
Ambwin one
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 71.43% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Ambleside and Windermere.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Ambleside and Windermere.

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This route has been reviewed by 7 people.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 7

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Problems reported -  Safety (2)

Downloads - 19


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref NY3763604517
Lat / Lon 54.43224° / -2.96289°
Easting / Northing 337,636E / 504,517N
What3Words back.violin.brownish
Grid Ref SD4141798630
Lat / Lon 54.37979° / -2.90344°
Easting / Northing 341,417E / 498,630N
What3Words qualified.dressing.protected

Ambwin One's land is

Pasture 35.6%
Urban 29.3%
Water 4.6%
Woods 30.5%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Paul Chilcott

01 Jan 2024 Winter

December 2023. Direction: Windermere to Ambleside.

I was going to walk the much more interesting Ambwin2, but due to heavy rain the night before which continued all day during the walk, I opted for this more direct route. Without the traffic, it would still be an excellent route, but dodging the roadside splashes became a bit tedious after a while. Very direct though and it gets you there safely, even if a bit wet. Too wet for photos !.

Tim Ryan

02 Dec 2023 Autumn

I give this route a 3* rating. Whilst I agree that the volume of traffic is off-putting it is always safe with a pavement on at least one side of the road. As pointed out this is shared with cyclists but my experience in late November was that there were a few slow/careful cyclists on the path and any fast cyclists were on the road. But as pointed out in previous reviews the route is flat, easy to navigate, direct and with great views.?.

Anthony Aldred

26 May 2023 (edited 24 May 2023) Spring

A fairly easy walk to Windermere from Ambleside
Starts in the centre with excellent shops and cafes.
On route there is a Tesco and a couple of Spars for refreshments. The route is pavements to Ambleside pier then shortly afterwards you find yourself near the stunning lake.
Further on you will pass the Low Wood bay whos bus stop is reportedly the most scenic in Great Britain with views over the lake. The Low Wood also has a water sports centre with activities for hire.
Next you will pass (some pathways are narrow here Brockhole visitor centre and White Cross bay before reaching The Sun Inn with a left fork just before it. A small incline leads you on.
Later you will walk some pathways in woodland before eventually dropping down into Windermere
Quite a good walk but I prefer Amwin two.
Happy walking!.

Jo Wood

09 Aug 2022 Summer

Simple to navigate as it follows the A591 for almost the entire route. But not a pleasant walk due to the traffic volume. The pavement is also a shared (sub-standard) bicycle path for much of the way adding to the general level of stress. Possibly useful as "bail-out" route if the weather is particularly poor or you are very tired. Several busses also take this route adding another bail-out option. Ambwin 2 is a much nicer off-road route and about the same distance.

Steve Lenartowicz

19 Jan 2022 Winter

This is the most direct route from Ambleside to Windermere but it follows a busy main road. There is a pavement most of the way but you do have to cross the road more than once.


21 Nov 2021 (edited 22 Mar 2022) Autumn

I think this is a dreadful route. I would have given it no stars but that does not seem to be an option. Its good points are that it is direct, flat and along the side of Windemere. Its bad point is that for 3 miles it is at the side of the A591 which is arguably the busiest road in the Lake District National Park. Walking along it on a Sunday morning it November I was accompanied by a continuous line of cars crawling past me. If you want to walk between Ambleside and Windemere there is a much better route as described in the Ambleside to Windemere section of route Conwin one.


28 Apr 2021 Spring

This is a decent, efficient walk, skirting above Windermere, thus avoiding the road for this part, and ending/starting at Windermere Railway Station. However, nearly all of the route is using roadside paved paths - to be fair this still a good trip, but some fun can be had with a decent map, if you don't mind a couple of extra miles.

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