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Slow Ways linking Acle and Caister-on-Sea, Great Yarmouth, Hoveton, Loddon, Norwich, Stalham

England / Norfolk / Acle

Acle’s six Slow Ways are 71% checked

Drawn: 6/6
reviewed: 6/6
verified: 4/6
and surveyed: 1/6

Help connect Acle

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Acle’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Acle from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Aclcai one Survey me Distance 17km/10mi Ascent 82m Descent 81m
Acle—Great Yarmouth
Aclgre one

Double check Distance 17km/11mi Ascent 45m Descent 43m
Acle—Great Yarmouth
Aclgre two Survey me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent - Descent -
Hovacl one

Double check Distance 17km/10mi Ascent - Descent -
Hovacl two Survey me Distance 17km/10mi Ascent 70m Descent 68m
Lodacl one

Double check Distance 20km/12mi Ascent 111m Descent 117m
Noracl one

Enjoy me Distance 22km/14mi Ascent 128m Descent 126m
Staacl one Review me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent 74m Descent 72m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Acle and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

66% of Acle’s six route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









19 people have contributed to Acle’s Slow Ways

21 people have pledged to walk and review a route

1 people have surveyed a route in Acle

153km out of 153km have been walked and reviewed

502km of reviews have been shared in Acle

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Soon you rejoin a road, heading through part of Salhouse, and past a car park for Salhouse Broad, where there are some public toilets. In Upton, you reach the corner of a road where there is a footpath which takes you on to fields, past a church and heading into Acle, where there are shops, more public toilets, and bus and train access....

Matt Tre

Walk this route

Passing a small café, the way continues as a mainly even grass covered footpath along the river. Facilities: Public toilets at Acle Bridge near Acle Dunes Café....


Walk this route

There were two stretches, one close to the beginning and one at Stracey Arms Mill, where the only way to progress was balancing on top of a 3 foot high wall with drops into brambles and stinging nettles on both sides....

Paul Smith

Walk this route

Route may be walkable in Winter, but in mid summer it is not and the wall parts are overgrown and dangerous....

Stephen Drake

Walk this route

That said it could be a positive when you want a long walk and the weather has been very wet as it would be easy walking. The pluses of this route - it's very pretty, lovely villages and glimpses of the broads, good access to toilets (passes directly past three sets of public toilets), food - multiple good pubs and cafes, quite protected from wind given along the roads it was mostly with tall hedgerows either side. There is a wide verge which was cut and easy to walk on to start but it then had ditches and couldn't easily be walked down. In Ranworth and near Pilson Green there are footpaths running alongside the road behind hedges which weren't always easy to see if you weren't looking....


Walk this route

The route includes a mixture of public footpaths, fields and walking on/beside the road (both quiet country roads and busier main roads). Several points in Acle required crossing a busy main road, including crossing over at Acle bridge....


Walk this route

Leaving Yarmouth along Breydon water is a nice long flat walk where you can pretty much see the end from the start. I was happy we'd done it from the Yarmouth end as if we'd started from Acle I would have been carrying an extra few pounds of mud on my boots all the way!...

Alex Bennett

Walk this route

One section along the river suggested taking a dirt path away from the river path but I don't think that small stretch was a footpath as no obvious way down. We have walked this just after one of the wettest February's recorded note and that first section to Berney Arms nearly completely fine underfoot. The track which follows the river towards Berney Arms was also good under foot. We've walked this section before in winter and it wasn't this bad. As the first review said there is the request stop on the railway at the Berney Arms mid way and there are pubs dotted in the villages towards Acle....


Walk this route

Chris Harrison took this photo on Hovacl two

Walk this route

We would walk this in the other direction, having decent weather is better as it could become very muddy in places potentially after heavy rain, about 90% of the route is safe except for a main road out of Wroxham which is busy and wouldn't advise it with younger children....

Chris Harrison

Walk this route

Chris Harrison pledged to walk Hovacl two

Walk this route

Amanda Seminerio took this photo on Hovacl one

Walk this route

I think that if you could cut out the main road aspects and park close to that first country lane it would make the walk much more enjoyable. You don't really need to start the walk from Hoveton as this was just another main road walking passed all the residential houses and not particularly very interesting. All in all phase 1 was a pleasant quiet walk - the terrain was mainly flat walking on the quiet country roads, the country lane was a bit more rugged but not too bad.....

Amanda Seminerio

Walk this route

The Berney Arms pub has been closed for a few years but still have their picnic benches by the river and we stopped here for lunch (no refreshment stops until pub in Halvergate, which was also closed so check opening times if you plan to stop here). There is a train stop at Berney, it’s request ie you flag the train down, so route could be broken down into two....

Kerry Davis

Walk this route

Amanda Seminerio pledged to walk Hovacl one

Walk this route

Oby to Thurne - The walk heads away from the river and takes you along a couple of country roads before turning off on to some fairly even grass footpaths which end at a short bank down to the road in front of Thurne church....


Walk this route

Completed this enjoyable walk on a cold day in February in just under 4.5hrs, with only short breaks. Route was straightforward and easy to follow, with large portions along roads and paved paths and the remainder through woodland....

Chris W

Walk this route

Megan Brain took this photo on Noracl one

Walk this route

We completed the walk without stopping, as there was nowhere suitable to stop for the duration of the route (apart from 2 benches in the woods around 2 miles from the finish, by this point we decided it better to crack on and have a sit down at a pub in Acle). There was a noticeable lack of facilities along the duration of the route, nowhere to stop for a toilet break, for example pubs/cafes, which isn’t ideal for a 4-5 hour walk...

Megan Brain

Walk this route

The route on Slow Ways is very accurate, with the Norwich half of the route mainly being along roads/pavement, going into fields/woodland for the Acle half of the route....

David Brett

Walk this route

Not always the most accessible of routes for wheelchair users, however this is a lovely walk that will take about 5 hours with breaks (we walked it in 4 hours 20 without any sizeable breaks). Saw plenty of animals including cows and sheep, not many rivers/lakes to see though so will be the majority of dirt tracks. Would highly recommend this route though and can also enjoy a drink and snack in Acle on arrival....

Solomon Blazer

Walk this route

A nice walk through the countryside, with a variety animals through the many wooded areas. Highlights include kestrels, grouse, squirrels and a white chicken bird. The weather wasn't perfect, and a few parts of the route were quite muddy as a result....

Cameron Clarke

Walk this route

Luke Peacock took this photo on Noracl one

Walk this route

I would recommend putting 4-5 hours aside for this walk, including breaks. I would recommend this walk to anyone who is local to Norwich and wants to walk along a peaceful route....

Luke Peacock

Walk this route

Adrian Wicks pledged to walk Noracl one

Walk this route

Solomon Blazer pledged to walk Noracl one

Walk this route
Acle—Great Yarmouth

mtormey added Aclgre two, a new walk from Acle to Great Yarmouth

Walk this route

I walked this route from Acle to Great Yarmouth. I want to like it, and there's a lot about it that's great - it's beautiful in The Broads, and following the riverside path for 95% of this walk is straightforward and easy. These two issues were especially bad in the segment of the route from just north of the New Road along the river, east along the river about half a mile or so. After passing the railway station, I didn't like that the route stuck to North Quay, a big busy road. The route isn't terrible, but there's enough about it that's a bit challenging!...


Walk this route

Matt Tre surveyed Noracl one

Walk this route

Coming from Caister > Acle direction, there was a footbridge over the dual carriage way with a number of steps on either side, as well as then walking off road on fields (through well marked paths), but 1 or 2 gates....

Matt Tre

Walk this route

When coming from Acle, when you get to the top of the steps, you can follow the road (Mary Chapman Close) round to where it meets Dussindale Drive, and turn left, and this will bring you to the junction that goes into the supermarket, and from there you can rejoin the route into Norwich....

Matt Tre

Walk this route

This is just after Acle bridge if walking towards Caister where it's on the A1064 with a wide verge ( if you cross over on top of the bridge) but it doesn't stop it being a little unsettling as people drive past at the limit. That could be avoided if took the path along the road to Acle Bridge....


Walk this route

A lot of walking along roads which are quite busy as they are the route to/from Reedham car ferry. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be much of an alternative which, considering how rural the area is, is very disappointing...


Walk this route

Mainly on quiet lanes although some small roads are nevertheless busy. Very little of the route is on paths or track....


Walk this route

Jennifer Stafford surveyed Acle

View facilities

One short section on busy A1064 which is unavoidable....


Walk this route

Beautiful easy walk along country paths with only a few hundred yards near Acle Bridge along very busy road where caution needs to be exercised. Great views over the marshes....


Walk this route

Tony Parsons added Hovacl two, a new walk from Hoveton to Acle

Walk this route

Tony Parsons added Hovacl one, a new walk from Hoveton to Acle

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Aclcai one, a new walk from Acle to Caister-on-Sea

Walk this route
Acle—Great Yarmouth

Slow Ways added Aclgre one, a new walk from Acle to Great Yarmouth

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Lodacl one, a new walk from Loddon to Acle

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Noracl one, a new walk from Norwich to Acle

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Staacl one, a new walk from Stalham to Acle

Walk this route

Acle, Tue 18 February

Sunny day

Acle’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

52.63946° / 1.54809°

Easting / Northing

640,155E / 310,542N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Acle and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Acle's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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