Suggest a new route option for Tilsta between Tilbury and Stanford-le-Hope
Want to suggest another way to walk, or wheel, this route? Please only add new routes that add significantly to routes already published.
Firstly, take a look at How to add a new Slow Ways route for information about why you might add a route.
All Slow Ways routes should follow a set methodology. As far as is reasonable it should:
- be safe
- respect local codes and laws
- be accessible to as many people as possible
- be direct
- be off road
- have resting places to eat or sleep every 5-10km
- pass through train and bus stations
- be easy to navigate
- be enjoyable and beautiful
- use established routes (such as the Welsh Coast Path), but not be distracted by them!
Suggest a new route option for Tilsta between Tilbury and Stanford-le-Hope.
Any new option for Tilsta must start and finish at the published meeting points.
Grid Ref | Lon/Lat | What3Words | |
Tilbury | TQ6360576373 | 0.35378 / 51.46269 | pools.groups.fully |
Stanford-le-Hope | TQ6822282281 | 0.42300 / 51.51441 | pints.begun.rift |