
Thubar three
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By Ken on 18 Feb 2024







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My thanks to a Slow Way Volunteer and David Sanderson for the basic route used here. I have made a slight variation at the Barnsley end to include a walk through the delightful Locke Park, then quiet suburban streets which take us almost to the town centre

My thanks to a Slow Way Volunteer and David Sanderson for the basic route used here. I have made a slight variation at the Barnsley end to include a walk through the delightful Locke Park, then quiet suburban streets which take us almost to the town centre


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Grid Ref SE2882101296
Lat / Lon 53.50758° / -1.56691°
Easting / Northing 428,821E / 401,296N
What3Words grownup.into.overpower
Grid Ref SE3464706535
Lat / Lon 53.55432° / -1.47849°
Easting / Northing 434,647E / 406,535N
What3Words stages.scuba.loyal

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18 Feb 2024 Winter

The route starts from the Village Hall where an information boards shows the parish walks. The area we are about to enter is rather blank. We are soon out of the village but the path initially a track passes through a small independent settlement of Hall Fold, a mix of old and new.

A concrete drive leads to Pule Hill Hall a busy farm through which our path passes, it was a bit muddy, but then there had been a lot of rain. Back in the fields we bear right through a field gate, no stile, so keep a watch on the plot. After that stiles, some a little overgrown, help navigation. This path is the only one on route that shows limited use. There were sheep and I guess cattle seen in buildings at the yard will be out in the fields when they dry up.

Eastfield Lane was a pleasant walk, no traffic and easy under foot allowing the eyes to take in the views. Nothing special but pleasant green countryside, plus spring birdsong and flowers on the verges, a change from years ago when mines were busy extracting coal here. This statement is supported when our path comes alongside a railway embankment that even in 1903 was disused having served Cooper’s Wentworth Pit.

That branch joined the main line and we do the same. A seat here and picnic tables later offer a break, about half way but no services on route here. We now follow the Dove Valley Trail or a branch of the Trans Pennine Trail so it’s a perfect surface and there are some bikes but it’s not Tissington. This rail line was an early electrified route to take coal over the Pennines, closed in 1981 which therefore required a massive bridge over the motorway when that arrived ten years earlier.

Leaving the TPT needed a careful look. The path is well used, narrow and was muddy. In one place it was a running stream. Clearly serious efforts have been made to provide a slabbed surface perhaps many years ago but it’s about time for some more work.

Meeting the road I recommend a walk through Locke Park, ignore the footpath to one side the small detour to the main path is worthwhile. The gates were away for repair so I looked on Google Street View but was disappointed by their uninspired design. Croci or crocuses, there was a lot and it made a good display.

Out of the park and we follow suburban streets some lined with Plane trees. Cars clutter the roads and in places the pavements. At the planning stage I was undecided whether to use the road or footbridge over the ring road. I walked the footbridge which was fine so that's what you have if you stay on route. Now it’s just a short walk to the town centre and our meeting point, seats outside the travel interchange.

  • John Johnson

    John Johnson

    18 Feb 2024

    Good Pictures !

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Thubar one




318 m


177 m


Thubar two




280 m


142 m

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