Connect Burgess Hill with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Burgess Hill to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Burgess Hill

West Sussex

Slow Ways linking Burgess Hill and Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, Horsham, Hurstpierpoint, Lewes, Partridge Green, Pyecombe, Southwater, Uckfield

England / West Sussex / Burgess Hill

Burgess Hill’s nine Slow Ways are 78% checked

Drawn: 9/9
reviewed: 9/9
verified: 5/9
and surveyed: 5/9

Help connect Burgess Hill

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Burgess Hill’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Burgess Hill from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath
Burhay one Verify me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 95m Descent 90m
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath
Burhay two Review me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent - Descent -
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath
Burhay three

Double check Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 90m Descent 87m
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath
Burhay four Enjoy me Distance 9km/5mi Ascent - Descent -
Burgess Hill—Lewes
Burlew one

Double check Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 295m Descent 337m
Burgess Hill—Lewes
Burlew two Enjoy me Distance 17km/11mi Ascent - Descent -
Burgess Hill—Uckfield
Buruck one

Double check Distance 20km/12mi Ascent 204m Descent 238m
Burgess Hill—Uckfield
Buruck two Review me Distance 19km/12mi Ascent - Descent -
Burgess Hill—Uckfield
Buruck three Review me Distance 20km/13mi Ascent - Descent -
Cuckfield—Burgess Hill
Cucbur one Enjoy me Distance 7km/5mi Ascent 77m Descent 124m
Horsham—Burgess Hill
Horbur one Review me Distance 27km/17mi Ascent 455m Descent 449m
Hurstpierpoint—Burgess Hill
Hurbur one Enjoy me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 59m Descent 58m
Hurstpierpoint—Burgess Hill
Hurbur two Survey me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent 48m Descent 43m
Partridge Green—Burgess Hill
Parbur one

Double check Distance 16km/10mi Ascent 106m Descent 68m
Partridge Green—Burgess Hill
Parbur two Review me Distance 17km/10mi Ascent - Descent -
Pyecombe—Burgess Hill
Pyebur one

Enjoy me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 147m Descent 83m
Southwater—Burgess Hill
Soutbur one Pioneer me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent 228m Descent 221m
Southwater—Burgess Hill
Soutbur two

Double check Distance 23km/14mi Ascent 226m Descent 219m

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Burgess Hill and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

67% of Burgess Hill’s nine route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









14 people have contributed to Burgess Hill’s Slow Ways

8 people have pledged to walk and review a route

7 people have surveyed a route in Burgess Hill

238km out of 262km have been walked and reviewed

426km of reviews have been shared in Burgess Hill

Latest Updates

Decent, some nice little managed woodlands on the way. A short stretch on the road. Not the most pleasant on the way into Burgess Hill, but can't be helped....


Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Burlew two

Walk this route

The walk beyond through Ditchling to Burgess Hill was varied, enjoyable and mostly offroad. Stops and shops in Lewes, Ditchling and Burgess Hill and links to public transport at either end, but not much en route....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

This route could have slight alternatives across fields closer to Hurst rather than Hassocks, but that would simply make it different, not better...

Merete Langler

Walk this route

Nice combination of ways with the South Downs as a backdrop....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

Although the town sections around Haywards and burgess hill aren't particularly interesting , fox hill and junction road are especially difficult walking....


Walk this route

It is also easy to extend the walk to Haywards Heath for trains back to Burgess Hill (as I did) or to/from London/Brighton....


Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Lewes

Dominic Le Garsmeur pledged to walk Burlew one

Walk this route

The stretch east of the B2112 is pleasant but again becomes difficult to follow once you leave the Sussex Border Path....

Helen Frost

Walk this route

This is the third longest Slow Ways route in Sussex. In the end I followed it largely as plotted though I cut out a couple of diversions at Bolney and Warninglid, so really I should upload a HORBUR 2 as the route I actually walked. With a railway station at each end, this route would make a good summer day walk for trippers from London....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

This route is listed as Pyecombe to Burgess Hill but we did it in reverse, which I think is the better route anyway because of the views of the Downs you encounter in the second half of the walk. This route is wonderfully efficient and straight, there is a section on the road between the southern end of Burgess Hill and the top of Hassocks but this is pleasant enough - there is a shared use cycle path that is relatively wide and far enough away from the road that I would do this walk with my child....

James Butcher

Walk this route

It mainly follows field paths and woodland tracks with a short section of road walking along Beresford Lane near the Plough Pub. This really showcases how attractive the Low Weald clay country can be with lots of small fields, hedgerows and patches of woodland, occasionally with glimpses of the South Downs to the South....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Uckfield

Bostal Boy added Buruck three, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Uckfield

Walk this route

This is a nice and easy to follow route from Burgess Hill to Hurstpierpoint, it is almost as direct as you can walk it but includes a nice finish that is slightly longer than the most obvious path to the centre of Hurstpierpoint. It is a lovely walk that takes you directly out of Burgess Hill via a pathway that runs adjacent to the railway station, before opening out onto Batchelors Farm....

James Butcher

Walk this route

Walked this after a lot of rain in March and the bit near Theobald's bridleway was nearly impassable for about one kilometre, though I could appreciate it would be a fantastic route in the summer. Theobalds had a number of signs explaining the history and nature of the area which I enjoyed reading. The route is fairly road heavy at each end but there aren't loads of options between these two towns....

Ricky Coleman

Walk this route

Fantastic route that takes in some of the best of the Sussex countryside....


Walk this route

Just after passing the windmill, there are dual rights of way inside and just outside of a wooded strip. The lane is chalky and quite slippery but easy to navigate up the steepest part of the Slow Way. Thank you to these volunteers for maintaining important rights of way in this part of the world, as without them, Slow Ways such as this would be a lot more difficult and less enjoyable....


Walk this route

Fantastic varied route through the fields around Burgess Hill, past an old water tower , a stunning windmill and then and eventually up onto the downs for panoramic views over Lewes and Mount Caburn, walking down past the old race course and into Lewes, where there are lots of food and drink options and a train station with regular services to London, Brighton and Eastbourne. Ditchling is 5k in and has some quaint cafes, pubs and public toilets. Would recommend this route....

Ricky Coleman

Walk this route

Ricky Coleman took this photo on Burlew two

Walk this route

A bit of a slog through Burgess Hill to start with but once you hit the countryside, it’s a lovely route....

Ricky Coleman

Walk this route

There is one fairly clear problem with the route - the GPX file starts in Burgess Hill and finishes at the start point....

Ricky Coleman

Walk this route
Hurstpierpoint—Burgess Hill

Ricky Coleman added Hurbur two, a new walk from Hurstpierpoint to Burgess Hill

Walk this route

Once you hit the wonderfully maintained green circle (a project to create a green shared path around the entirety of Burgess Hill), the route is firmer underfoot and winds through leafy surroundings. Finally, the path crosses the railway line to London before a hard left takes you alongside the railway line all the way to the finish in Burgess Hill....

Ricky Coleman

Walk this route

An improved route Hurbur two has been created to correct some points with this route....

Ricky Coleman

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Uckfield

Derick Rethans added Buruck two, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Uckfield

Walk this route

I walked this on a chilly but sunny Saturday morning, from Uckfield to Burgess Hill....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

There is a short section of road walking on a verge near North Chailey, but a fairly longish and annoying bit east of Wivelsfield Green, on the North Common Road. The road walking near Wivelsfield was the worst part of this walk. Near Burgess Hill there were a lot of well maintained paths, and after some back alleys, you make it to the finish....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

Although there was a little bit of "road walking" in Burgess Hill, most of the route was through green spaces....

Derick Rethans

Walk this route

The segment along the road after Hassocks can be quite noisy due to the speed of the traffic, but you aren't on it for very long, and the path after you turn off towards Burgess Hill is really lovely....


Walk this route

Although longs sections of the walk are beautiful and easily followed, there are enough issues on the first half of the route to mark it down to 4*. In Burgess Hill, some of the chosen footpaths are a bit overgrown, little used and really add nothing to the route. Also crossing London Road at the end of Norman Road as shown on the route is tricky. You would be better off crossing at the Royal George traffic lights, then carrying on down Royal George Road, then resuming the route as plotted from Orchard Road....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

Remarkably direct route which we started from Burgess Hill and broke in Hassocks. As you reach the southern edges of Burgess Hill, you cross Nightingale Lane Nature Reserve which has some great views of the South Downs, which suddenly seem much closer. The Friars Oak pub marks your arrival on the edge of Hassocks and the route takes you via residential streets to Hassocks Station. It is full of history, wildlife and views and has pubs and shops in Burgess Hill, Hassocks and Clayton....

David Sanderson

Walk this route

David Sanderson took this photo on Pyebur one

Walk this route

Having tried unsuccessfully to figure out an offroad route between these two settlements when I lived in Haywards Heath over twenty years ago. The route starting from Haywards Heath Station gets off the main road fairly quickly before using Clair Park and then a series of alleyways to cross Haywards Heath to South Road, which is the main shopping street....

David Sanderson

Walk this route
Partridge Green—Burgess Hill

Bostal Boy added Parbur two, a new walk from Partridge Green to Burgess Hill

Walk this route

I have added a photograph of the blockage and uploaded a PARBUR Two which follows this route exactly, with a diversion to cross the road at the nearest safe location....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

The first section heading out of BH is through the industrial estate, from then on it is a series of footpaths around field margins and some wider bridlepaths including a very attractive section between Herrings Farm and Great Wapses Farm. Around Shermanbury Park the route follows the South bank of the River Adur which was another lovely, peaceful path....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

Now superseded by BURHAY 4, you don't need to walk beside the road at Fox Hill and Sussex Road HH...

Bostal Boy

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath

Bostal Boy added Burhay four, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Haywards Heath

Walk this route

Along the path beside the railway to the High Bridge at Rocky Lane and the turn left along to the new roundabout. Take the straight ahead path until you reach the Theobalds Road bridle path (still muddy) and turn right. Head down the lane, under the railway embankment then turn left alongside the embankment to reach Leylands Road. Follow the path with the railway on your left to the end, then turn left across another railway bridge to emerge onto Junction Road opposite St. Turn right and head up Junction Road to the top of the hill, then turn right at the roundabout down past the Top House pub to Burgess Hill railway station....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route
Burgess Hill

emshen surveyed Burgess Hill

View facilities

Away from Burgess Hill station the route uses a footpath heading South alongside the railway line. From the station, steep steps take you down from the railway line to the road passing beneath. The footpath to the South Downs is well-signed across the road. I would suggest that most users will be starting from Hassocks Station and heading up onto the Downs which is the best section of the walk....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

From Burgess Hill station this route follows a wide, newly resurfaced path alongside the railway. Once on the outskirts of Hurstpierpoint, the route makes good use of the many footpaths which encircle the village to arrive at the busy central crossroad with its stunning tree (quercus ilex?) by the war memorial....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath

M1ke_A added Burhay three, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Haywards Heath

Walk this route

Currently there is no access from Cedar Avenue or from Rookery Avenue across to the footpath through Kiln Wood....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

Bostal Boy surveyed Burlew two

Walk this route

A newly resurfaced path alongside the railway line from Burgess Hill station quickly leaves the town behind, and leads to the fields at Batchelor's Farm. For me this route trumps BURLEW One because it leaves Burgess Hill by the most direct route, avoiding the need to trudge through interminable estates of new housing around Folders Lane...

Bostal Boy

Walk this route

We walked this route the day after heavy rain and in some places, especially on the path from Clayton Bridge to Hassocks it was flooded and hard to pass through, impossible without wellies (see photo) but the rest of the path was concrete so I think this was just bad timing. First half of the walk is quite steep, second half, especially from Hassocks is on concrete or all weather surface, the part near Burgess Hill looks like it has been recently re surfaced. Walking along side the A273 was better than I thought it would be, lots of traffic but there is a good cycle/foot path so very safe....


Walk this route

The short section along South Street, Cuckfield uses narrow or non-existent pavements but can be easily avoided by taking the path due south through the churchyard from Church Street....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath

Bostal Boy added Burhay two, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Haywards Heath

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Lewes

MJRW12345 added Burlew two, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Lewes

Walk this route
Burgess Hill

Bostal Boy surveyed Burgess Hill

View facilities

The middle section from the Fox and Hounds at the bottom of Fox Hill, Haywards Heath to Theobalds Road is an ancient bridle path....

Bostal Boy

Walk this route
Burgess Hill

Mr Fish surveyed Burgess Hill

View facilities
Burgess Hill—Lewes

johnadler added Burlew one, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Lewes

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Haywards Heath

Slow Ways added Burhay one, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Haywards Heath

Walk this route
Burgess Hill—Uckfield

Slow Ways added Buruck one, a new walk from Burgess Hill to Uckfield

Walk this route
Cuckfield—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Cucbur one, a new walk from Cuckfield to Burgess Hill

Walk this route
Horsham—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Horbur one, a new walk from Horsham to Burgess Hill

Walk this route
Hurstpierpoint—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Hurbur one, a new walk from Hurstpierpoint to Burgess Hill

Walk this route
Partridge Green—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Parbur one, a new walk from Partridge Green to Burgess Hill

Walk this route
Pyecombe—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Pyebur one, a new walk from Pyecombe to Burgess Hill

Walk this route
Southwater—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Soutbur one, a new walk from Southwater to Burgess Hill

Walk this route
Southwater—Burgess Hill

Slow Ways added Soutbur two, a new walk from Southwater to Burgess Hill

Walk this route

Burgess Hill, Wed 19 February


Burgess Hill’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

50.95379° / -0.12737°

Easting / Northing

531,626E / 118,821N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Burgess Hill and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


Users have reported that the following facilities can be found within 1km of Burgess Hill's meeting point

Public toilet

Wheelchair accessible toilet

Supermarket or convenience shop

Restaurant, cafe or pub


Accommodation for under £50 a night



Free wifi

Mobility scooter hire

Off-road wheelchair hire

Disabled Parking

Train station

Bus stop


Official ‘Walkers are Welcome’ town

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