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Slow Ways linking Clay Cross and Alfreton, Chesterfield, Glapwell, Matlock, North Wingfield, South Normanton
England / Derbyshire / Clay Cross
Clay Cross’s six Slow Ways are 83% checked
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Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.
Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.
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Walk to Clay Cross from further afield
Slow Way | Route | To do | ||||||||
Chesterfield—Clay Cross
Checla one |
3 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 11km/7mi | Ascent 129m | Descent 176m | ||
Clay Cross—Alfreton
Claalf one |
U U |
Review me | Distance 10km/6mi | Ascent 120m | Descent 107m | ||
Clay Cross—Alfreton
Claalf two |
3 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 11km/7mi | Ascent 172m | Descent 34m | ||
Clay Cross—Glapwell
Clagla one |
U U |
Review me | Distance 12km/7mi | Ascent 203m | Descent 236m | |
Clay Cross—Glapwell
Clagla two |
U U |
Survey me | Distance 12km/7mi | Ascent - | Descent - | ||
Clay Cross—North Wingfield
Clanor one |
3 X |
Verify me | Distance 5km/3mi | Ascent 46m | Descent 57m | |
Clay Cross—North Wingfield
Clanor two |
3 X |
Verify me | Distance 4km/2mi | Ascent 46m | Descent 58m | |
Clay Cross—North Wingfield
Clanor three |
2 X |
Enjoy me | Distance 3km/2mi | Ascent - | Descent - | ||
Clay Cross—South Normanton
Clasou one |
U U |
Verify me | Distance 15km/9mi | Ascent 210m | Descent 214m | ||
Clay Cross—South Normanton
Clasou two |
U U |
Verify me | Distance 12km/7mi | Ascent - | Descent - | ||
Matlock—Clay Cross
Matcla one |
4 X |
Review me | Distance 13km/8mi | Ascent 314m | Descent 363m | ||
Matlock—Clay Cross
Matcla two |
U U |
Review me | Distance 13km/8mi | Ascent 355m | Descent 403m | ||
Matlock—Clay Cross
Matcla three |
U U |
Survey me | Distance 13km/8mi | Ascent - | Descent - |
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If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Clay Cross and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
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Collective progress
71% of Clay Cross’s six route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified
9 people have contributed to Clay Cross’s Slow Ways
2 people have pledged to walk and review a route
6 people have surveyed a route in Clay Cross
131km out of 131km have been walked and reviewed
309km of reviews have been shared in Clay Cross
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After a short pavement walk we branch left on a narrow surfaced path (the surfacing is mostly old stones, and in places the worn path ignores them). We turn left at the main road then straight on on the "unsuitable for motor vehicles" lane ahead. Eventually you reach a house and join a well surfaced lane, which we follow for some distance before taking the path straight on where the lane turns right. The narrow fenced path goes up the right hand side of the garden. At Hockley Lane we go left then up a short steep flight of steps, then follow the path past a deep old quarry and continue to Hard Meadow Lane. Just beyond a left turn we take the narrow fenced path right which emerges by a house at a rather awkward stone stile. The path onwards through the field is well trodden enough to be easy to follow, though the left turn through the farmyard at Woodhead is not signposted. At the lane we turn right and take the shortcut path through the fields to join a surfaced road (Fishes Lane)....
Hugh Hudson
We turn left at the T junction onto Primrose Hill, then across Alfreton Road to Gloves Lane. One field beyond the village, the path divides and we leave the lane half right to follow a field edge down the hill to a footbridge. The stile into the field right was badly overgrown, and I climbed a locked gate beyond it, but I suspect most users of the path to Danesmoor use the stile further on and follow the field edge down, as the right of way line seemed untrodden. A well used tarmac path takes us past a school into a park, where we join a road right of the hospital to reach Market Street, where we turn left and eventually cross to the meeting point is by the tunnel vent....
Hugh Hudson
After making my way through the residential areas, the route leaves Clay Cross on the pavement of the busy Pilsley Road before turning off on the right of way. At the stables the route keeps to the right of the buildings, but this is not waymarked as such. Through the gateway, then the higher track is nearest to the correct line and I managed to get through to the RoW up the side of the wood approaching Timber Lane farm and the line of the 5-pits trail....
I haven't walked all of this one, but having walked CLAGLA two from Glapwell to Clay Cross and looked at the GPX plot for this one, the plotting is both lazy and confusing, so I think it deserves at least one red flag....
Hugh Hudson
The field path starts a little further left than the right of way line, taking a gap through a hedge and following the edge of the farmyard round, then bearing left across an area filled with some interesting old vehicles to a stile in the corner that leads to open arable fields. Eventually there was no alternative to finding an unmarked line right across the ploughed clayfield and following the field edges over a stream and up to a stile. I made a slight navigational error here, missing the path right into the field just beyond the farm buildings, but found a rough path up the bank (the dashed black line on the 1:25000 map) beyond the large field that saved me a walk back to the farm. At the farm we go left through the farmyard and follow the farm road out past the barns and another house to take the field path beyond to Parkhouse Road. We follow more field edges round to Hagghill Farm to pick up the road right over the railway into Danesmoor, where we take the surfaced path right past a school and through a park to emerge on the main road by the hospital....
Hugh Hudson
From Fallgate around Milltown quarry to Gin lane is an obvious path - which then continues to Ravensnest Farm cottage at SK 34596.61761 - but from here the RoW is not obvious. However, a narrow but distinct path climbs steadily through the woods and across old mine spoil to the gate at SK 34412 where you rejoin the main path. After the end of the tarmac on Foxholes Lane (SK 31821 61150) there is a clear path into the wood but the exact route through the trees and to descend to SK 31580 61035 is not obvious and could be very steep....
It is testament to planners and conservationists that the route through the valley via Hasland is as green and peaceful as it is; not so long ago it was the scene of rail Sidings, coking plants and chemicals....
From the meeting point on Bridge Street in Clay Cross, we go left onto Market Street, cross it and turn right down Broadleys and follow it down to Thanet Street, which we cross and go half left down Flaxpiece Road, then left again onto Penncroft Lane, which we follow for some distance as it twists and turns through a large housing estate to reach Cemetery Road, where we turn right, then left into Beech Way and right onto Lime Tree Grove, which becomes a track. We cross the surprisingly busy Morton Road and head straight on, leaving the wood to cross fields (plenty of stiles) an a well used path that crosses Higham Lane and continues into Stirland. We need to cross somewhere, then turn left opposite the church and the Red Lion, across Hallfieldgate Lane and straight on down Pit Lane, which we soon leave on the path across the field to the right to reach the golf course....
Hugh Hudson
Leaving The Green at North Wingfield, we follow a series of quiet residential streets and surfaced alleyways to reach Station Road, which we cross and go right a short distance then straight on into a car park....
Hugh Hudson
Leaving on the decent from the ridge that Clay Cross sits on you can see the other ridges this walk crosses, the path leads through fields and along small sections of quiet roads to begin the climb upto the first of smaller ridge, path is reasonably easy to follow here....
dave smith
No climb stiles but plenty of narrow squeeze stiles, some steps and potentially slippery slopes....
Clay Cross has a great bus station with nice clean toilets and buses from everywhere with friendly drivers....
That would not be the case for this route, however two reviews have given it four stars so I'm going to pass it with just one star and recommend using Clagla-2 which has an accurate plot....
I walked Clay Cross to Glapwell after lots of rain so some paths were slippery although no deep mud. Cross the road for a path across pasture to Seanor Farm, the plot should take you between barns then a slight detour because another barn is on the line of the path. Don't take the Five Pits Trail, just beyond is a stile into the field, not a well walked path. Another section of quiet road walking then a direct if slippery cross field path to Glapwell where there is an inn, open midday and a bus shelter....
I walked this route from Alfreton northwards in June. I found it very enjoyable and no particular problems....
I walked this route from Clay Cross in June. It is short and purposeful. There were no particular issues....
The line of the route is badly plotted. I think that the 1:25000 map is pretty essential to pick out the correct line. Clagla2 offers a much more sensibly plotted version....
The route leaves on a quiet residential roads before joining a path across restored mining land. From here it takes a route across pastures to Blackwell and after a short traverse through the houses onto the footpaths towards Tibshelf....
Ken added Clasou two, a new walk from Clay Cross to South Normanton
Walk this routeThis is a good walk, far better than I had anticipated walking from South Normanton to Clay Cross on a sunny late April day after weeks of dry weather. From Westhouses the path is better through mainly horse grazing and a frustrating view over the valley to the path walked earlier. Back in the countryside I met those disinterested cattle then more fresh green fields, singing skylarks and a view across to Clay Cross church spire. Once on the road at Danesmoor I do think a better approach could be had into Clay Cross but it does at least pass the bus stop for the Derby Chesterfield Comet service....
This is a great walk, far better than I had anticipated walking from South Normanton to Clay Cross on a sunny late April day after weeks of dry weather. From South Normanton it is a mile of road side walking but there is a decent pavement and in places it's well segregated from the traffic. More pleasant field walking along the edge of oil seed in full yellow flower as I passed....
Pleasant walk with a couple of short, sharp climbs. First 1km is mainly road but after this it's trails & footpaths. Refreshments available in Hardwick park (NT) next to the Great Pond....
Tim Onions
I liked this exit from Chesterfield along the shopping street, past the market and a safe bridge over the main road into Queens Park....
It's direct, good surface pavements and paths and mostly lit but it's noisy with traffic on the shared road section....
A walk of 3 miles to connect two points 1.5 miles apart. Google shows a decent road side pavement along the direct main road....
After the rail crossing the path along side the railway is fenced with overhanging vegetation, this is on the route of the Chesterfield Round which I walked a while back but had to miss this section as it was flooded, the bulrushes along side offer a clue to the boggy nature of the ground....
Ken added Clanor three, a new walk from Clay Cross to North Wingfield
Walk this routeMuch the same as route one because there is little choice but to use the path through the wooded area to head south. A section of wider track then back to narrow path through woodland planted on former open cast coal mining, long gone. Potential for cattle and stiles that are really low fences but it's great to be in open fields....
A section of wider track then back to narrow path through woodland planted on former open cast coal mining, long gone. I looked for an alternative route out but the path used here is really the only option to head south. Potential for cattle and stiles that are really low fences but it's great to be in open fields....
It runs close to a farm which has a dog that can be loose sometimes, but generally very picturesque and avoids the main roads....
The 'incline' has great views out to the surrounding villages and Chesterfield's famous crooked spire can be seen in the distance. There are a couple of walks through housing estates but these are very quiet....
Otherwise there are beautiful tracks and pathways, lovely woods, flower meadows and streams, high pastures and ancient trees....
I walked this route on 9 May 2021 starting from Clay Cross. Necessary to cross a road at a blind corner if walking towards North Wingfield. The route starts in the centre of Clay Cross and follows roadside pavements before veering off past a leisure centre. Here it is necessary to cross the road at a blind corner if walking towards North Wingfield. Eventually the route reaches a narrow footbridge, but to reach the steps up to the next field it was necessary to make a large step over a stream and cross some waterlogged ground The route then crosses two fields to the road, from where it is a short walk to the green in the centre of North Wingfield....
Jamie M
I was actually walking routes Checla One and Chesnor One which between them parallel much of this route. However by also walking the alternative way into Clay Cross used by this route I was able to complete Clanor Two as well. The route was easy to follow and largely free of difficulties and obstructions. There was an easier and immediately obvious alternative along the edge of the adjacent playing field. After a brief section of roadside walking to cross the railway the route turns left again and follows the railway towards Clay Cross On reaching the edge of Clay Cross the route takes quieter roads to reach the town centre...
Jamie M
Route passes along the edge of a field where horses are exercised, though none were present. The route starts at the foot of Chesterfield’s crooked spire and detours via Queen’s Park to minimise roadside walking. After crossing the busy Derby Road at a pelican crossing the route avoids main roads. Eventually the route turns left to climb Hagg Hill, roadside walking on a good surfaced path. This is probably the most noticeable ascent in this direction, but the route soon turns off to the right. Soon the route reaches a footpath crossroads and turns right onto a long straight path After a brief section of roadside walking to cross the railway the route turns left and follows the rail line for the rest of the way into Clay Cross...
Jamie M
Slow Ways added Checla one, a new walk from Chesterfield to Clay Cross
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Claalf one, a new walk from Clay Cross to Alfreton
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Clagla one, a new walk from Clay Cross to Glapwell
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Clanor one, a new walk from Clay Cross to North Wingfield
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Clanor two, a new walk from Clay Cross to North Wingfield
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Clasou one, a new walk from Clay Cross to South Normanton
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Matcla one, a new walk from Matlock to Clay Cross
Walk this routeSlow Ways added Matcla two, a new walk from Matlock to Clay Cross
Walk this route
Clay Cross’s Slow Ways starting point
Grid ref
Lat / Lon
53.16692° / -1.41407°
Easting / Northing
439,268E / 363,469N
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