
Minram one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Minster and Ramsgate.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Minster and Ramsgate.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TR3108364318
Lat / Lon 51.33098° / 1.31581°
Easting / Northing 631,083E / 164,318N
What3Words thundered.multiples.pram
Grid Ref TR3835964792
Lat / Lon 51.33224° / 1.42037°
Easting / Northing 638,359E / 164,792N
What3Words door.drives.season

Minram One's land is

Arable 51.4%
Intertidal flats 1.9%
Urban 46.7%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Daisy C

10 Feb 2024 Winter

Walked from Cliffsend to Minster on a Sunday late afternoon then Minster to Cliffsend (again) and on to Ramsgate on a wet weekday afternoon. I was testing this route plus MinSan 2 and SanRam 2, the 3 routes overlap so much it is very simple to test them all together.

This is a direct and easy walk. The highlight is the view from the cliff tops between Cliffsend and Ramsgate. The farm tracks from Minster had no vehicles, just a runner and a few dog walkers near Minster on both walks combined. The second half of Minster to Cliffsend is along a footpath, vegetation recently cut back very hard exposing several beautifully constructed birds nests. Just outside the village is a stone carving for St Augustine. The route from here to the kiosk (closed for me) has no particular interest, I'd recommend using the slightly longer way round using MinSan+SanRam which goes past a nice cafe (open) and has views of the reedbeds, the derelict hoverport and across the bay to the cliffs, plus a replica Viking Ship. It uses a mostly set-back shared cyclepath.

Beyond Cliffsend is a path through patches of trees and fields with occasional gaps to see out across the bay. It comes out at Pegwell Bay Hotel with an ostentatious gold dome on the roof. There is a small inaccuracy here, there is no path through the houses, follow the England Coast Path signs. Shortly you'll get to a long stretch of public gardens along the cliff tops into Ramsgate which has excellent views. But for a bit of variety I went down a grotto/pathway to the undercliff road which I enjoyed for the close views of feeding birds amongst the rock pools and the natural green-wall of vegetation on the chalk cliffs. There are several other paths up or down but the Edwardian lifts nearer Ramsgate don't work. As you approach Ramsgate it's interesting looking down over the working harbour and later the marina. I think it is also possible to stay on the undercliff road which might be fun.

There were a couple of stiles at the level crossing near Minster and some of the farm tracks and footpaths are a little uneven underfoot and a little muddy in the rain.

Mary newing

02 Aug 2022 Summer

The route follows farm tracks which are easy to follow and easy walking but not terrible scenic. We walked on a sunday and there was quite a bit of traffic to and from the farm. Once you leave the road and pick up the path along the cliffs the view is stunning and again nice clear paths.

just south of the path where it leaves the Sandwich road and heads east towards the cliffs there is a cafe on the grass that is open during the day and serves simple food and drinks.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    18 Jan 2024

    If anyone fancies walking this route and can carry on for another 7km they could combine it with a walk to Sandwich (and a short bus or train ride) and get a Slow Ways three-for-two, or three-for-one-and-a-half-really. The three routes all now go to Cliffsend so you only have to walk 17km/11mi but can then legitimately review 32km/23mi worth of Slow Way. The other routes are MinSan 2 and SanRam 2. Sadly SanRam 2 uses part of the England Coast Path which isn't open to the public.

    There are buses between Sandwich, Cliffsend and Ramsgate Harbour (45 looks promising) and the train from Minster to Thanet Parkway (the brand new station at Cliffsend) then to Ramsgate (which is about a mile from the Slow Way end at Ramsgate Harbour). Might be useful to get back to your start point if you come by car or have a return train ticket.

    Sorry to hijack your review Mary!

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    18 Jan 2024

    Typo! SanRam 1 isn't open, 2 is the replacement.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    10 Feb 2024

    Turns out that it's pretty unusual for a train to stop at both Minster and Thanet Parkway.

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