
Aucper two
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By F Berry on 10 Jan 2024







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This alternative route between Auchterarder and Perth is more or less the same as Aucper one. The differences are:
It follows the farm track which skirts Wester Cairnie (rather than using a field edge up the hill beside the A9) (photos 9-13)
It uses a different route down into Perth to pass beneath the railway to gain the South Inch.
It has been 'tidied up', to follow a walkable route, ie it shows the correct route through the gateway and round a field between Nether Coul and Aberuthven

I think that this route it is an improvement on Aucper One, because the tedious route uphill and round a field edge has been replaced by the use of a farm track past Wester Cairnie, where I did not feel that there were any issues of privacy/curtilage. However it does mean that an even greater percentage of the route is on hard tracks, the only sections on a softer surface being between Nether Coul and Aberuthven, and Drumtogle and Millands, a total of 3km.

This route would be impossible for wheelers, as at Nether Coul it takes a signposted path around the edge of a field on a trodden route. This drops down briefly but steeply to skirt a second field. The route is very pleasant, adjacent to but above Ruthven Water. This part of the route could be avoided by keeping to the footway beside the A824. However there are still parts of the route which would be tricky for wheelers, the field edge path between Drumtogle and Millands, and a short narrow section on the old A9 on the Cairnie Braes.

There are buses between Perth and Auchterarder, and less frequent buses between Forteviot (off route) and Perth/Auchterarder. A small shop in Aberuthven has limited opening hours. An Inn, with rooms, at Aberuthven is near the western end of the route

This alternative route between Auchterarder and Perth is more or less the same as Aucper one. The differences are:
It follows the farm track which skirts Wester Cairnie (rather than using a field edge up the hill beside the A9) (photos 9-13)
It uses a different route down into Perth to pass beneath the railway to gain the South Inch.
It has been 'tidied up', to follow a walkable route, ie it shows the correct route through the gateway and round a field between Nether Coul and Aberuthven

I think that this route it is an improvement on Aucper One, because the tedious route uphill and round a field edge has been replaced by the use of a farm track past Wester Cairnie, where I did not feel that there were any issues of privacy/curtilage. However it does mean that an even greater percentage of the route is on hard tracks, the only sections on a softer surface being between Nether Coul and Aberuthven, and Drumtogle and Millands, a total of 3km.

This route would be impossible for wheelers, as at Nether Coul it takes a signposted path around the edge of a field on a trodden route. This drops down briefly but steeply to skirt a second field. The route is very pleasant, adjacent to but above Ruthven Water. This part of the route could be avoided by keeping to the footway beside the A824. However there are still parts of the route which would be tricky for wheelers, the field edge path between Drumtogle and Millands, and a short narrow section on the old A9 on the Cairnie Braes.

There are buses between Perth and Auchterarder, and less frequent buses between Forteviot (off route) and Perth/Auchterarder. A small shop in Aberuthven has limited opening hours. An Inn, with rooms, at Aberuthven is near the western end of the route


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref NN9442812811
Lat / Lon 56.29594° / -3.70742°
Easting / Northing 294,428E / 712,811N
What3Words also.meanders.signature
Grid Ref NO1164323744
Lat / Lon 56.39765° / -3.43305°
Easting / Northing 311,643E / 723,744N
What3Words grew.acting.solved

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


F Berry

10 Jan 2024 Winter

This is a good route, pretty direct, and easy to follow. I explored it as Aucper one in Autumn, and returned to check out the farm track past Wester Cairnie in January. The downside is that it is primarily on tarmac. There are 2 sections where the route follows field edges, rough tracks and trodden paths, and there are some pedestrian gates which would probably be difficult if not impossible for wheelers. The route follows the A9 for much of its length, so the traffic is often within earshot.

There is only one settlement en route, Aberuthven, where there is a deli shop, pub, and bus stop (Perth-Auchterarder). Unfortunately this village is near the western end of the route. Off route, about half way, lies the hamlet of Forteviot where there is a bus stop for an irregular service between Auchterarder and Perth, but no shops.

From Auchterarder the route follows a footway beside the A824. At Nether Coul it takes a signposted path around the edge of a field on a trodden route. This drops down briefly but steeply to skirt a second field. The route is very pleasant, adjacent to but above Ruthven Water. There is a signpost (indicating Nether Coul) where the route rejoins the Auchterarder-Aberuthven footway.

East of Aberuthven the route is signed to Dalreoch. It heads away from the noisy A9 to Drumtogle where the route is signposted, but the track shown on the map does not exist. I walked south of the field boundary and encountered no problems, there was a narrow trodden path along the edge of the field. At Millands a waymarker indicated the route (on the south side of the fence). Recent flooding in the nearby fields had encouraged a group of whooper swans to alight on the water.

The next 5km were along the former A9, and therefore tarmac, but with no traffic except for a short stretch of quiet road at Dalreoch Bridge with no pavement. A pedestrian gate allowed access to the old A9 route up the hill, whose gradient was very gentle. Half way up there was a very narrow stretch, only 3m long, with another pedestrian gate allowing access (photo 10). A pair of secateurs would have been handy as there were a few blackberry stems to snag clothing.

At Cairnie Cottage a track leads down to the A9 and crosses beneath it. The farm track continues past Wester Cairnie where I did not feel that there were any issues of privacy.

The B934 is briefly joined, then a long walk towards Perth on the B9112. Both roads have good sightlines in most places, and are relatively quiet. I enjoyed the walk more than I was expecting, due to the surrounding scenery, glimpses of the River Earn, and the autumn leaf colour. Eventually the route heads downhill under the M90 and into Perth. There is a pub/restaurant on the route at Cherrybank. There are many possible routes, all downhill, into the city centre, and this route is as good as any as it avoids the main roads, and in summer there is a cafe in the South Inch park.

I felt that the route only deserves 3 stars, due to the preponderance of tarmac, and a few narrow/rough sections.

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