
Buglos two
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By everydayduffy on 20 May 2022







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Built on BugLos One, but corrected the route to avoid a non-existent footpath east of Bugle

Built on BugLos One, but corrected the route to avoid a non-existent footpath east of Bugle


This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to accuracy.

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Problems reported -  Accuracy (1)

Downloads - 4


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Grid Ref SX0166759301
Lat / Lon 50.40003° / -4.79217°
Easting / Northing 201,667E / 59,301N
What3Words items.clotting.strictest
Grid Ref SX1066459795
Lat / Lon 50.40743° / -4.66596°
Easting / Northing 210,664E / 59,795N
What3Words locked.befitting.patrolled

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



25 Sep 2022 Autumn

This is a very good route at heart but some of the roadwalking is not ideal and, as the previous reviewer pointed out, the fields entering Lostwithiel are a bit tricky. The best route through them also appears to have changed since last recorded so arrive armed with alternative mapping options.

The exit from Bugle via the station stairway and woodland walk is straighforward and enjoyable, I got destracted and accidentally walked over the top of the woods keeping to the river but that works too.

The roads were not ultra busy but they are only just wide enough for some of the vehicles - especially agricultural - that use them so care is needed especially around Luxulyan.

Keep an eye out for the unusual round granite boulders in the fields here, these keystones are part of the great St Austell batholith that gives rise to both china clay and geothermal energy in mid Corwall. They are a local feature here.

Menadue Moors was a personal favorite section for me.

The farmer with the electric fence gates as you approach Lanlivery has been thoughtful and inovative though the exact field route is not always obvious. Cattle were present in most fields but they seemed unbothered by my presence.

The route shown from Penknight Lane was inaccessible: the gate onto the road was locked (no loss there) and the path leading out towards Poldew Woods was fenced off. Instead the overgrown footpath is bypassed via the bottom of the field itself, a new style has been placed in a wire fence arrangement - odd but it works - and the OS marked footpath heading east to Lostwithiel takes you down a wide grassy track and multiple sheep fields (route unmarked on the ground otherwise) to a style onto a footpath that drops you nicely on a pavement into town.

Be careful of that last style - it is in a poor state of repair.

I could update the map but I woulod be interested to see if anything has changed again by the next review.

On balance would still reccomend though.


20 May 2022 Spring

This slow way starts in Bugle which is busy with traffic, but a functional settlement with ammentities and a train station for onward travel.

The route quickly takes you out of Bugle into beautiful woodland. While in the woodland, the path is easy to follow, as solid black posts have been erected along the winding footpath to guide walkers (a first for me).

The route then follows generally quiet lanes for a long period. This part of the slow way is fairly hilly, also watch out for increased traffic around Luxulyan. The village has toilets and a post office/shop for supplies if needed.

Once coming off the lanes, the rights of way through the fields west of lanlivery are a bit tricky to naviagate. The farmer has put up (small) signs to help guide walkers through the fields, and also electric fences with removable "gates" were present. Good to see.

After travelling through Lanlivery (nice looking farmshop), there is a wiggly and slightly frustrating section to find a more pleasant route into Lostwithiel. Crossing the B3269 was tricky enough so avoiding walking along it is the right decision. Unforutnately there isn't a very direct way to avoid it and enter Lostwithiel directly, so there is some indirect walking to eventually get onto a footpath linking to the B3268 which is a lot quieter. This only involves a short stretch on the B3269 which is appreciated! I investigated whether a short track (not marked as a ProW) could cut off the corner north of Penknight, but it was overgrown and impassable.

The approach into the lovely town of Lostwithiel was steep and gravelly before transitioning to road where it was easier but lacking pavements until the main high street.

The town has lots of ammenities and looks like a good place to rest up.

Overall a very good slow way, but does have a lot of stompy road walking and a slightly frustrating indirect approach to Lostwithiel which probably can't be avoided if wishing to not walk on main roads as much as possible. The footpaths, stiles and difficult terrain in places make this route unsuitable for wheeling.

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