
Honshi one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Honeybourne and Shipston-on-Stour.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Honeybourne and Shipston-on-Stour.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SP1167744090
Lat / Lon 52.09504° / -1.83095°
Easting / Northing 411,677E / 244,090N
What3Words trade.trusts.difficult
Grid Ref SP2583540577
Lat / Lon 52.06298° / -1.62456°
Easting / Northing 425,835E / 240,577N
What3Words rebounder.fairness.broadcast

Honshi One's land is

Arable 55.2%
Pasture 20.6%
Urban 24.2%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Steve Litchfield

06 Aug 2023 Summer

I completed this 11 mile walk today travelling west from Shipston. Overall it's a fairly good walk, but unfortunately the amount of road walking (approx. 5 miles) detracts from a five star rating. Furthermore, with some road sections having no verge, I feel three stars is the maximum I can award it. Indeed, the off-road sections are the saving grace for this walk, and where they exist they are a delight.

The first four miles from Shipston are along hard surface pavements/roads (photos 1-4). Truth be told, if someone could come up with an alternative route to get to Ilmington, it would surely be an improvement. There are a few sections of the road just before you reach the Fosse Way, which have no verge at all (e.g. photo 2) and provide plenty of concern with the passing traffic. Crossing the Fosse Way is a hazard which also requires care. The road does eventually get quieter as you make the approach into Ilmington, and not before time too.

The pretty village of Ilmington is a relief to reach, and offers a couple of pubs and a cafe in the village shop by way of refreshment options. There are other options for refreshments further in the walk if the opening times of these don't coincide with your visit. After leaving the village, a good sharp ascent (photo 5) of Nebsworth Downs soon takes you from the highest village in Warwickshire, up to the county's highest hills. The views from the top are magnificent (photo 6), and you can easily spend time with a pair binoculars surveying the horizon.

Walking along the flat plateau of the Downs, the route passes a couple of transmitters (photo 7) and eventually after a dip to cross the Nebsworth Road reaches the high point of Warwickshire (261m), again giving fine views to the West (photo 9). The route from this point descends for 2 miles all the way to Mickleton, passing next to Hidcote Manor and Kiftsgate Court. On the day we did this walk, the descent just below Kiftsgate Court gave us the muddiest section (photo 11) thanks to the splendid English summer weather we've had so far in 2023.

There are a couple of pubs in Mickleton if refreshments are required. The route out of the village takes you through a relatively new housing estate and then across fields where the paths were at their most overgrown (photo 12) but passable. After reaching the rail bridge, the route then follows the road again for another mile or so, before a short footpath section which takes you to your destination in Honeybourne.

There are gates, stiles and footbridges to negotiate on this walk, but as already mentioned I feel the road sections leaving Shipston are the biggest challenge to Honshi one. Indeed the elevated section of the Downs provide more than one high point to this route, and without the fine views I may have been tempted to just goive this two stars. I have looked for an alternative way on the map to get to Ilmington with the mind of creating a Honshi two, but i'm not sure of a suitable suggestion. It would benefit from someone with local knowledge taking a look at this. Until such an alternative is created, I can just about recommend this route - just take care on the roads!.

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