MatlockClay Cross

Matcla two
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Matlock and Clay Cross.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Matlock and Clay Cross.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SK2966060180
Lat / Lon 53.13797° / -1.55809°
Easting / Northing 429,660E / 360,180N
What3Words masses.oblige.stubble
Clay Cross
Grid Ref SK3926863469
Lat / Lon 53.16692° / -1.41407°
Easting / Northing 439,268E / 363,469N
What3Words saga.slanting.saga

Matcla Two's land is

Arable 23.2%
Other agricultural land 6.0%
Pasture 45.4%
Urban 22.2%
Woods 3.3%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



23 Sep 2023 (edited 26 Sep 2023) Autumn

I walked this route starting at Clay Cross. It was a fine day, but followed a week of wet weather so paths were quite muddy. There were a number of places where the line was indistinct, even with the 1:25000 map. The first is Stretton Hall Farm (now holiday lets) where the path has been diverted from the line shown on the map, but there are very few waymarks around the route you are supposed to take. After that there is a lovely countryside section to meet the narrow lane above Eastwood farm. From Fallgate around Milltown quarry to Gin lane is an obvious path - which then continues to Ravensnest Farm cottage at SK 34596.61761 - but from here the RoW is not obvious. However, a narrow but distinct path climbs steadily through the woods and across old mine spoil to the gate at SK 34412 where you rejoin the main path. After the end of the tarmac on Foxholes Lane (SK 31821 61150) there is a clear path into the wood but the exact route through the trees and to descend to SK 31580 61035 is not obvious and could be very steep. Much care needed here.
A good path leads to cross Bentley Brook and rises to the new housing at Lumsdale. Here it is not obvious that a diversion leads first southwards then turns off northwest to reach the road. Estate roads and cut-through paths bring us to the A632 and turning downhill we turn off to follow the well named 'Steep Turnpike' downhill to Matlock and the bridge across the Derwent.
I found the route very enjoyable to walk, but challenging. Although the plotting on the Slow Ways site is fairly accurate, without the 1:25000 OS map the navigation would have been very difficult, and was still tricky. The terrain is more challenging than most local routes - I registered 310m of ascent on my GPS unit. There are a lot of pinch stiles and the path is overgrown by vegetation in several places. The going underfoot is rough in places. However, if you are prepared for it this is an excellent route.

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Matlock—Clay Cross

Matcla one




314 m


363 m

Matlock—Clay Cross

Matcla three







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