
Blanew two
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By Philip Le Marquand on 29 Apr 2024







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This is a replacement for Blanew one following the same route with a more accurate gpx plot. The route follows the banks of the River Tyne only leaving the river to skirt industrial units. You leave Newcastle Central Station and head down to the river past the Centre for Life and the Police Station. Once you reach the river you follow the route of the Hadrians Wall National Trail (Signed Hadrians Way with occasional acorns). When you get to Scotswood Bridge you cross over the river and then continue along the river using shared cycle path signed Keelmans Way. The last section takes you through an industrial estate where there were cars blocking the footpath and then a short section of footpath taking you to Blaydon Station. This route is almost all tarmac or paving and is accesible for wheelers with a minor detour just before Blaydon Station where there are steps over the railway track. This was a great route with cracking views along the river

This is a replacement for Blanew one following the same route with a more accurate gpx plot. The route follows the banks of the River Tyne only leaving the river to skirt industrial units. You leave Newcastle Central Station and head down to the river past the Centre for Life and the Police Station. Once you reach the river you follow the route of the Hadrians Wall National Trail (Signed Hadrians Way with occasional acorns). When you get to Scotswood Bridge you cross over the river and then continue along the river using shared cycle path signed Keelmans Way. The last section takes you through an industrial estate where there were cars blocking the footpath and then a short section of footpath taking you to Blaydon Station. This route is almost all tarmac or paving and is accesible for wheelers with a minor detour just before Blaydon Station where there are steps over the railway track. This was a great route with cracking views along the river


This route has been reviewed by 4 people.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 4

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Is this route good enough? -  Yes (4)

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Downloads - 1


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref NZ1841263509
Lat / Lon 54.96588° / -1.71397°
Easting / Northing 418,412E / 563,509N
What3Words blast.daily.serves
Grid Ref NZ2467563906
Lat / Lon 54.96918° / -1.61611°
Easting / Northing 424,675E / 563,906N
What3Words gain.itself.fine

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



20 Jun 2024 Summer

I also walked this route with the Wild Intrigue group who are impressively and inspiringly knowledgable about the wildlife, nature and history of this area. This added a lot to the walk giving a very heightened awareness of what we were seeing around us, but aside from that it would be a great walk anyway, pretty unstrenuous with a lot to see. Also, the Italian bistro Liosi's on the route looks worth going back for!.

Cain Scrimgeour

19 Jun 2024 Spring

For an urban route the majority of the journey is along quieter, green areas of of west Newcastle. The route initially heads down towards the River Tyne from Newcastle Central Station, before following the north side of the River Tyne west. It has a wealth of wildlife on the Tyne Estuary, from the World's Most Inland Black-legged Kittiwake colony, to Peregrine Falcon, Shelduck and other wading species (recommend going at low tide for best wildlife encounters). Historical interest is also excellent! As you leave the River Tyne there is a short section on footpaths along a busy road, before quickly heading a lovely green waggonway, with beautiful scrub and grassland habitat. We seen Whitethroat and Goldfinch, as well a variety of flowering species including Kidney Vetch and Hop Trefoil. Crossing the Tyne at the Scotswood Bridge the traffic noise is loud, though it gives a good perspective on the Tyne. The remainder of the route follows a quiet riverside path to Blaydon Train station (with a small section in an industrial estate), arriving right at the station. An excellent afternoon out, with good links back to Newcastle. The route is entirely on pavement, dual use paths, or waggonways, with only a small flight of stairs at the train station (which can be avoided with a small detour). A lovely way to explore urban wildlife!.

Lucy S

16 Jun 2024 Spring

I walked this on a group wildlife walk with Wild Intrigue. There is so much wildlife to see along the river estuary - shelducks, kittiwakes, whitethroat, goldfinch….. Even the short stretch on Scotswood Road, which is busy with fast traffic, has butterflies and brambles.

Philip Le Marquand

29 Apr 2024 Spring

This is a replacement for Blanew one following the same route with a more accurate gpx plot. The route follows the banks of the River Tyne only leaving the river to skirt industrial units. You leave Newcastle Central Station and head down to the river past the Centre for Life and the Police Station. Once you reach the river you follow the route of the Hadrians Wall National Trail (Signed Hadrians Way with occasional acorns). When you get to Scotswood Bridge you cross over the river and then continue along the river using shared cycle path signed Keelmans Way. The last section takes you through an industrial estate where there were cars blocking the footpath and then a short section of footpath taking you to Blaydon Station. This route is almost all tarmac or paving and is accesible for wheelers with a minor detour just before Blaydon Station where there are steps over the railway track. This was a great route with cracking views along the river.

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