Great BedwynHungerford

Grebhun one
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By Helen Gough on 06 Dec 2023







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Route between Great Bedwyn and Hungerford

Route between Great Bedwyn and Hungerford


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Start and end points

Great Bedwyn
Grid Ref SU 2780264568
Lat / Lon 51.37949° / -1.60192°
Easting / Northing 427,802E / 164,568N
What3Words jeeps.highly.lion
Grid Ref SU3399268539
Lat / Lon 51.41485° / -1.51259°
Easting / Northing 433,992E / 168,539N
What3Words digital.about.yacht

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



21 Aug 2024 Summer

Walked on 26 July 2024.

Another easy canal walk. A great slow way.

Jack Cornish

09 May 2024 Spring

A great canal walk and Slow Way!.


07 May 2024 Spring

Loved walking this route!.


07 May 2024 Spring

I agree with Jane! This is a brilliant Slow Way. I walked it as part of a hike from Pewsey to Hungerford, which I highly recommend as a station to station walk. Everyone in both places should (if they haven't) give it a go!

I love canal walks for thinking and talking time.

I'd 100% walk it again.

Jane Taylor

13 Apr 2024 Spring

Walked Hungerford to Great Bedwyn. Lovely April Saturday, warm, sunny, gentle breeze.

This is a super easy canal towpath route, and even better it has railway stations at either end, so excellent candidate for a #RailWalk. I came out of London for a day of gentle countryside and was not disappointed.

Mostly the towpath was dry and firm underfoot, (photo 5 is typical) but following such a wet winter its not surprising that there was some mud around. I was tempted to lop a star off, one short (50 metres) section was especially awful (photo 6), but since all else was splendid I’ve decided to be generous about what is, after all, seasonal mud. But - walking pole and good sturdy boots with high ankles would be advantageous in wet season.

Lovely cafe at Bedwyn, but closes at 3.00 so no dilly dallying! Bedwyn is chocolate boxy thatched, although missing a pavement, but there wasn’t a lot of traffic.

Some uneven ground, kissing gates, narrow bridge and a railway crossing.

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