
Northart two
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By David Sanderson on 21 Jun 2022







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Route from Northampton to Hartwell via Hardingstone, Wootton, Grange Park and a section of the Midshires Way

Route from Northampton to Hartwell via Hardingstone, Wootton, Grange Park and a section of the Midshires Way


This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Is this route good enough? -  Yes (3)

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Downloads - 5


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Start and end points

Grid Ref SP7536660625
Lat / Lon 52.23868° / -0.89772°
Easting / Northing 475,366E / 260,625N
What3Words landed.jumped.shock
Grid Ref SP7853150406
Lat / Lon 52.14638° / -0.85374°
Easting / Northing 478,531E / 250,406N
What3Words bucket.barbarian.tallest

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



29 Mar 2023 Spring

I successfully completed this route today!

Review to follow.

Pete Stanton

18 Feb 2023 Winter

Easy to follow route with reasonable surfaces - even in February the field paths weren't too muddy.
A few stiles at the Hartwell end that could be avoided by using the bridleway to the West but kidding Gates near Grange Park and Hardingstone prevent wheelchair access for the whole route.

David Sanderson

21 Jun 2022 Summer

I started this direct, easy to follow route from Hartwell on a hot day. I was thankful the route passes the Post Office (shop), as I'd run out of water on my other walks that day. There isn't much of Hartwell to see before you're offroad in countryside on footpaths which pass through wide open spaces before meeting up with the Midshires Way. The walk through a Wind Farm is quite something and you soon catch sight of the M1, which you cross via bridge. The next section, to the east of the motorway affords your first views of Northampton as you make your descent through mowed fields. Sadly this precedes a section of lane walking which was less than comfortable. Not unsafe enough to disqualify it, but uncomfortable enough to stop it being a 5 star Slow Way. The good news is, that beyond it is a series of urban and suburban parks, greenways and pavements that take you to the destination in central Northampton. In summary, having fixed the error in the original route, this has the makings of a really nice walk. It would be perfect if the lane walking could be eliminated, as it is the only element that prevents it from being completely safe. There are occasional pubs and shops along the way, although heavily at the Northampton end. That also applies to transport links. It's certainly interesting and beautiful, with variety of scenery and an abundance of wildlife along the way. It has stiles so has accessibility issues. Overall though, a welcome addition to the Slow Ways Network.

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