Hesket NewmarketCarlisle

Hescar two
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By Hiking Historian on 16 Jun 2024







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Improved version of the original, using the Cumbria Way most of the way, and visiting Dalston whilst avoiding Cummersdale

Improved version of the original, using the Cumbria Way most of the way, and visiting Dalston whilst avoiding Cummersdale


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Hesket Newmarket
Grid Ref NY3405638633
Lat / Lon 54.73833° / -3.02574°
Easting / Northing 334,056E / 538,633N
What3Words acquaint.ranged.wreck
Grid Ref NY4022255558
Lat / Lon 54.89118° / -2.93349°
Easting / Northing 340,222E / 555,558N
What3Words chose.cheese.foal

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Hiking Historian

19 Jun 2024 Spring

A great route, mostly using the final leg of the Cumbria Way. As with much of the routes in this part of the country, it's foot-only, with lots of stiles, steps, footbridges and uneven ground.

From Hesket Newmarket, we take the footpath north along the stream through sone woods. Across a field and then a bridge, we then follow a path that soon merges with the Cumbria Way. Across a field of sheep, and we enter some more woods.

(At time of survey (June 2025), the path was officially closed due to a landslip in May 2024, although myself and, judging from footprints, others braved it. The landslip is massive, and has obliterated a section of path with fallen trees and tonnes of mud. Although I got through it, it is dangerous, and warn others against attempting it until the route has been repaired)

Coming out of the trees, we take a series of farm tracks up to Sebergham, where we take another opposite the pretty little church. At Bell Bridge, we cross and descend into the field, and we're on a riverside walk for some miles now, lasting until we're past Rose Castle. Mostly grassland, it is muddy or boggy in places, but it's a very pleasant walk. Possible ford near Rose Castle due to flooding, but it was easy to get through.

Past Rose Castle, we head inland and uphill, passing Lime House school, then a farmtrack past Hawksdale Hall and into Bridge End, where there is a pub and a picnic area. Over the bridge, we move through Buckabank and soon arrive at Dalton, which has pubs, shops and cafés, so well worth a stop!

From Dalton to Carlisle, the route is a tarmac footpath and very easy to use, and benches along the way. We're never to far from the Caldew, or the railway, and the path is unaffected by the works for the new bypass, which will be on a viaduct above it. Houses and industry appear as we approach Carlisle, and before we know it we've taken steps up onto Nelson Bridge and found our way to the station.

A great route, and the only thing stopping me giving it full marks is Hesket Newmarket itself: since the start of 2024, it is no longer served by any bus services (I had to walk from Caldbeck, which is only served by four buses a day a weekends only). There is an on-demand minibus available, but it's quite pricey.

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Hesket Newmarket—Carlisle

Hescar one




216 m


362 m

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