South OckendonWest Horndon

Souwes two
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By Daisy C on 15 Jan 2024







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This avoids the issues with SouWes 1 (see reviews) but is broadly similar. It's a route of huge skies, drained fenlands, and many ditches and footbridges. For a while it follows the Mardyke Way, and there are also many very prominent fingerposts. In some places I've had to draw the route line by eye. I did my best to ensure important positions like turning and crossing points, or paths being on correct side of hedges, ditches etc.

The surfaces are split between tracks, fieldside paths (clear from crops but might be muddy) and just a little road walking (in West Horndon on pavements and Fen Lane has a wide verge and clear views, about 1km total). Towards South Ockendon the "Bulphan Fen Solar Farm" is being installed (Jan 2024) and there were "Heavy Plant Crossing" signs on some tracks.

You could break the journey halfway by heading east on Fen Lane to Bulphan where there is a very small shop, bus stop and pub, one review of WesBas 1 says this is fair road walking (verge). Both ends have takeaways, convenience stores, a pub (no food?), Essex bound buses plus train stations. Only South Ockendon is within the TfL Oyster zone for contactless/pay-as-you-go and TfL bus routes.

This avoids the issues with SouWes 1 (see reviews) but is broadly similar. It's a route of huge skies, drained fenlands, and many ditches and footbridges. For a while it follows the Mardyke Way, and there are also many very prominent fingerposts. In some places I've had to draw the route line by eye. I did my best to ensure important positions like turning and crossing points, or paths being on correct side of hedges, ditches etc.

The surfaces are split between tracks, fieldside paths (clear from crops but might be muddy) and just a little road walking (in West Horndon on pavements and Fen Lane has a wide verge and clear views, about 1km total). Towards South Ockendon the "Bulphan Fen Solar Farm" is being installed (Jan 2024) and there were "Heavy Plant Crossing" signs on some tracks.

You could break the journey halfway by heading east on Fen Lane to Bulphan where there is a very small shop, bus stop and pub, one review of WesBas 1 says this is fair road walking (verge). Both ends have takeaways, convenience stores, a pub (no food?), Essex bound buses plus train stations. Only South Ockendon is within the TfL Oyster zone for contactless/pay-as-you-go and TfL bus routes.


This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Start and end points

South Ockendon
Grid Ref TQ5946182975
Lat / Lon 51.52318° / 0.29716°
Easting / Northing 559,461E / 182,975N
What3Words native.nasal.sobs
West Horndon
Grid Ref TQ6229188113
Lat / Lon 51.56854° / 0.34028°
Easting / Northing 562,291E / 188,113N
What3Words golf.being.bride

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South Ockendon—West Horndon

Souwes one




12 m


25 m

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