Bishop SuttonRadstock

Bisrad one
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Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Bishop Sutton and Radstock.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Bishop Sutton and Radstock.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Bishop Sutton
Grid Ref ST5871159780
Lat / Lon 51.33560° / -2.59408°
Easting / Northing 358,711E / 159,780N
Grid Ref ST6896154772
Lat / Lon 51.29122° / -2.44651°
Easting / Northing 368,961E / 154,772N
What3Words clings.backers.reduction

Bisrad One's land is

Arable 35.9%
Pasture 31.0%
Urban 26.1%
Woods 7.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



14 Oct 2022 Autumn

Decent, sensible and often scenic route that I'd use again. Not quite showing its best in October drizzle today but a big three-plus stars from me.

Some very enjoyable walking on the way. Lovely on the Limestone Link between Clutton and Paulton. A bit boring and trafficky walking along the main thoroughfare through Paulton and some sections of arable fields where you may well have to go around the edge, including my least favourite mega bean field west of Bishop Sutton, which can be a fight in midsummer.

I used the minor detour onto the cycle path to Radstock suggested by the other reviewers. I agree it's better.


17 Apr 2022 Spring

I walked this route from Radstock to Bishop Sutton.

I regularly walk from Radstock to Clutton, and this is pretty much the route I take, so I have no complaints for this section at all. It is a great route through pretty countryside. It can get very muddy in places in the winter, mind. A previous reviewer suggested you could join the cycle route a bit earlier, and that is probably fair - in fact a perfectly viable alternative would be to stay on the cycle route all the way to Thicket Mead and then head up the hill to Paulton.

The section from Clutton to Bishop Sutton, is also easy to walk and navigate - following the Three Peaks walk for most of the way. The fields were full of crops around Stowey House, so it was not possible to follow the footpaths exactly and I resorted to walking around the edges. Checking my walking history, I can see that this has been the case for years. This does not cause any particular issues, so I think it is fine in this context (though it does annoy me!).

Again, a previous reviewer, walking in the opposite direction, found the section through the housing estate at the beginning a little confusing. It is quite obvious when approached from this direction.

Overall, this is a straightforward and generally easy to navigate route - going fairly directly from a to b. A good slow way.


07 May 2021 Spring

Date walked 7/5/21. Dry, sun, cloudy, cold. It took us 5 hours but it was a very leisurely pace with three good refreshment stops.
Lots to enjoy on this walk for walkers but mot suitable for wheels and route unclear in places.
It starts by going through a new housing department with no footpath sign to guide you through. Thankfully, a helpful resident came to the rescue. I will include that photo with this review.
Good paths mostly but in a couple of places the route turned off what felt the more natural path so you need to keep a close eye on the map. Also, along the Limestone Link, one of the yellow markers was pointing in the wrong direction.
Paulton has a Library Hub, very useful for snacks and toilet (public convenience closed).
There is a slight change we would recommend at the end of the walk. It would be much better to join the cycle route slightly earlier, at Manor Farm, rather than walk across the field.
It has very pretty areas, it all felt very safe, we would happily walk it again and, I think, recommend it.

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