
Wiglud two
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By Mr Container on 19 Aug 2021







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Similar to original but eliminates unnecessary detours - local knowledge rules!

Similar to original but eliminates unnecessary detours - local knowledge rules!


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SO4139169036
Lat / Lon 52.31630° / -2.86121°
Easting / Northing 341,391E / 269,036N
What3Words apples.crusher.commuted
Grid Ref SO5098374600
Lat / Lon 52.36726° / -2.72132°
Easting / Northing 350,983E / 274,600N
What3Words struts.lamps.whirlpool

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



30 May 2024 Spring

We walked this route starting in Ludlow in late May, and had a very different experience from the previous reviewer (who had walked it in November).
Having crossed the Dinham Bridge, the walk started with quite a steep climb, mostly on the Mortimer Trail, before heading west through woodland. The church in Burrington is worth a look, as it has quite an unusual wooden tower.
After crossing the minor road south of Burrington, the Slow Ways route heads towards Brick Barn and the Willows, and although we could see the footpath there appeared to be no public right of way on the OS map, so we took the long way round, using the Herefordshire Trail and then turning right towards Marlbrook Hall. Ironically - given that we had gone this way specifically to ensure we used public paths - we were stopped by a youth on a quad- bike, accompanied by several dogs barking aggressively, and told rather forcibly that we had to get off his land as we were trespassing. In fact we were not, and there was a public right of way across his land, which in just 10 metres or so was about to cross a stile into a neighbouring field. He did not appear to understand this, but I didn’t really want an argument with him - or rather his dogs!
So we continued - legally! - and rejoined the Slow Ways route just north of Marlbrook Hall.
After that the route took us through fields and over stiles to Wigmore, and it was easy to see where large areas had previously been flooded, preventing the previous reviewer from being able to get through. Fortunately we had no such difficulty, and made our way to Wigmore, where we were able to enjoy an excellent dinner at The Oak and look back on a really enjoyable day’s walk.


01 Nov 2023 Autumn

The start of the footpath is behind the Castle Inn and through a caravan park (for those starting in Wigmore). It isn’t marked from the road. The route doesn’t feel much used (I was scrambling through nettles and overgrown bushes in two places within the first km) although the footpaths were marked and matched pretty well to what was mapped. I had to give up and retrace my steps after a couple of km as it was really sodden underfoot and my feet were soaked through (in waterproof walking shoes) - consider wellies if you want to do it? It’s been a very wet month in a wet year - but this is the UK so I’m not sure how much better it is at other times. However, I did get up close and personal with a rather blind-looking hare!.

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Wiglud one




356 m


327 m

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