
Knabor three
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By Chrisl on 24 Sep 2021







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This is a corrected version of KNARBOR1 corrected for the change of public right of way in Knaresborough and modified to minimise road walking

This is a corrected version of KNARBOR1 corrected for the change of public right of way in Knaresborough and modified to minimise road walking


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Start and end points

Grid Ref SE3503857007
Lat / Lon 54.00792° / -1.46688°
Easting / Northing 435,038E / 457,007N
What3Words kilowatt.clearly.reassured
Grid Ref SE3969866788
Lat / Lon 54.09548° / -1.39451°
Easting / Northing 439,698E / 466,788N
What3Words munch.transfers.resting

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24 Sep 2021 Autumn

This is a mainly rural walk through very gently undulating farmland. The paths are relatively easy to find and are in good condition. Apart from a number of wooden stiles (some steep) and a very narrow footbridge it is a fairly easy walk. It is a pleasant but not spectacular walk benefitting from a pub half way through.

Walkers should find this walk easy to find provided they read the navigation points in the route description notes below.
1. The route leaves Knaresborough High St by going along Raw Gap
2. At Stockwell Road it crosses the railway then goes immediately right by some metal railings (signposted but still not very obvious at first)
3. At Halfpenny Lane it turns right then first left then left at the end of the road into Half Crown Way
4. It continues in a straight line to reach a stile then enters a field where it hugs the left-hand side boundary reaching Water Lane
5. It crosses Water Lane (right then left) then crosses fields with a good view over the lake at the path end
6. The right hand turn to Hopewell House is easily missed if you are not alert and the same applies to the right hand turn at Poplars Farm further on
7. The path follows the field edge at a point between Poplars Farm and Arkendale (not as shown on the public right of way map)
8. There is a pub at Arkendale
9. The route follows the track approaching Brooms House rather than cutting the corner off the field (see photo). Before harvest it may also follow the field edge after Brooms House but we walked it after harvest and crossed over the corner of the field as per right of way
10. The footbridge over the River Tutt between Minskip and Roecliffe is unusually narrow (see photo)
11. The freezer units you pass approaching Boroughbridge are absolutely enormous, and a bit noisy too!
12. Do not miss the Devils Arrows (you walk right past one shortly after crossing the A168 roundabout) (see photo). There is a plaque telling you all about them beside the Linden Homes estate (you will pass it)
13. The path through the Linden Homes Estate needs very careful navigation and gps work to find as it weaves past houses and over grassy areas but it really does not matter too much if you cannot find it. Think of it as a route-finding challenge!
14. There is a limited bus service between Boroughbridge and Knaresborough so you can get back.

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