HorshamBurgess Hill

Horbur one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Horsham and Burgess Hill.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Horsham and Burgess Hill.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ1785530974
Lat / Lon 51.06601° / -0.31939°
Easting / Northing 517,855E / 130,974N
What3Words trunk.wipe.crunch
Burgess Hill
Grid Ref TQ3162618821
Lat / Lon 50.95379° / -0.12737°
Easting / Northing 531,626E / 118,821N
What3Words snowmen.protected.leathers

Horbur One's land is

Arable 34.4%
Pasture 32.9%
Urban 17.2%
Woods 15.5%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Bostal Boy

24 May 2023 (edited 22 Aug 2023) Spring

This is the third longest Slow Ways route in Sussex. I walked it from Burgess Hill to Horsham on a sunny day in May. Looking at the route plotted on the map, I felt it was unnecessarily convoluted. It also crosses the HORCUC route which is far more direct. In the end I followed it largely as plotted though I cut out a couple of diversions at Bolney and Warninglid, so really I should upload a HORBUR 2 as the route I actually walked.

The route mainly uses field paths and woodland tracks with the occasional farm track. There are a couple of sections of walking along the verge beside busy roads, particularly Isaacs Lane north of Burgess Hill, but this was only for about 100m. Some of the paths are still pretty muddy in places after the wet winter and early spring, but by late May are well on the way to drying up. There are lots of stiles and kissing gates, not much in the way of livestock this time. It is a long route passing no refreshment opportunities, which probably accounts for the diversions to go close to the Bolney Stage and the Half Moon at Warninglid cross roads mentioned earlier. My advice is to take some sandwiches and plenty of water.

The route has many attractive sections and includes part of the High Weald Landscape Trail. It passes through the attractive little village of Slaugham, a hammer pond and St. Leonard's Forest the home of a legendary dragon. It also glimpses Wykehurst Park, a Victorian Gothic mansion which was used as a film location several times in the 1970s.

With a railway station at each end, this route would make a good summer day walk for trippers from London. It will be pretty muddy in the winter. Not suitable for wheels.

  • Bostal Boy

    Bostal Boy

    29 Mar 2024

    Update. The Chequers Inn at Slaugham is open again. Upmarket gastro pub

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