
Maibea two
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By Sumaria on 04 Nov 2022







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The route follows part of the Thames Path between Maidenhead Bridge and Cookham, and part of the Chiltern Way Berkshire Loop between Cookham and Beaconsfield. Shops, cafes and public toilets in Cookham. Take a short but very steep detour to Hedsor Church of St Nicholas and enjoy a view across the valley and to Lord Boston's Folly. The approach to Beaconsfield is through a pleasant wooded area

The route follows part of the Thames Path between Maidenhead Bridge and Cookham, and part of the Chiltern Way Berkshire Loop between Cookham and Beaconsfield. Shops, cafes and public toilets in Cookham. Take a short but very steep detour to Hedsor Church of St Nicholas and enjoy a view across the valley and to Lord Boston's Folly. The approach to Beaconsfield is through a pleasant wooded area


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SU8903381171
Lat / Lon 51.52245° / -0.71810°
Easting / Northing 489,033E / 181,171N
What3Words prop.brings.cure
Grid Ref SU9400391137
Lat / Lon 51.61123° / -0.64382°
Easting / Northing 494,003E / 191,137N

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Petr Sadilek

07 Oct 2023 Autumn

Maidenhead to Beaconsfield

This is one of the most accurate routes I have walked. It correctly showed the right turn whenever I needed to make a decision. When the route follows the Chiltern Way, there are wooden signposts that give a clue without having to check a mobile.

Starting from Maidenhead town center towards the Thames leads inevitably along busy roads but once it joins the right bank of the river, the rest is fairly quiet. There are plenty of opportunities to sit down on a bench along the route and the footpaths were easily recognizable on the ground. As it takes advantage of wooded areas or paths bordered with trees and hedges , it is also protected from direct sun most of the way.

When the route goes part Warf Lodge just before Hedsor Hill road, there is gate that seems to block the way but walkers can go through the gate on the pavement. See a photo below.

The only reason I don't give five stars to this route is the fact that the route requires walkers to cross from Broad Way across Wycombe End street. Wycombe End street was very busy when I wanted to cross it and I had to wait for some time before a gap in lines of cars from both directions appeared.

A very pleasant outing overall.


11 Aug 2023 Summer

We walked this on 10th august 2023, from Beaconsfield to Maidenhead. The route passes through a wood in Beaconsfield, which is a nice change from walking on suburban roads. There is a stretch along the busy A40, plus having to cross this road without a pedestrian crossing. Just beyond this turing is an Esso garage, which is useful for coffee and loos. After crossing the A40 and the M40, the route heads south towards Cookham, mainly through woods, with some mud underfoot when we did it. There is also a stretch of road walking, which cuts off a section of the Chiltern Way, which you are otherwise following. From Cookham the route follows the Thames Path, but there is about a mile of walking down to the river from Cookham. Boulters Lock and Ray Mill Island are pleasant. From Maidehead Bridge you have to walk into town along the A4, in order to get a bus or train.
The route is mostly pleasant, but with road walking.


04 Nov 2022 Autumn

Walked by the uploader in October 2022.

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