Llantwit MajorCowbridge

Llacow one
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Verified by 75.00% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Llantwit Major and Cowbridge.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Llantwit Major and Cowbridge.

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This route has been reviewed by 4 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Llantwit Major
Grid Ref SS9670868741
Lat / Lon 51.40825° / -3.48650°
Easting / Northing 296,708E / 168,741N
What3Words fuzz.rave.loans
Grid Ref SS9955274639
Lat / Lon 51.46178° / -3.44730°
Easting / Northing 299,552E / 174,639N
What3Words decisions.obliging.winemaker

Llacow One's land is

Arable 24.5%
Pasture 35.0%
Urban 40.6%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Paul Chilcott

21 May 2023 Spring

May 2023. Direction: Cowbridge to Llantwit Major.

An excellent walk through lanes and fields, mostly well signposted, until the last section leading into Llanmaes. There are some nice views of Cowbridge and Llanblethian going up the hill leading out of town. The lane to Llanmihangel were very quiet (not a single vehicle passed me). The first part of the path through the fields (Photo 5) was well marked i.e. a clear path through the wheat (not sure how this was made, but a 2-foot wide bare path had been created all the way to the first lane). The path from there to Llanmaes was not clear after the first sign. It would be easy to miss the style over the hedge at the right of the field.

Photo 1 - Poplars Park, Cowbridge
Photo 2 - Llanblethian
Photos 3 & 4 - Llanmihangel church
Photo 5 - Footpath through the wheat fields leaving Llanmihangel.


28 Apr 2023 Spring

Walked from Cowbridge to Llantwit. Once out of Cowbridge, there is a large section along country lanes, but only 2 cars passed me, so not very busy. Didn't really notice the waymarking problems others have mentioned. Everything seemed pretty well marked, including somehow discolouring the crops along the line of the path in one section. The sunken lane coming into Llanmaes was a bit slippery underfoot in parts, but all in all, a very pleasant walk.

Phil Tandy

11 Dec 2022 Autumn

I have walked parts of this route several times as I live in Llanmaes, and I also walked the whole route over the summer from Cowbridge. As has already been mentioned in another review, the route is not well-marked south of Llanfihangel, and it crosses fields where rights of way seem to have been ignored and marker posts are absent or have fallen over. It cannot be cycled, although it would not be hard to plan an alternative route through the lanes. My advice would be to use the OS Maps app on a phone to ensure you remain on the correct path.


15 May 2021 (edited 27 Jun 2023) Spring

This is a nice walk, largely along quiet lanes but with a section crossing fields between Llanmihangel and Llanmaes. The northern part of this section is fine, but navigating the southern section was more challenging as the path is much less obvious. The fields consist of green crops which were only knee-high, but if they reach head-height in summer...! Also, when you’re level with a large barn you need to cross the field boundary (not marked), so south of the barn (near Llanmaes) you’re on the west side of the ditch/row of trees.

  • Phil Tandy

    Phil Tandy

    10 Apr 2023

    I agree with this evaluation. I live in Llanmaes and am very familiar with the paths in my area. Unfortunately, quite a few post-markers are absent or no longer standing, including the one just south of the barn mentioned by Maddy.

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Llantwit Major—Cowbridge

Llacow two




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128 m

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