St AndrewsAnstruther

Staans one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting St Andrews and Anstruther.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting St Andrews and Anstruther.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

St Andrews
Grid Ref NO5046916760
Lat / Lon 56.34059° / -2.80282°
Easting / Northing 350,469E / 716,760N
What3Words careful.leotard.defectors
Grid Ref NO5664003577
Lat / Lon 56.22276° / -2.70084°
Easting / Northing 356,640E / 703,577N
What3Words reporters.doing.roadshow

Staans One's land is

Arable 53.7%
Intertidal flats 16.8%
Pasture 7.7%
Urban 21.8%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



05 Oct 2023 Autumn

Walked this route all in one go. It is pretty long, as is this review! Overall, this is a lovely route to walk. Beautiful views of the Isle of May and Firth of Forth dominate the first sections, before turning inland for walk through peaceful farmland. The last section is a sometimes tricky up and down along the Coast Path again, with views over St Andrews towards Tentsmuir.

The first part of this route follows the Fife Coast. It is fairly easy underfoot and flat, but the presence of gates and styles would make it tricky for those with mobility issues. After a little while, it turns inland and uphill. There is a short section along a busy B Road (pictured) where you should keep your wits about you, as there is not much space to jump onto a verge if cars get too close!

For the middle section of the walk it follows some backcountry farm tracks. Fife is a busy farming community, and there will likely be heavy machinery moving at points along these roads. Keep your eyes and ears peeled and you'll be fine! The section before turning down into Kingsbarns is along an old railway line and is absolutely beautiful. A true slice of quiet paradise. Turning off to Kingsbarns the path is a little overgrown (see pictures) and can be rough in places under the grass. Watch your step and it's a long way to hop if you turn an ankle!

After heading though Kingsbarns, before heading down onto the Coast Path again there is another section along a busy road. This requires careful crossing and walking along, although it is only around 150 metres beforey you are back on farm tracks again. Following this there is a short section along the coat before a lovely (but uphill) section through a forest alongside a lovely river. Keep your eyes peeled for the old abandoned Mills on your left!

Once you've walked accross some more farmland, you have to cross the St Andrews Bay golf course. Here is my biggest advice - DO NOT FOLLOW THE MARKED ROUTE. It follows something which clearly used to be a footpath, but is now deeply overgrown. I got very lost, stung by stinging nettles and fell in a river. All fun and games once I got through, but not so much at the time! There are plenty of paths which cross the golf course and will link you up to the Coast Path, so take one of those routes.

The final section is along the Coast Path and has beautiful views of rock formations and the West Sands at St Andrews. In sections it is very steep and a bit tricky underfoot here, so even though you're almost done don't rush and twist and ankle at the end!

St Andrews is a beautiful little University town with heaps of nice cafes and restaurants to eat. At the 'East Sands Leisure Centre' gym and pool, you can pay a small fee to take a shower. There are also a variety of public toilets at the East Sands beach and in the town centre. Enjoy the time off your feet if you've walked this whole route in a one-er!.

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