
Keybat one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Keynsham and Bath.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Keynsham and Bath.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to accuracy.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 3

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Problems reported -  Access (1) Accuracy (1)

Downloads - 12


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Grid Ref ST6547768493
Lat / Lon 51.41439° / -2.49780°
Easting / Northing 365,477E / 168,493N
What3Words preoccupied.grape.launch
Grid Ref ST7524964364
Lat / Lon 51.37778° / -2.35700°
Easting / Northing 375,249E / 164,364N
What3Words stale.hike.taking

Keybat One's land is

Arable 33.5%
Pasture 7.5%
Urban 59.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



04 Aug 2022 Summer

Having had the opportunity to read the Smatticus1991 review before undertaking this route, I studied Google street-view to ensure I didn't have the same problems.
As stated, the route through the school looks a non starter in term time, and as to whether one can emerge ut at the other end is anyone's guess
I compiled a slightly different route from the school up to Teviot Road, and still had problems....which I resolved in-situ.
The house builder was being optimistic by saying completion by summer 22, as it is still ongoing, and has someway to go. However, the relevant section now has roads and houses,and I managed to navigate it.
The route is a curate's egg, with the foregoing problems and the 0.80 mi section of pavement alongside the A4 which is hardly scenic, against the sections from along the river into Bath are great, it also cuts out a 2.3 mi long section of the Bristol and Bath Railway Path which one shares with significant numbers of very fast cyclists. This is compounded by the extensive trees both sides of the railway path which removes any views.
I also ignored the final section into Bath from Nelson Place West, preferring to staff on the river path to the station.
I will upload the route I actually took as Keybat four.
Next step is to undertake Keybat two which takes out the majority of the A4 part, and puts back more railway path.
Perhaps ultimately, I will pull a route together which pulls together the best of one to four.


01 Aug 2021 Summer

Walked this route, Keynsham to Bath, with an alternative start to take advantage of walking along the Chew and Avon rivers , the Bitton - Bath railway Sustain cycle route and nearby Kelston Road Top.
I will add the alternative start as KeyBat three as a more scenic route out of Keynsham avoiding the suburban issues raised in the first review.
Would thoroughly recommend this route (with alts).
(However, on the river path alt there are a few stile gates that have a bar about 250mm above the ground, presumably to stop cycling, but would unfortunately prevent wheeled access).


01 May 2021 Spring

This route had potential, with a lovely walk through the Avon valley, but unfortunately is undone by a pair of prohibitive obstacles. The first is a work site which obstructs the footpath (ST 66597 67948), not to be completed until summer 2022. The second is that the route goes through a primary school (ST 66280 67903) which is understandably usually inaccessible to pedestrians. Following the route, I had to double back twice, so unfortunately cannot recommend the route in its present form. I will upload a new suggestion which avoids these obstacles.

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Keybat two




111 m


113 m


Keybat three








Keybat four




130 m


129 m


Keybat five




439 m


453 m

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