RugbyWest Haddon

Rugwes three
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By Panic452 on 02 Jun 2022







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Route via Houlton and Crick. This is an updated version of RugWes 2, taking a viable route through Houlton and avoiding the very narrow paths between Crick and West Haddon

Route via Houlton and Crick. This is an updated version of RugWes 2, taking a viable route through Houlton and avoiding the very narrow paths between Crick and West Haddon


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SP5032675249
Lat / Lon 52.37300° / -1.26219°
Easting / Northing 450,326E / 275,249N
What3Words myself.calls.stocks
West Haddon
Grid Ref SP6318871859
Lat / Lon 52.34119° / -1.07393°
Easting / Northing 463,188E / 271,859N
What3Words pokes.hooked.automate

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



29 Mar 2023 Spring

Successfully completed this route today.

Review to follow.

David Sanderson

10 Jul 2022 Summer

A very easy Slow Way to follow which addresses the issue of a new housing estate. To give you a little context to my review, I walked this having just completed the 22km from Northampton to West Haddon. It had been raining for about an hour and my phone, which I had been trying to keep dry was starting to malfunction. A stop at a pub seemed in order, but at noon on a Saturday in West Haddon it seemed there was another 3 hours until the pubs opened. I'm pleased to report that Londis, which is on the route was open, for some provisions. First thing to report is that this route is very accurately plotted and for the most part and particularly at the Rugby end, follows the most direct, logical route. There is an exception to this, and this is having headed directly west from West Haddon. Rather than heading on the more direct footpath towards Crick, I found myself directed due north along a track across the A428. A puzzling dog leg that loses the route a star. Crick offers shops and stops before following a track under the M1 and then along a path up to A428. There's a section of pavement pounding before heading into a new housing estate at Houlton. My phone was getting so bad by this stage that I was having to guess the route (I hadn't brought a paper map (doh!)). Every time I was able to get my phone working again, I discovered that my guesses, the most obvious ways matched the route. For me, this is the sign of a well designed Slow Way. Beyond the new housing and construction site, the route follows a very leafy section of the Grand Union Canal as far as Clifton Road, which takes you into Rugby. Sadly my phone never recovered, hence the lack of photos. Overall this is a safe, easy to follow slow way which was a pleasant walk. I found the footpaths to be well maintained, local farmers leaving gaps in the crops to show where the path lies. It doesn't get distracted by existing routes and addresses issues with new development. Four stars!.


02 Jun 2022 Spring

Between Rugby and Crick it is mostly paved/canal path/gravel.

The section between Crick and West Haddon has some stiles and walking on backroads.

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Rugby—West Haddon

Rugwes one




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223 m

Rugby—West Haddon

Rugwes two




195 m


136 m

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