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We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks
more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Battle to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?
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East Sussex
Slow Ways linking Battle and Bexhill, Hailsham, Hastings, Heathfield, Northiam, Robertsbridge, Westfield
England / East Sussex / Battle
Battle’s seven Slow Ways are 46% checked
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Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.
Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.
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Walk to Battle from further afield
Slow Way | Route | To do | ||||||||
Bathas one |
U U |
Verify me | Distance 15km/9mi | Ascent 206m | Descent 276m | ||
Batnor one |
U U |
Pioneer me | Distance 16km/10mi | Ascent 293m | Descent 327m | ||
Batwes one |
U U |
Double check | Distance 7km/4mi | Ascent 104m | Descent 150m | ||
Batwes two |
U U |
Review me | Distance 8km/5mi | Ascent 132m | Descent 175m | ||
Bexbat one |
U U |
Survey me | Distance 11km/7mi | Ascent 162m | Descent 223m | ||
Haibat one |
U U |
Pioneer me | Distance 22km/13mi | Ascent 282m | Descent 334m | ||
Heabat one |
U U |
Double check | Distance 23km/14mi | Ascent 452m | Descent 523m | |
Heabat two |
U U |
Pioneer me | Distance 26km/16mi | Ascent 580m | Descent 650m | ||
Robbat one |
U U |
Verify me | Distance 11km/7mi | Ascent 150m | Descent 216m | |
Robbat two |
U U |
Pioneer me | Distance 12km/7mi | Ascent - | Descent - |
Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?
If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Battle and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!
Collective progress
43% of Battle’s seven route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified
9 people have contributed to Battle’s Slow Ways
5 people have pledged to walk and review a route
0 people have surveyed a route in Battle
75km out of 150km have been walked and reviewed
167km of reviews have been shared in Battle
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*TL:DR* Walked from Hastings to Battle in between Christmas and New Year on a cold and, it turned out, very misty day. I'm wavering but will give it 5 stars despite the problematic road walking in Crowhurst (which the 1066 trail avoids, an idea to explore once this has been verified). From here onwards is a more usual rural walk with small steep valleys and wooded farmland typical of the High Weald. The road walking up Chapel Hill (10) was less welcome especially given the mist, hi-vis strap was deployed. Crowhurst Station is not far if need be. Battle Abbey and other historic buildings face into the town square (triangle?) which was very pretty with Christmas lights diffused by the mist. The exterior of Battle Abbey is very impressive and the gift shop sells OS maps. The station is conveniently on the same line as Hastings (also direct buses) but a good walk away...
Daisy C
The route leaves town almost immediately by dropping into an attractive small valley (Photos 2 then 1 - the uploading messed up the order). Battle Great Wood (photos 3,4) is straightforward and scenic, although in several places very muddy from edge to edge. The answer is to climb up a bit of unlikely bank on the valley's northern slope (photo 10) then walk just inside the fence. (OS grievance sidebar: Further confoundment and conflict as the fence appears to have shifted compared to OS's map so that plotting the actual path's position onto the OS map base of a GPS app misleadingly suggests crossing the field boundary is required (climb the fence although there is no stile or gate?) and then says if you have crossed the virtual OS fence line already throwing doubt on the GPS signal accuracy. Which is not implausib, the GPS position of some photos that day were wildly off. There is also an apparent abandoned overgrown track hugging the base of the slope which does fit with the apparently correct side of the fence and that wouldn't require the awkward climb up that bank . Ugh.). The correct path, beside the fence, soon leads you through scrubby woodland with glorious lichen and mosses (photo 12). After crossing Harts Green (a small lane) the floodplain widens the valley widens, there are some boardwalks....
Daisy C
2) A bit further east is the White Swan pub, also a weekday bus stop. It's halfway along the route so it's a shame the route veers away from it rather than use the paths that run close by....
Daisy C
I thought I would just post an update to say that the section of the route heading from Bexhill (near to the Bexhill College) through to Crowhurst has been a little disrupted by building works. There is a work around, but it's tricky to find unless you know the area well....
Victoria added Robbat two, a new walk from Robertsbridge to Battle
Walk this routeThere are a number of difficult stiles to cross, either they are damaged or quite high (I'm only 5'2)....
The section through Combe Wood and along the disused railway line was an improvement on the 1066 route, but the short section of road walking between the pub and the church in Crowhurst is not worth it. Stick to the signed route through the fields on the edge of the village. The Combe Valley Country Park at the edge of Bexhill passes over some streams full of fish with loads of bees, dragonflies and butterflies buzzing around. Peters church at Bexhill is worth a look round....
Bostal Boy
On the other hand, there were a couple of places that were really difficult to get through the brambles, or the nettles, or when brambles were hiding the nettles. I stopped to ask someone about a particular routing blip and got some really helpful advice about the state of various paths from Terry and Brenda who just happen to be in the local Ramblers group....
Daisy C
I followed the 1066 Country Walk rather than the slow ways route for the 2nd half of the walk (there is a lot on the road on the slow ways route)....
Cross the road to St Peters church abnd bearing to the right, take the path on the left. Following the road up and around to your left will bring you after 300m to a metal gate and onto a straight path through an arable field into a wood. Going through the gate at the bottom of brings you out into the sunlight and the path across the arable field reaches a metalled track turning right up a short steep rise. At Powdermill Cottage, turn right again down a metalled road where the "Speed Bumps" appear to be superfluous. Continue along this private road through its protective gate to the T-junction where you'll turn left again onto a narrow road. Follow the path with an ancient brick wall and the Abbey to your right, brings you promptly into Battle Town Square....
Mark Legg
After turning right off the A265 the route takes you through Heathfield Park, which is either a private park (as it's not listed on Google) or else was closed for maintenance. I overcame this issue by following the A265 and turning right on to Battle Road, rejoining the route around Heathfield Community College....
Nice walk - all clear between Robertsbridge and Battle. One part of route unclear with fence blokcing route and no clear way around....
A pleasant walk, following much of the Bexhill Link of the 1066 country walk (waymarked along the majority of this route). Starting urban, there is a nice mix of countryside trail, footpath and forest walking. In winter, certain sections can get extremely boggy and require heavy duty walking shoes or wellies, but through the summer you should be assured of dry conditions throughout....
The route then takes you under the link road past lakes and fields to the quiet village of Crowhurst. Instead stick to the 1066 national route which will take you to the right then left down a lane and back into open fields, emerging at the same point as the Slow way at the beautiful church, a nice bench or two to stop and rest....
Slow Ways added Robbat one, a new walk from Robertsbridge to Battle
Walk this route
Battle’s Slow Ways starting point
Grid ref
Lat / Lon
50.91526° / 0.48575°
Easting / Northing
574,830E / 115,809N
Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?
If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Battle and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?
This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!
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