
Strwar two
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By Kellouwil on 03 May 2021







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New proposed route between Stratford Upon Avon and Warwick, missing out crossing the A46

New proposed route between Stratford Upon Avon and Warwick, missing out crossing the A46


This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 2

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Problems reported -  Access (1)

Downloads - 9


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SP2044954981
Lat / Lon 52.19271° / -1.70226°
Easting / Northing 420,449E / 254,981N
What3Words values.mining.wacky
Grid Ref SP2797864824
Lat / Lon 52.28087° / -1.59131°
Easting / Northing 427,978E / 264,824N
What3Words spot.prompting.local

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



26 Mar 2024 Spring

Starting in Warwick, the first part you are Detour heading North instead of South, That in it's self is not a bad thing for a slowway, but once your pass the A46 there is a chunck of road/pavement walking and then the track between A4189 and the B4463 is very very overgrown and I'm not sure if it's a right of way.
Once South of the M40, its a very good walk
East of Snitterfield on the footpath between Snitterfield Lane and Heath End Road there is a narrow field with horses in that they seemed friendly, but as I doing like walking close to animals that be I back tracked and took the path North of there. The footpath from Snitterfield Lane to Snitterfield can get very muddy after a lot of rain. But other then that the route is not bad for muddy at all.

Luke Betteridge

11 Aug 2021 Summer

Parts of the route are very overgrown in the summer and poorly maintained. I would not recommend wearing shorts! The second half was particularly nice though.
A few sections on pavements and a few sections on roads with no pavements.
Route was accurate, even though some of the paths themselves weren't always clear.

  • Alice


    14 May 2023

    I walked the final part of this route to get from the bus station to the Premier Inn. The route across the golf course is indistinct and the golfers prefer walkers to go round the outside of the golf course. I'd suggest a perhaps a route that goes along the canal and then across Priory Park. It is longer but a good route.

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Strwar one




190 m


160 m


Strwar three




192 m


160 m

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