This is a Slow Ways route connecting Sedgley and Coseley.
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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Sedgley and Coseley.
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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.
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Photos for Sedcos one
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Route status - Live
Reviews - 2
Average rating -
Is this route good enough? - Yes (2)
There are currently no problems reported with this route.
Downloads - 6
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Geography information system (GIS) data
Total length
Maximum elevation
Minimum elevation
Start and end points
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
52.54141° / -2.12193°
Easting / Northing
391,827E / 293,733N
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
52.54457° / -2.08596°
Easting / Northing
394,267E / 294,081N
Sedcos One's land is
Sedgley | |
Grid Ref | SO9182793733 |
Lat / Lon | 52.54141° / -2.12193° |
Easting / Northing | 391,827E / 293,733N |
What3Words | |
Coseley | |
Grid Ref | SO9426794081 |
Lat / Lon | 52.54457° / -2.08596° |
Easting / Northing | 394,267E / 294,081N |
What3Words | atomic.rapid.lowest |
Green urban | 21.1% |
Urban | 78.9% |
Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
Steve Litchfield
02 Jan 2024 (edited 12 Jan 2024)I walked this route eastwards from Sedgley yesterday. I really enjoyed this route and was pleasantly surprised at the rural feel to the walk for the heart of the Black Country. Overall there is more descent in this direction. The views over to Birmingham City and the southeast as you descend are pretty impressive, and once you enter the suburbs of The Coppice and Roseville the buildings are interesting architecturally. No issues with access which I believe could be wheeled.
David Sanderson
06 Nov 2021A really charming route from the centre of Sedgley. There's not a lot of walking along the main road and then a couple of residential side streets before you join a track into countryside. When I walked it, it was very popular with dog walkers and the locals I met throughout the route were incredibly friendly. The view from the track extends right across the Black Country and even as far as the skyline of downtown Birmingham. The walk through residential Coseley to the railway station is pavemented throughout and until the last section, the roads were very quiet. This was a really enjoyable walk. It is safe, direct, varied, has amazing views, is really easy to follow, and has links to public transport at either end. Full marks!.
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