
Penfai two
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By grussell on 22 Jan 2023







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This is not the quickest route from Penicuik to Fairmilehead but it largely avoids busy roads, provides good views and is aesthetically pleasing. There are sections on roads, tracks, paths and informal paths. Some parts are waymarked. There are footbridges, stiles and kissing gates. After wet weather some bits can be muddy. In fact the Scots word glaur would be better to describe the degree of muddiness. When the weather is icy some stretches can be very icy. Cattle can be met in the stretch between Castlelaw farm and Swanston. In the latter case there is a herd of Highland cattle that are frequently encountered on the path. If you have a dog with you, keep it on a short lead when near cattle and always be alert.
The route soon leave the main street in Penicuik and follows minor roads and paths through parks. At Rullion Road there is a parallel path through a narrow belt of trees but this is muddy and it might be better to follow the pavement till an informal path heads NW along the side of a new housing development before turning east. The Mauricewood road is reached after some new houses and a short distance to the NW a roundabout on the A702 is encountered. There is no pavement here but follow the road NE to House o' Muir Farm where a signposted path leads to the valley of the Glencorse Burn. Cross the footbridge over the burn and turn left beside it. After heavy rain admire the waterfall, which is actually the overspill from the Glencorse reservoir before climbing up to the road that goes up the valley. If you turn left you can go to Balerno. Turn right and then take a marked path to the left towards Castlelaw, where there is an army rifle range. Alternatively go down to Flotterstone where there is an inn that serves lunch and refreshments, and a bus stop. After going through the car park at Castlelaw and the gate on the far side turn right almost immediately onto an initially faint path beside a dry stane dyke. You might also wish to take the opportunity to visit the nearby iron age fort. The route is waymarked. After about 800 m the route goes over a stile and reaches a celtic cross, a memorial to the Tytler family. This is a good viewpoint and there is a seat which is handy for having a packed lunch. The path continues to the Boghall Burn. At the time of writing the bridge had been removed for repair. There is a sign that suggests you continue downstream to cross the burn there. Bolder walkers may risk crossing a narrow shoogly plank where the bridge was, or simply stepping across. After the Shepherd's cottage it is possible to take a path that skirts the east side of Caerketton and ends up on the A702 at Hillend. However, a more interesting route follows the farm track up the valley and then a marked path through Windy Door Nick, the col between Allermuir and Caerketton. The path continues with various options towards Swanston with its thatched cottages where the Swanston Bistro on the end of the golf course serves lunches and refreshments. However, a higher path crosses between a golf course and horse paddocks to eventually reach the A702 at the busy Lothianburn junction with the A720 city bypass. The weary walker will be pleased to note that Craigdon Mountain Sports has a cafe. From here it is a short distance to Fairmilehead.

The first part of the route could also be used for Curpen and Kirpen 1

This is not the quickest route from Penicuik to Fairmilehead but it largely avoids busy roads, provides good views and is aesthetically pleasing. There are sections on roads, tracks, paths and informal paths. Some parts are waymarked. There are footbridges, stiles and kissing gates. After wet weather some bits can be muddy. In fact the Scots word glaur would be better to describe the degree of muddiness. When the weather is icy some stretches can be very icy. Cattle can be met in the stretch between Castlelaw farm and Swanston. In the latter case there is a herd of Highland cattle that are frequently encountered on the path. If you have a dog with you, keep it on a short lead when near cattle and always be alert.
The route soon leave the main street in Penicuik and follows minor roads and paths through parks. At Rullion Road there is a parallel path through a narrow belt of trees but this is muddy and it might be better to follow the pavement till an informal path heads NW along the side of a new housing development before turning east. The Mauricewood road is reached after some new houses and a short distance to the NW a roundabout on the A702 is encountered. There is no pavement here but follow the road NE to House o' Muir Farm where a signposted path leads to the valley of the Glencorse Burn. Cross the footbridge over the burn and turn left beside it. After heavy rain admire the waterfall, which is actually the overspill from the Glencorse reservoir before climbing up to the road that goes up the valley. If you turn left you can go to Balerno. Turn right and then take a marked path to the left towards Castlelaw, where there is an army rifle range. Alternatively go down to Flotterstone where there is an inn that serves lunch and refreshments, and a bus stop. After going through the car park at Castlelaw and the gate on the far side turn right almost immediately onto an initially faint path beside a dry stane dyke. You might also wish to take the opportunity to visit the nearby iron age fort. The route is waymarked. After about 800 m the route goes over a stile and reaches a celtic cross, a memorial to the Tytler family. This is a good viewpoint and there is a seat which is handy for having a packed lunch. The path continues to the Boghall Burn. At the time of writing the bridge had been removed for repair. There is a sign that suggests you continue downstream to cross the burn there. Bolder walkers may risk crossing a narrow shoogly plank where the bridge was, or simply stepping across. After the Shepherd's cottage it is possible to take a path that skirts the east side of Caerketton and ends up on the A702 at Hillend. However, a more interesting route follows the farm track up the valley and then a marked path through Windy Door Nick, the col between Allermuir and Caerketton. The path continues with various options towards Swanston with its thatched cottages where the Swanston Bistro on the end of the golf course serves lunches and refreshments. However, a higher path crosses between a golf course and horse paddocks to eventually reach the A702 at the busy Lothianburn junction with the A720 city bypass. The weary walker will be pleased to note that Craigdon Mountain Sports has a cafe. From here it is a short distance to Fairmilehead.

The first part of the route could also be used for Curpen and Kirpen 1


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref NT2358960065
Lat / Lon 55.82775° / -3.22132°
Easting / Northing 323,589E / 660,065N
What3Words alarm.rubble.amending
Grid Ref NT2483568230
Lat / Lon 55.90129° / -3.20370°
Easting / Northing 324,835E / 668,230N
What3Words truck.mimic.smoke

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


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Penfai one




191 m


175 m

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