
Nanbla one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Nantyglo and Blaina.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Nantyglo and Blaina.

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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Problems reported -  Access (1)

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SO1944310030
Lat / Lon 51.78311° / -3.16919°
Easting / Northing 319,443E / 210,030N
Grid Ref SO2005407881
Lat / Lon 51.76388° / -3.15984°
Easting / Northing 320,054E / 207,881N
What3Words river.tucked.mailing

Nanbla One's land is

Natural grass 68.6%
Urban 31.4%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Paul Chilcott

23 Apr 2022 (edited 11 Dec 2023) Spring

August 2022. Direction: Nantyglo to Blaina.

This was a very poorly signposted route, with styles in poor repair and paths overgrown through little usage. The first part is pleasant enough, down the steep slope from Nantyglo and across Farm Road down the lane to the fields, where there are multiple paths criss-crossing each other. This is where the signage runs out and you need a good map to navigate your way. After crossing the main A467 road, a farm track takes you up through the fields on the lower slopes of the mountain and past some sheep holding pens, eventually leading to a small wood. I`m not sure I took the right path through the wood, but it was hard work climbing through the fallen trees. Then across a field and on to another path through a small copse and then right past a pond. Again, the path and styles (fences) are in very poor repair. Once on the next farm track, it`s more straight forward to find the way into Blaina. Too concerned about finding the right path to take any photos ! This was the second leg of a 4-Slow Ways walk from Brynmawr to Newbridge.

The section through the wood just above Tir Watkin is also a part of the Blaina to Ebbw Vale Slow Way (Ebbbla1), which I did in December 2023. Coming from the Blaina direction, it was a little easier to find the way into the wood, but it`s still a jungle in there, with no discernible path through it - you just have to make your own. There are many trees down and a lot of brambles. The ground is very boggy in places too.

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Nanbla two







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