Connect Glapwell with Slow Ways

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England / Derbyshire / Glapwell

Glapwell’s eight Slow Ways are 91% checked

Drawn: 8/8
reviewed: 8/8
verified: 7/8
and surveyed: 6/8

Help connect Glapwell

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Glapwell’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Glapwell from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Bolgla one

Review me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 52m Descent 44m
Bolgla two Verify me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent - Descent -
Clay Cross—Glapwell
Clagla one

Review me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent 203m Descent 236m
Clay Cross—Glapwell
Clagla two Survey me Distance 12km/7mi Ascent - Descent -
Glapwell—Mansfield Woodhouse
Glaman one Enjoy me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 69m Descent 143m
Glapman one Enjoy me Distance 9km/6mi Ascent 129m Descent 64m
Glashi one Enjoy me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 25m Descent 116m
Glapwell—Sutton in Ashfield
Glasut one Enjoy me Distance 9km/6mi Ascent 98m Descent 120m
North Wingfield—Glapwell
Norgla one Enjoy me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent 143m Descent 186m
South Normanton—Glapwell
Sougla one Enjoy me Distance 15km/9mi Ascent 232m Descent 207m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Glapwell and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

88% of Glapwell’s eight route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









6 people have contributed to Glapwell’s Slow Ways

1 people have pledged to walk and review a route

8 people have surveyed a route in Glapwell

91km out of 91km have been walked and reviewed

282km of reviews have been shared in Glapwell

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The route did take me to places I’d not been before which I enjoyed but I do wonder with so much good surface on this Slow Way whether the improved surface around the country park would be a better option....


Walk this route

Whichever way you choose the trail is a good fast route, but the route up to Chesterfield Road goes up the bank through the wood to the right to reach the road north of the old railway bridge. Here we turn left, then take the field path right. Once in the field it is easiest just to follow the southern edge round to reach the path right, which goes up through a muddy field and through a fenced area of farmyard then joins the farm track out to Huthwaite Lane, where we turn left. The field path right starts over a little footbridge, but there seems to be an unofficial shortcut that leaves the road just before the stream is culverted. In the big field beyond a waymark encourages us to stay left rather than attempt the right of way straight across, but once you see the path left over the stream you need to cross the field right - this line seems to be well enough trodden for the route to be obvious, but I haven't tested it when the crops are higher....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

After making my way through the residential areas, the route leaves Clay Cross on the pavement of the busy Pilsley Road before turning off on the right of way. At the stables the route keeps to the right of the buildings, but this is not waymarked as such. Through the gateway, then the higher track is nearest to the correct line and I managed to get through to the RoW up the side of the wood approaching Timber Lane farm and the line of the 5-pits trail....


Walk this route

I haven't walked all of this one, but having walked CLAGLA two from Glapwell to Clay Cross and looked at the GPX plot for this one, the plotting is both lazy and confusing, so I think it deserves at least one red flag....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

The field path starts a little further left than the right of way line, taking a gap through a hedge and following the edge of the farmyard round, then bearing left across an area filled with some interesting old vehicles to a stile in the corner that leads to open arable fields. Eventually there was no alternative to finding an unmarked line right across the ploughed clayfield and following the field edges over a stream and up to a stile. I made a slight navigational error here, missing the path right into the field just beyond the farm buildings, but found a rough path up the bank (the dashed black line on the 1:25000 map) beyond the large field that saved me a walk back to the farm. At the farm we go left through the farmyard and follow the farm road out past the barns and another house to take the field path beyond to Parkhouse Road. We follow more field edges round to Hagghill Farm to pick up the road right over the railway into Danesmoor, where we take the surfaced path right past a school and through a park to emerge on the main road by the hospital....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Evenually we descend fairly steeply to reach the centre of Pleasley (where there are pubs), cross the Meden and head left up Chesterfield Road (the pavement on the west side stops above Newboundmill Lane so it is better to cross and use the east one. Here we follow the path around the cars and up the hill beyond, taking the surfaced path half left beyond a gate not the grassy path straight on. At the top of the hill we go right and left, still on a surfaced track, then bear right over a small paved area and continue to pick up a wetter and less well surfaced path left beyond the lake....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

We stay out of the park, following the aptly named Longhedge Lane down to the second old railway path, where we turn left. The final field path goes further north than the right of way line, so there is no need to turn left to reach the path into Oxclose Wood - this path is straight ahead. Our route through it is easy enough, but there are shorter ways to get to the Mansfield Woodhouse meeting point, though anyone planning to leave by train who is not too pedantic about visiting meeting points will probably be happy enough to take the bridle path across the railway and reach the station from the north side....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Mostly pretty good, and surprisingly green, but as Ken says a short section of field path is no longer cut or visible (the detour doesn't add much distance) and the section through the wood is muddy and slippery. We continue through the churchyard and down through houses (the first path section between Wheatfield Way and Elder Street was quite overgrown, but the path improves after the hill), then out of the village and under another old colliery railway to the river Meden. The path down from Beech Lane is not straight - the bottom section goes down to the left slightly to reach The Hill (the A617) which has a good pavement which leads to the meeting point, a bench in a green space opposite the Young Vanish pub....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Back on the plotted route and into countryside the narrow walked path in June was easy to locate but tall side vegetation had flopped so vigilance was needed to avoid nettles. The old lanes named Green, Balkham and Water are all traffic free but retain their original hedged width although the walked or riden path is narrow....


Walk this route

Most of this route is very easy walking with the exception of a slope and steps at Pleasley. Pleasley to Glapwell makes a first class walk for all with a return bus link. Even the field edge path is surfaced leading to a quiet lane towards Rowthorne and onward to Glapwell....


Walk this route

Just before we meet the next road the path crosses a small stream by a bridge and enters Nottinghamshire. At the next road a pub offers pizzas and carvey and stands alongside the rail route that we join. This offers an easy walk to Fackley but beware there is no direct link from bridge to road, I didn't use it but the best route appears to be a short footpath to Tibshelf Road before arriving at the bridge. A field path avoids a section of the road but from Stanley this route does take us along a narrow twisting lane which losses it another star. A short section of road with wide verges links to the cross field path which had dried out from the winter mud leading to the estate roads and finally the bus shelter meeting place opposite another food and drink opportunity....


Walk this route

From the meeting point at Glapwell, we use the pelican crossing opposite the Young Vanish pub to cross the A617, then take the path through the pub car park to Back Lane, where we go left a short distance to find the path off The Pinfold....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

From Shirebrook, we head south then follow the B6031 west to a footpath which goes through a new housing estate to Long Lane, which we follow west to its end and continue on a surfaced path, taking the left fork up the hill where it splits. Here the route follows the road to the roundabout, but it is pleasanter (and slightly shorter) to head straight across and take the diagonal path across Brook Park, to reach Green Lane a little earlier....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

It starts with some road walking broken up by a path alongside 'ancient earthworks' so the map tells me. Properties along Main Street have that all important selling feature, location, location, location with far reaching views and we have the benefit of strategically positioned public seats which would be nice to linger on had it been a little warmer. The final approach to Glapwell takes the path across a large field....


Walk this route

Ken added Bolgla two, a new walk from Bolsover to Glapwell

Walk this route

So sorry, on principle I have to fail this route and offer the same with an accurate plot. Having said that I can't be sure which route the original plotter intended using through Palterton....


Walk this route

I have also walked the quiet road to avoid the mud but that's longer. The road walk to Aswith is fine but misses a wonderful direct footpath through pasture which I used as part of Clagla-2. Branch Road Astwith is quiet and has wide verges plus a distant view across to Bolsover castle, it also has seats at both ends....


Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Bolgla one

Walk this route

Following the footpath south from the edge of Bolsover I found the 1:25000 os map invaluable, because the route is not always the most obvious line....


Walk this route

I rewalked this route starting at Glapwell....


Walk this route

A nice mix of fields (mainly winter wheat and brassicas), country lanes and Herdwick Hall estate. The walk through the Herdwick estate is lovely and many different routes can be taken to exit towards Ault Hucknall church and village (said to be the smallest village in England) finishing across some muddy fields to Glapwell....


Walk this route
Clay Cross—Glapwell

Ken added Clagla two, a new walk from Clay Cross to Glapwell

Walk this route

That would not be the case for this route, however two reviews have given it four stars so I'm going to pass it with just one star and recommend using Clagla-2 which has an accurate plot....


Walk this route

I walked Clay Cross to Glapwell after lots of rain so some paths were slippery although no deep mud. Cross the road for a path across pasture to Seanor Farm, the plot should take you between barns then a slight detour because another barn is on the line of the path. Don't take the Five Pits Trail, just beyond is a stile into the field, not a well walked path. Another section of quiet road walking then a direct if slippery cross field path to Glapwell where there is an inn, open midday and a bus shelter....


Walk this route

Having approached Glapwell on the slippery cross field path I didn't use this on the way out and found the road okay even without a pavement. The sign directed me from the trail onto the first muddy cross field path then into the muddy woodland. More muddy cross field walking before passing under another old rail trail....


Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Norgla one

Walk this route

The route finding is tricky in places although all the paths exist....


Walk this route

The line of the route is badly plotted. I think that the 1:25000 map is pretty essential to pick out the correct line. Clagla2 offers a much more sensibly plotted version....


Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Glashi one

Walk this route

The navigation is tricky at first, but the route does work - a progression of roads, footpaths and tracks takes you to the outskirts of town....


Walk this route

Pleasant walk with a couple of short, sharp climbs. First 1km is mainly road but after this it's trails & footpaths. Refreshments available in Hardwick park (NT) next to the Great Pond....

Tim Onions

Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Sougla one

Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Glapman one

Walk this route

There are pavements in Pleasley but the section along High Street and Water Lane has no pavement for most of the route....


Walk this route

The exit from SN is along roadsides on pavements, leading to a muddy lane under the motorway and a busy roadside to Hilcote. From the Hardwick Inn the walk through the hall grounds is on good paths, leading to a short length of roadside....


Walk this route

StephenWalker surveyed Glapwell

View facilities

I walked this route from Glapwell to Mansfield W'hse in February a few days after rain. A somewhat muddier path drops you straight down to the car-park where the route ends/begins....


Walk this route

(Detour half mile west along the trail to excellent refreshments at the visitors centre) The next section up the fields to Teversal village was a very muddy and slippery crossfield path. Two short sections of road and then another very muddy crossfield path to reach Glapwell....


Walk this route

Slow Ways added Bolgla one, a new walk from Bolsover to Glapwell

Walk this route
Clay Cross—Glapwell

Slow Ways added Clagla one, a new walk from Clay Cross to Glapwell

Walk this route
Glapwell—Mansfield Woodhouse

Slow Ways added Glaman one, a new walk from Glapwell to Mansfield Woodhouse

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Glapman one, a new walk from Glapwell to Mansfield

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Glashi one, a new walk from Glapwell to Shirebrook

Walk this route
Glapwell—Sutton in Ashfield

Slow Ways added Glasut one, a new walk from Glapwell to Sutton in Ashfield

Walk this route
North Wingfield—Glapwell

Slow Ways added Norgla one, a new walk from North Wingfield to Glapwell

Walk this route
South Normanton—Glapwell

Slow Ways added Sougla one, a new walk from South Normanton to Glapwell

Walk this route

Glapwell, Fri 3 May


Light rain

Glapwell’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

53.18931° / -1.28359°

Easting / Northing

447,966E / 366,040N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Glapwell and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Glapwell's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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