Saffron WaldenHaverhill

Safhav one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Saffron Walden and Haverhill.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Saffron Walden and Haverhill.

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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Saffron Walden
Grid Ref TL5387138501
Lat / Lon 52.02360° / 0.24123°
Easting / Northing 553,871E / 238,501N
What3Words coverings.contour.bumpy
Grid Ref TL6715145562
Lat / Lon 52.08319° / 0.43806°
Easting / Northing 567,151E / 245,562N
What3Words kennels.irritable.squad

Safhav One's land is

Arable 78.1%
Green urban 0.3%
Pasture 5.9%
Urban 15.6%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



08 May 2021 Spring

90% of this route is good; however, the last section from Castle Camps to Haverhill uses a country lane that is just wide enough for 2 vehicles and there is no pavement. Specifically, this is the section from where the road at Nosterfield End bends to the left all the way to the roundabout with the Haverhill bypass at Burton End/Hazel Stub.
Visibility in some sections is poor and typical road speeds are 50mph. It's a bit of a local race track. I would not recommend its use for pedestrians. I will submit an alternative that avoids this section of road but retains the 90% that is good.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    10 Oct 2023

    Hi John. I might be testing the Saffron Walden to Haverhill Slow Way soon and read your review. Could you offer some local insight for a new ending? I didn't fancy crossing the bypass without a crossing of some sort, perhaps because Im less brave not knowing the area. I'm torn between the two roundabouts further south. The on-road approach on Bumpstead Rd is short, about 200m, and then uses the old train track on the way into town, vs a longer walk along Copy Hill. But the latter is probably a quieter road and, using Strava heatmaps as a guide, seems to be much more popular on foot. I made a combination of the two to see at a glance.
    Thanks, Daisy

  • SuffolkJohn


    12 Oct 2023

    Hi Daisy, both of your alternatives work but you are adding on a reasonable amount of distance. When I've done this end of the walk I've used your "section 2" and then turned north to go alongside/thru Ladygate Wood. This takes you to the bypass which is not as bad as it looks - it's 2 lanes of well spaced traffic which you'll cross in seconds with good visibility either way. Take a look at Google Streetview for the exact crossing point and this should reassure you.
    Once across go straight ahead round the back of the school to reach a road (Greenfields Way) that borders a council estate. Turn right and walk up to a T-junction. Turn left and follow Clements Lane downhill until you reach the corner of the Recreation Ground (a nice bit of parkland). Cross diagonally to the opposite corner and turn tight onto Camps Road. This takes you straight to the market square/church where the SlowWay route finishes. I hope this assists.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    20 Oct 2023

    Hi John, I'm pretty sure this is your ending but would you mind checking before I upload it? I also made a small change in Ashdon, so it goes right past the pub door for a pint and a toilet break.

  • SuffolkJohn


    20 Oct 2023

    Hi Daisy, this looks spot on and stopping off at the pub in Ashdon is a good idea. It's gone a bit "gastro" under the new owners but the beer's fine. There's lots of great walking in the Ashdon area for another time.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    07 Nov 2023

    Uploaded the new SafHav route. Thanks for your help John. I'll probably not visit until the days lengthen again now, so perhaps you'll be able to test it before me.

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Saffron Walden—Haverhill

Safhav two




206 m


195 m

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