This is a Slow Ways route connecting Verwood and Ringwood.
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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Verwood and Ringwood.
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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.
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Photos for Verrin one
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Route status - Live
Reviews - 1
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Downloads - 7
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Geography information system (GIS) data
Total length
Maximum elevation
Minimum elevation
Start and end points
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
50.88159° / -1.87858°
Easting / Northing
408,638E / 109,130N
Grid Ref
Lat / Lon
50.84711° / -1.79134°
Easting / Northing
414,786E / 105,309N
Verrin One's land is
Verwood | |
Grid Ref | SU0863809130 |
Lat / Lon | 50.88159° / -1.87858° |
Easting / Northing | 408,638E / 109,130N |
What3Words | clashing.refills.erupt |
Ringwood | |
Grid Ref | SU1478605309 |
Lat / Lon | 50.84711° / -1.79134° |
Easting / Northing | 414,786E / 105,309N |
What3Words | kickbacks.skate.salutes |
Arable | 3.8% |
Pasture | 8.8% |
Urban | 40.3% |
Woods | 47.1% |
Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
20 Jun 2022Quiet lanes from Ringwood Centre cross the High Street and lead to Bickerley Greeen and the entrance to the Castleman trailway (pic1)
Turning left (pic2) a wide, mainly gravel, track leads West before reaching the end of this section (pic3). Cross under the A31 bridge before entering the next Castleman trailway on the LHS, becoming an even wider section (pic4). Warning posts ahead indicate a very minor road crossing (pic5). The next section curves slowly to the left before we find the entrance to Moors Valley Country Park on the RHS (pic6). See for full details as there are several trails in this area, mainly gravel but some sandy parts with tree roots (pic7), and coloured routes marked with poles (pic8) and finger posts (pic9). Be aware of other users in the Country park, especially bicycles.
At this point I deviated from the route proposed by "Verrin one" and went via the Visitor Centre (cafe, shop, information, toilets.etc.)
and then towards Potterne Park. This meant you spend longer amongst the trees and paths and less alongside busy roads.
Leaving the Visitor Centre towards the Moors Valley Railway (pic10)
you walk on tarmac paths alongside the lake(pic11). This continues beside the golf course (pic12) and is well marked (pic13). At Potterne Park head Right, away from the clubhouse, and towards the exit among the trees (pic14). This leads onto a series of footpaths directly opposite each one (1st indicated in pic15) before entering Moneyfly Road (wide gravel surface). This leads on to the main Ringwood to Verwood road and you turn left. You pass a Co-operative shop and then a LIDL shop, both on LHS, before arriving at Verwood centre,
Overall distance 10.4km. Ascent 59m, Descent 28m.
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22 Sep 2024Hi Rovert,
Looking at this review's description and the photo geotags it appears you might have permanently deviated from the route soon after crossing the A31.
That said, this review contains valuable information in that it avoids a somewhat problematic access point to the forest I found in my review for Verrin Two, and I suspect the same might be said for Verrin One as here it encourages the user to walk without pavement along the B3081/Verwood Road.
I wonder then if your review could be best used to form the basis of another route between Verwood and Ringwood. Thoughts?
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