North PethertonLangport

Norlan two
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By Mockymock on 23 Jun 2024







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Much of this route is the same as Norlan one but this version of the Slow Way has been rerouted to get around the blocked footpath near Moorland and uses more of a beautiful off-road route east of Burrowbridge. It also takes easier and more direct routes into/out town and both ends

Much of this route is the same as Norlan one but this version of the Slow Way has been rerouted to get around the blocked footpath near Moorland and uses more of a beautiful off-road route east of Burrowbridge. It also takes easier and more direct routes into/out town and both ends


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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North Petherton
Grid Ref ST2889032982
Lat / Lon 51.09172° / -3.01677°
Easting / Northing 328,890E / 132,982N
What3Words both.smashes.bench
Grid Ref ST4193026760
Lat / Lon 51.03724° / -2.82959°
Easting / Northing 341,930E / 126,760N
What3Words squish.sparkles.august

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



23 Jun 2024 Summer

This Slow Way is pretty easy to navigate and the eastern half between Burrowbridge and Langport is a truly beautiful walk along the River Parrett .

It starts out from North Petherton through some playing fields and picks up the Macmillan Way West along an access road and gravel track to Fordgate. Not a lot to see to start off with, but it is easy walking, and there are some better views from the approach to Manor House Farm and onwards to Fordgate, where the route crosses the Bridgwater and Taunton canal. From here it is a short hop up the road to a very narrow footpath behind a house which leads to a path along the edge of a horsy facility, arriving at the quiet minor road along the River Parrett ramparts by an old-school basic pub which had a friendly border collie outside it when I passed.

The next five km or so is a mixture of walking along the road next to the ramparts - some of which you can climb up and walk along to get a better view if they have been recently mown - and stony cycle tracks with the odd field crossing along the river edge.

At Burrowbridge, where there is another pub, the route switches to the other side of the river to access the lovely walk along the River Parrett trail for the second half of the walk to Langport. If you have any extra energy, I recommend a climb up to the ruined church at Burrow Mump. It isn't that high but might as well be a mountain in this flat landscape. There is a great view from it, so it is a good place to eat lunch.

For the second half of the walk to Langport, the route takes the River Parrett Trail, which uses grassy paths along the top of the old river ramparts between the Parrett itself and its flood relief channel. This is a gorgeous walk, yielding wide views across the damp moors and insight into the complex drainage system that keeps this low-lying land usable. There are lots of cattle grazing this area but the ones we met were placid and used to walkers. There are some narrow stepover footpath gates on the way through.

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North Petherton—Langport

Norlan one




129 m


155 m

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