where necessary, the route comes out at the A4123, a very busy road which needs to be crossed with great care. When I walked it, Castle Hill was closed for construction of the Metro (tram) route....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Dudtip two, a new walk from Dudley to Tipton

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Seddud three, a new walk from Sedgley to Dudley

Walk this route

Starting from Rowley Regis, I found the climb towards Rowley Regis (the meeting point isn't really in Rowley Regis itself and I think needs moving) reasonably direct but gentle, along the pavements of the main road. However, the rise and fall of the footpath section in Tippity Green, enjoyable as it was, felt like unnecessary exercise in what was always going to be quite a hilly route....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Dudrow two

Walk this route

A route based on a walk that two of us did when trying to follow Seddud one. This section of the route in Wrens Nest is easy to follow and is incredibly peaceful as it's such a sheltered place, BUT, it does have a lot of climbs and descents, some exceedingly steep....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Seddud two

Walk this route
Dudley—Rowley Regis

David Sanderson added Dudrow two, a new walk from Dudley to Rowley Regis

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Seddud two, a new walk from Sedgley to Dudley

Walk this route

2 SO 9611 8791 - Footpath behind fences is completely overgrown and can not be accessed 3 SO 9513 8863 - Footpath has animal enclosure built across it and is marked as "Private Property" (reported via Ramblers App)...

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Dudrow one

Walk this route

At SO 9377 9152 the route follows a right of way but there is no path up the steep bankside there....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Seddud one

Walk this route

The walk along the canal is very pleasant when you do, it feels a shame to leave it. If I could give this route 4.5 stars I would, because although I believe it to be the best Slow Way between Brierley Hill and Dudley I still wonder if there might be a better route using more of Canal Number One....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

A good mix of urban pavement, canal and nature reserve making an enjoyable walk....


Walk this route

I wouldn't have felt safe on my own, so was grateful to be in the company of 3 other Slow Ways route reviewers while walking this route....

Lorna Prescott

Walk this route

I would walk it again but not for pleasure, merely as a means of getting from A to B in an area where I can't imagine there are significantly better alternatives....


Walk this route

A pleasant route, with a peaceful green middle section and understandably urban feeling start and finish. Not very suitable for wheeling given grassy section without surfaced paths....

Lorna Prescott

Walk this route
Dudley—Oldbury (Sandwell)

David Sanderson added Dudold two, a new walk from Dudley to Oldbury (Sandwell)

Walk this route

The section between SO 9367 8831 and SO 9403 8874 follows the right of way but loses the path, making it confusing and hard to follow. Use Bridud two instead...

David Sanderson

Walk this route

Coming out on to Blackbrook Road, a quiet lane, we soon joined the Dudley Canal No.2 for a short section and then after another footpath came out on to the pavement of the busy dual carriageway which took us to Brierley Hill. Eliminating the crossing between Vicar Street and King Street and shortening the amount of dual carriageway at the Brierley Hill end would defiinitely help....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Bridud two

Walk this route
Brierley Hill—Dudley

David Sanderson added Bridud three, a new walk from Brierley Hill to Dudley

Walk this route
Brierley Hill—Dudley

David Sanderson added Bridud two, a new walk from Brierley Hill to Dudley

Walk this route

This is a varied and interesting route, taking in quiet streets, green open space and woodland walks, as well as a number of pathways between and around housing. There are some great views, quite a few hills, and a couple of flights of steps (one around 15 steps). It was enjoyable both for adults and a 12 year old who helped review it....

Lorna Prescott

Walk this route

Lorna Prescott took this photo on Dudrow one

Walk this route

X201 added Womdud two, a new walk from Wombourne to Dudley

Walk this route

danravenellison surveyed Dudley

View facilities
Brierley Hill—Dudley

Slow Ways added Bridud one, a new walk from Brierley Hill to Dudley

Walk this route
Dudley—Oldbury (Sandwell)

Slow Ways added Dudold one, a new walk from Dudley to Oldbury (Sandwell)

Walk this route
Dudley—Rowley Regis

Slow Ways added Dudrow one, a new walk from Dudley to Rowley Regis

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Dudtip one, a new walk from Dudley to Tipton

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Kindud one, a new walk from Kingswinford to Dudley

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Seddud one, a new walk from Sedgley to Dudley

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Womdud one, a new walk from Wombourne to Dudley

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Cosdud two

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Cosdud three

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Dudtip one

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Dudtip two

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Kindud one

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Kindud two

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Seddud three

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Womdud two

Walk this route

Dudley, Tue 18 February


Dudley’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

52.51124° / -2.08068°

Easting / Northing

394,621E / 290,374N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Dudley and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Dudley's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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