Ashford (Spelthorne)Weybridge

Ashwey one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Ashford (Spelthorne) and Weybridge.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Ashford (Spelthorne) and Weybridge.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Ashford (Spelthorne)
Grid Ref TQ0658571930
Lat / Lon 51.43635° / -0.46798°
Easting / Northing 506,585E / 171,930N
What3Words bend.images.stray
Grid Ref TQ0760964984
Lat / Lon 51.37372° / -0.45536°
Easting / Northing 507,609E / 164,984N
What3Words deal.cover.hurls

Ashwey One's land is

Green urban 14.0%
Pasture 18.9%
Urban 67.1%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Jane Taylor

30 May 2023 Spring

This route uses an all year ferry across the Thames at Shepperton. It costs £3 - you can pay on board or at the coffee shop on the Shepperton side.
To call the ferry (whichever side you are on) press the bell button good and hard - it rings inside the coffee shop. There is also a ship’s bell you can ding dong! Don’t be in a hurry - if you are at the Shepperton side you can always go in the coffee shop and find the ferryman … it seemed very relaxed.
The ferry runs all year, first sailing 8.00 weekdays, 9.00 weekends; last sailing 17.30, or 17.00 winter weekends. Worth checking times on-line, especially if you are out early or late. In inclement weather/flood it won’t run. I’m not sure about Christmas day. It’s part of the long distance Thames path, which is why it is all year.

If ferry is not running, or you don’t want to use it, I suggest that from Shepperton you walk to Walton bridge and cross there (I’ll probably put this in as a route option for Ashford to Walton.) Then you can walk to Weybridge on the south side of the river.

Ok, apart from the ferry … I walked Ashford to Weybridge. The Ashford end is main roads, past a reservoir - but then from Charlton village onwards things improve - a thatched pub (The Harrow); a woodland footpath leads to the M3 crossing; a secluded nature reserve; and another pub (The Bell) with a gorgeous back garden. Past Shepperton station, lots of shops and refreshments, then Old Shepperton and the ferry.
A pleasant quiet approach to Weybridge centre.
Probably a 3.5 star because the Ashford end is a bit long boring busy-roadish; but worth bumping to a 4 star as I found most of the route was plenty pleasant enough for this part of the world, and of course I loved the ferry.

Plentiful refreshment options; no flights of steps or stiles but the ferry requires reasonable stepping on/off agility; and there was at least one kissing gate.

Definitely one for the network.

James Emmans

15 Aug 2021 Summer

The ferry is the highlight of the mainly urban residential route. No off road sections unfortunately. If you are curious take a small detour to see the Queen Mary Reservoir, the route passes the main entrance. A low footbridge over River Ash is near the dramatic M3 footbridge. The whole route can be done by wheelchair. The ferry has disabled ramps boths sides of the Thames. The M3 footbridge has good ramps also.

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