Canada WaterLewisham

Canlew one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Canada Water and Lewisham.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Canada Water and Lewisham.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 time) for reasons relating to safety.

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Problems reported -  Safety (1)

Downloads - 3


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Canada Water
Grid Ref TQ3548579439
Lat / Lon 51.49766° / -0.04956°
Easting / Northing 535,485E / 179,439N
What3Words oddly.storm.crush
Grid Ref TQ3811075903
Lat / Lon 51.46525° / -0.01315°
Easting / Northing 538,110E / 175,903N
What3Words sports.trials.gosh

Canlew One's land is

Urban 100.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



02 Apr 2023 Spring

There were some very busy roads to cross. Had to go off the route at times. Some nice green areas but a lot of pavements and twist and turns.

  • Lizbiz70


    02 Apr 2023

    wrong photos. How do I delete?

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    10 May 2023

    Hi Liz. You can delete photos from Your Account > Your Reviews > find right route > click Pencil icon (not name) > find photo and hit the red buttons ;) Nice photos though! Is that Hilly Fields and Brookmill Park?

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30 Oct 2021 Autumn

This is a relatively straightforward, and mostly level route between Canada Water and Lewisham, which is entirely on hard surfaces. There are current issues with the start of this walk due to construction work at Canada Water and Surrey Quays Shopping Centre. However, there are signposted pedestrian diversions in place.

As noted by a previous reviewer, there are significant sections alongside very busy main roads, in particular between Surrey Quays Station and Folkestone Gardens (Lower Road, Bush Road and Trundleys Road), and the A2 New Cross Road. I will post an alternative route which almost completely avoids these sections by using backstreet and traffic-free options.


21 Oct 2021 Autumn

I walked this route starting from Canada Water mid afternoon on a weekday.
There is a lot of construction work around Canada Water and the route was blocked by a small diversion shortly after the start, then I found that there is no footpath along the route indicated on Deal Porters Way - the route needs to be changed to follow the other side of the large car park along the edge of Surrey Quays Shopping Centre.
On leaving here you join Lower Road, a very busy main road for about two hundred metres before turning off. Trundleys Road is a moderately busy road with a fair amount of traffic and running between mostly low rise domestic inner city architecture.
After passing under the railway and turning off the road the route becomes quieter leading through the centre of a housing estate on a pedestrian / cycle route and then a small park until you are led onto the A2 at New Cross.
This is the least pleasant part of the walk, almost a kilometre on a main road, alongside heavy traffic all the way to Deptford Bridge with more traffic feeding in from side roads.
From there to Lewisham the route is better following a narrow ribbon park and footpaths that parallel both the DLR line and Deptford Creek (the gpx file could do with being a bit clearer about the route on this stretch). There were a couple of minor diversions due to building work along here.
I think there may be a better route to avoid the stretch of the A2 but I don't know the area well enough to suggest one. Along the route there are a couple of busy crossing points that are lacking lights or pedestrian crossings.
There are plenty of public transport options all through the route which passes by Surrey Quays, New Cross, Deptford Bridge and Elverson Road stations. There are plenty of shops around the start and end of the route and also at New Cross and Deptfrod Bridge but I didn't see any signs for public conveniences.

While the walk between Deptford Bridge and Lewsiham is good I don't think I would be likely to use the rest of the route again.

  • Andrew


    30 Oct 2021

    I have posted an alternative route (Canlew two) which largely avoids the sections along busy roads.

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Canada Water—Lewisham

Canlew two




54 m


49 m

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