
Eghche one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Egham and Chertsey.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Egham and Chertsey.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (2 times) for reasons relating to access.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to safety.

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Not verified

Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Is this route good enough? -  No (3)

Problems reported -  Access (2) Safety (1)

Downloads - 5


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ0111271048
Lat / Lon 51.42943° / -0.54695°
Easting / Northing 501,112E / 171,048N
What3Words ruby.scout.fault
Grid Ref TQ0383066404
Lat / Lon 51.38719° / -0.50922°
Easting / Northing 503,830E / 166,404N

Eghche One's land is

Pasture 35.8%
Urban 46.8%
Water 17.4%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Andrew Wright

03 Nov 2023 Autumn

I've not attempted this whole walk but as someone local to the area, I can also confirm that the section flagged by the other two reviewers between Whitehall Ln and Stroude Rd was impassible on all 3 occassions I've attempted it. On a bad day you won't even be able to cross the field coming from the Whitehall Lane end and even when I attempted this in the middle of one of the recent very hot summers it wasn't much better and there's the obvious risk you might get stuck somewhere and not be able to get out without assistance.
Obviously I'm curious if anyone has ever navigated this, how, what time of year and what the weather was like beforehand.
I'll try check out the other suggestion.

Jane Taylor

11 Jul 2023 Summer

I concur with previous reviewer. Thought I’d check it out for a second opinion, and there are all the makings of a terrific route using footpaths, and good refreshments too.

And then that short section between Stroude Road and Whitehall Lane: 30-50 metres - where the path gets swallowed by a swamp. There’s no ‘walk around the obstacle’ option.

I can put up a revised version which keeps the Thorpe part of the walk, then uses the okayish road between Egham and Stroude; and maybe also scope out a route using Whitehall Lane, which is the best way to approach Egham from the South West.

  • JohnMyerson


    11 Nov 2023

    Thanks Jane. The Stroude Road route is not too unpleasant. The wet section on this route is reported on the Surrey County Council Rights of Way website, but no indication of whether they intend to do anything about it!

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10 Jul 2021 Summer

Although it would be a very pleasant with very little traffic interaction, there are a couple of issues for wheel chair user - Steps on railway bridges and also a stone stile at the entrance to Monks Way in Thorpe. The reason for the 1 star was because the route across a field which had a notice on the gate warning of the path being muddy. Otherwise the notice also wishes us good lucky.

Being July I thought it mighty be OK. However it wasn't the mud being an issue but it wasn't just muddy, my daughter said 'I'm in a pond. The way was impassible. and we had to retrace our steps and walk the road around this problem.

I will put up an alternative route which will be better I trust.

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