
Robnor one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Robertsbridge and Northiam.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Robertsbridge and Northiam.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ7338623505
Lat / Lon 50.98484° / 0.46889°
Easting / Northing 573,386E / 123,505N
What3Words backswing.shower.automate
Grid Ref TQ8263825242
Lat / Lon 50.99758° / 0.60144°
Easting / Northing 582,638E / 125,242N
What3Words engulfing.homelands.voter

Robnor One's land is

Arable 30.0%
Pasture 53.0%
Urban 10.6%
Woods 6.4%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



02 Mar 2023 Winter

The route itself is decent when walked east to west, you couldn't feasibly wheel this one. The gpx route map is a little too loosely-drawn though: there are a few confusing bits where you are suddenly 100m away and on the wrong side of a barbed wire fence from the advertised directions so you need to reassure yourself with an OS map that yes, you are on-track after all. That aside I enjoyed the first stretch from Northiam to Ewhurst Green a lot. Great Dixter is gorgeous and worth a look when it's open from Spring til Autumn, it also has a good cafe by the way. Then Ewhurst Green is a very pretty old-England feeling village, I was too early for the pub there though. There was a badly cracked plank on the footbridge in the depths of West Wood, which I will report now to ESCC, and the woodland itself can be a little overgrown and snaggy with brambles. The middle part of the walk feels like you're inconveniencing someone, with the footpath diverted and funnelled into tight runs behind an industrial estate, for example. My next experience was of a very flooded valley floor before a climb up into pretty Salehurst. Before there it's a means to an end instead of a pleasant walking stretch but it has connected two very nice bits. The pub in Salehurst is very nice and a mood-lifter. Robertsbridge seemed to be utterly asleep but as a bus stop or train station it does the job well!

Overall the walk was generally safe and fairly straightforward apart from some mapping issues that should be finessed by a proper survey. I even got to fill my bag with Wild Garlic and Scarlet Elf Cups so I'm not going to grumble about that any more.

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