Connect Wednesbury with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Wednesbury to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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West Midlands

Slow Ways linking Wednesbury and Bilston, Coseley, Darlaston, Stone Cross, Tipton, Walsall, West Bromwich

England / West Midlands / Wednesbury

Wednesbury’s seven Slow Ways are 68% checked

Drawn: 7/7
reviewed: 7/7
verified: 3/7
and surveyed: 2/7

Help connect Wednesbury

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Wednesbury’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Wednesbury from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Bilwed one Pioneer me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 42m Descent 35m
Bilwed two Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent - Descent -
Coswed one

Double check Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 21m Descent 47m
Coswed two Verify me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent - Descent -
Darwed one

Double check Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 38m Descent 35m
Darwed two Enjoy me Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 49m Descent 45m
Tipwed one Verify me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 30m Descent 36m
Wednesbury—Stone Cross
Wedsto one Enjoy me Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 35m Descent 27m
Wednesbury—Stone Cross
Wedsto two Pioneer me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 29m Descent 22m
Wedwal one Survey me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 41m Descent 55m
Wednesbury—West Bromwich
Wedwes one

Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 41m Descent 69m
Wednesbury—West Bromwich
Wedwes two Review me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 46m Descent 74m
Wednesbury—West Bromwich
Wedwes three Verify me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 91m Descent 116m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Wednesbury and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

56% of Wednesbury’s seven route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









8 people have contributed to Wednesbury’s Slow Ways

8 people have pledged to walk and review a route

2 people have surveyed a route in Wednesbury

51km out of 63km have been walked and reviewed

100km of reviews have been shared in Wednesbury

Latest Updates

Starting off from Wednesbury you walk through the side streets with repair shops onto the main road before entering residential area and then a series of footpaths lead you eventually to the Metro Station at Black Lake. You follow the Metro Line along footpaths with the Trams passing you every 10 minutes for company before coming into West Bromwich. Another good Slow Ways easy to follow....

Nigel Cull

Walk this route

A good Slow Ways direct and easy to follow. On pavements and greenways with views in places....

Nigel Cull

Walk this route

It's a fairly good route which does its best to avoid the busy roads where possible. Although it's a relatively short route at just under 4 miles, there is a great little pub just 100m from the route I can recommend....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Steve Litchfield took this photo on Darwed two

Walk this route

Not much to add to the reviews already here, apart from there was sadly a bit of fly tipping around when I did the walk, but it generally felt safe and it tries to avoid the main roads and uses cut-throughs/alleyways where possible. Can still be recommended....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Steve Litchfield took this photo on Tipwed one

Walk this route

When I was plotting the route before setting off I saw the off-road section and thought that looks like a good route. Unfortunately, it's this off-road section directly after the Gospel Oak Road up to the canal which is responsible for it's lowly one star rating. Upon reaching the Gospel Oak Road, the sun reflected off a million pieces of broken glass on the footpath ahead. The final section of the off-road section just before the rail tacks was awash with quad bikers and scramble bikers....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Steve Litchfield took this photo on Wedsto one

Walk this route

I walked this route yesterday travelling west from Stone Cross....

Steve Litchfield

Walk this route

Dropping back down no help to cross the next road but no issue then it's straight along a quiet road which has the advantage of open space over the fence and a strip of grass to add distance from any traffic....


Walk this route

Hugh Hudson surveyed Darwed two

Walk this route

We then go down residential streets past the two churches, cross Manor House Road and head up Old Park Road....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Beyond the river we turn left (there is a paved path but most people take a shortcut across the grass) and follow Woden Road South to a junction where we turn right up Hyde Road then left up Chestnut Road, which points us in the right direction for the walk up to Wednesbury, where the meeting point is on the square outside the bus station....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Once you reach the junction of Wallows Lane and Bescot Road it is more or less a straight road into Wednesbury. Just to point out, when passing under the M6 at Junction 9, there is a small downward ramp on your left which takes you under the M6 and brings you out the other side, this is easier and safer than crossing the road....

Jack Finch

Walk this route

A safe, easy to follow and enjoyable route avoiding any main roads....

Paul McGill

Walk this route

The beginning of the route along the side streets out of Wednesbury and the end of the route along the canal into Walsall are the most pleasant parts with the middle section crossing the motorway being very busy and noisy....

Paul McGill

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Bilwed two

Walk this route

There are a set of steps from the towpath to the footpath into Bilston which can not be avoided without a major change in the route so it's not wheelchair friendly....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Bilwed two, a new walk from Bilston to Wednesbury

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Coswed two

Walk this route

At the back of said Asda in Gospel Oak, you get some views of the towns to the south....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Coswed two, a new walk from Coseley to Wednesbury

Walk this route

At SO 9725 9430 the footpath has been fenced off and the route simply can not be followed without a diversion. I have submitted the route I followed as Coswed 2....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Coswed one

Walk this route

As you pass under the Birmingham to Wolverhampton Railway line you come out on to the Birmingham Canal which you follow for a very short stretch to the meeting place at Tipton Railway Station....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Tipwed one

Walk this route
Wednesbury—West Bromwich

David Sanderson added Wedwes three, a new walk from Wednesbury to West Bromwich

Walk this route

The route takes you through the Market Square (the clock tower was surrounded in scaffolding) and then down a busy commercial street to the site of the current market....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

To get to the meeting place you have to follow the ramp on the other side of the path or continue on to West Bromwich Central Metro Station, which would be my preference....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

The route runs as far as West Bromwich Central where the road level is only slightly higher than the Metro line....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

I was reminded at the weekend about the need to include interesting places on a Slow Way of you can, so sending it past St Bartholemew's Church and through the churchyard was a mark of genius....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson added Darwed two, a new walk from Darlaston to Wednesbury

Walk this route

My preference is for the Wednesbury end but that is because, it turns out, that the Darlaston meeting place is in a slightly strange spot and the route bypasses or doesn't reach Darlaston's best features....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

Having left the main shopping street, past the New Art Gallery you join the Walsall Canal. As you reach a Sikh temple, you leave the canal and follow the main road. Arrival in Wednesbury doesn't change much until you leave the main road to join a side road....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

Ric Keeling surveyed Wednesbury

View facilities
Wednesbury—Stone Cross

Ric Keeling added Wedsto two, a new walk from Wednesbury to Stone Cross

Walk this route

This was a fun local walk - its certainly not picturesque but we enjoyed walking a route we would so often drive, noticing all the small details of the canal and the industrial estate cafes. This route follows the tram line most of the way which is easy to follow without having to keep referring back to the map. It was fairly flat and easily accessible, apart from one section which changed from pavement to grass with a rough break in the path....


Walk this route
Wednesbury—Stone Cross

David Emerson added Wedsto one, a new walk from Wednesbury to Stone Cross

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Bilwed one, a new walk from Bilston to Wednesbury

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Coswed one, a new walk from Coseley to Wednesbury

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Darwed one, a new walk from Darlaston to Wednesbury

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Tipwed one, a new walk from Tipton to Wednesbury

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Wedwal one, a new walk from Wednesbury to Walsall

Walk this route
Wednesbury—West Bromwich

Slow Ways added Wedwes one, a new walk from Wednesbury to West Bromwich

Walk this route
Wednesbury—West Bromwich

Slow Ways added Wedwes two, a new walk from Wednesbury to West Bromwich

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Darwed one

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Darwed two

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Wedwal one

Walk this route

Wednesbury, Tue 18 February

Partly cloudy

Wednesbury’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

52.55212° / -2.02293°

Easting / Northing

398,542E / 294,918N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Wednesbury and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Wednesbury's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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