1. I walked from Bushey to Borehamwood. Pictured here is my start at Bushey church, the high street with shops, cafes and pubs are directly behind me. The walk starts along the high street then into residential streets. 0 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
2. Entrance to Tylers Way with kissing gate. This is a good gate, a short way further on the gates are poor and narrow. After this gate the path is on long grass, there is a narrow gap (75cm), there is livestock (horses) in the fields. I think this is unsuitable for any wheeled transport. 2 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
3. An example of the poorly maintained and narrow kissing gates. They are navigable with care. At this point you will begin to hear the noise from the M1 and A41 and aerodrome. 2.3 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
4. The 'squiggly bit' on the map is a bridle path over and under the M1 and A41 roads. It is step-free and well signposted but narrow and steep in places. After this is open fields with dirt paths toward Elstree aerodrome. 3 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
5. There is a gritted path alongside the aerodrome with the runway to one side and woods and reservoir to the other. The path passes both ends of the runway, there are low flying light aircraft passing only 30m overhead which could be disturbing for some, but quite exciting for others. Helicopters also use the field and it can be intermittently very noisy. before you reach 'The Battle Axes' pub there is a pond which looks as if it could flood the path in wet weather. 4 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
6. Just after the Battle Axes pub is Butterfly Lane. About 0.75km without pavement along a busyish narrow road. Care is needed. I would be unhappy walking this in the dark. People do walk it as this picture shows. 5 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
7. Open common land approaching Borehamwood. Before this is Radlett Park golf course, not an obvious path across this, aim for the tall white-topped poles marking the Hertfordshire Way through the trees to navigate this part. Exiting the common is a rail bridge with a kissing gate but flat and step-free. 8 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
8. Toward the shops and station at Borehamwood. open easy road walking 8.5 km from start — 24 Sep 2021
9. The end/begining at Borehamwood and Elstree station. Shops, cafés, toilets and the usual highstreet amenities. The British Hollywood! 9.5 km from start — 24 Sep 2021