Connect Chislehurst with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Chislehurst to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Greater London

Slow Ways linking Chislehurst and Bromley, Eltham, Orpington, Sidcup, Swanley

England / Greater London / Chislehurst

Chislehurst’s five Slow Ways are 65% checked

Drawn: 5/5
reviewed: 5/5
verified: 3/5
and surveyed: 0/5

Help connect Chislehurst

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Chislehurst’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Chislehurst from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Bromchi one Verify me Distance 6km/3mi Ascent 36m Descent 79m
Bromchi two Survey me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 96m Descent 50m
Chiorp one Survey me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 108m Descent 69m
Chiorp two Review me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 53m Descent 90m
Chisid two Verify me Distance 5km/3mi Ascent 32m Descent 92m
Chiswa one Survey me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 117m Descent 100m
Eltchi one Verify me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 92m Descent 47m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Chislehurst and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

61% of Chislehurst’s five route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









4 people have contributed to Chislehurst’s Slow Ways

7 people have pledged to walk and review a route

0 people have surveyed a route in Chislehurst

45km out of 45km have been walked and reviewed

105km of reviews have been shared in Chislehurst

Latest Updates

Derick Rethans took this photo on Chisid two

Walk this route

The start of the actual route was an annoying traffic mess (photo #1). After crossing underneath the A20/A222, the route follows Chislehurst Road into Sidcup....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

Shops at New Eltham and opposite Chislehurst Memorial....


Walk this route

I started this route at Chislehurst having first walked Bromchi one....


Walk this route

Plenty of shops in Bromley High Street....


Walk this route

Derick Rethans took this photo on Bromchi two

Walk this route

After going underneath the railways (photo #4), the rest of the route is along mostly quiet residential roads (photo #5, #7, #8, #9, #10), including a bridge over the same railway again (photo #6)....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

Derick Rethans took this photo on Chiswa one

Walk this route

From Swanley you start with a section of residential streets (photo #1) to cross under the M25 (photo #2), before the route goes over open farmland (photo #4, #5, #6) towards Hockenden....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

Particularly quiet streets from Bromley to Chislehurst Station and then through the Hawkwood Estate and after a few houses through the meadow and woodlands of the southern part of Chislehurst. Only busy roads are Bickley Rd and Page Heath Lane. If in doubt use the decent crossings for both at their junction....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Quiet and leafy streets of Crofton next which that leads into shady, lush and seasonally very wet, Crofton Woods (aka Sparrow Woods and a few other names). The GPX line is based on an OS map, but the reality is different, that line doesn't quite work, woods have grown where once was open land and multiple other paths just muddy the issue (pun intended). I had GPS signal, but no internet in Crofton Woods, so if you get lost and your app doesn't have saved maps you'll just have to hope for a friendly dog walker. Some path surfaces on C Common, the H Estate and Jubilee C Pk are earth, or gravel tracks but the worst surfaces will be in Crofton Woods. I just walked the last part around Crofton Woods this weekend as part of the "Great Summer Slow Ways Waycheck"....

Daisy C

Walk this route

A long part of the route follows along Chapman's Lane, and where it hadn't become an access road, it was a thin lane, slightly sunken into the land and bounded by raised banks of hazels and gnarly oaks, with celandines and bluebell leaves underfoot. There are so many green spaces along this route, almost all adjacent to the next, St Paul's Cray Common is a few hundred metres from the start point, then Scadbury Park Nature Reserve, St Paul's Green, Hoblingwell Wood, Hoblingwell Wood Recreation Ground, an urban footpath called Brook Way which passes through St Pauls Cray Rec Ground (aka Watermeadows Open Space aka Crayford Settlement Riverside Park!?), another footpath between a large wooded churchyard and grazing pasture, Paul's Cray Hill (Country) Park, Chapman's Lane, farm tracks alongside wide open fields and finally a wooded path next to the rail line on the outskirts of Swanley. 3) About a mile before Hockenden Lane I missed a footpath turning that I didn't realise I should keep watch for. It's just after a green-lane part of Chapman's Lane stops, with another (signposted) footpath going left and this coming out on the right to a track which continues ahead. The footpath should fork very slightly to the left very soon, probably after the kissing gate on the right, and maybe near or before the cow byre. You probably won't see on your map or app that the farm track and the footpath separate, and don't expect a sign either. The path and track do rejoin at Hockenden Lane and I wasn't acosted by the farmer, but the mud was the worst on the route by far....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Daisy C added Chiorp two, a new walk from Chislehurst to Orpington

Walk this route

First part in mid September starting from Chislehurst War Memorial and ending at Petts Wood Station (to get train home after running ChiSid 2). Possibly public toilets too, on the other (W) side of the railway line (footbridge a little way N from station) is an official looking sign for "Community WCs" which points into the Wetherspoons....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Otherwise there are some busy roads with a little more green respite where some parks abut the longest road stretch, including Sidcup Place. After passing the hospital do wander away from the road into the park a little. The final road north to Sidcup station was boring, and a bit too busy. Apart from the shops within sight there is a "Mini-Waitrose" a little way east down Sidcup High St. Perhaps through Morrisons car park, over the High Street then via Hatherley Rd....

Daisy C

Walk this route

Football fans might be interested in the Charlton Athletic training grounds just south of Avery Hill Park, which has been restored to grassy meadows from municipal grass. The mapped route (using OS basemap) doesn't show Avery Hill Park's paths well!...

Daisy C

Walk this route

Daisy C added Chisid two, a new walk from Chislehurst to Sidcup

Walk this route

Even got 'busy' at the Hawkwood section walking on path next to a field, twice I had to step into small clearing to allow walkers approaching from the other direction to pass on the narrow path. This section shares one of the Bromley circular routes, signs are displayed frequently along that part of the route....


Walk this route

Overall nice walk along a mixture of main roads, residential quiet roads, country lanes, couple of woods and an abandoned (or at least both times I have walked through it, quiet) quarry. The walk takes along some residential roads at this point, with various shops around Cotmendene Crescent, you also walk past a McDonalds at the bottom of Broomwood Road....


Walk this route

Near the end, recommend crossing the busy Bromley Road, at the top of Camden Park Road, as the pavement from there to the end of the walk, is only on the one side of the road....


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Dom added Bromchi two, a new walk from Bromley to Chislehurst

Walk this route

A slight alternative towards the end, avoiding the Crofton Lane/Crofton Road parts from exiting Crofton Woods to reaching Orpington Station, is to follow the route as per Slow way Broorp one. However, you would miss a lovely view from top of Crofton Road as you walk down towards Orpington Station....


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sallyby surveyed Chislehurst

View facilities

Pubwalker added Eltchi one, a new walk from Eltham to Chislehurst

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Bromchi one, a new walk from Bromley to Chislehurst

Walk this route

Slow Ways added Chiorp one, a new walk from Chislehurst to Orpington

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Slow Ways added Chiswa one, a new walk from Chislehurst to Swanley

Walk this route

Chislehurst, Wed 26 June


Clear night

Chislehurst’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

51.41221° / 0.07500°

Easting / Northing

544,400E / 170,175N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Chislehurst and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Chislehurst's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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