
Whican five
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By Ken on 08 Jun 2024







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There is not a lot of choice in the basic route only the detail. This offers a direct and decent surface on the sections that are not the Crab and Winkle Way. It does however miss services at Blean so divert onto Whican-1 for shops or 2 for an inn, if required

There is not a lot of choice in the basic route only the detail. This offers a direct and decent surface on the sections that are not the Crab and Winkle Way. It does however miss services at Blean so divert onto Whican-1 for shops or 2 for an inn, if required


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref TR1076566924
Lat / Lon 51.36227° / 1.02615°
Easting / Northing 610,765E / 166,924N
What3Words pure.purple.headers
Grid Ref TR1498857840
Lat / Lon 51.27912° / 1.08124°
Easting / Northing 614,988E / 157,840N
What3Words showed.outer.remote

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



08 Jun 2024 Spring

There is not a lot of choice in the basic route only the detail. This offers a direct and decent surface on the sections that are not the Crab and Winkle Way. It does however miss services at Blean so divert onto Whican-1 for shops or 2 for an inn, if required. No stiles, no cattle, a few steps.

Starting from Whitstable it was good to take in the harbour where business and leisure sit side by side. We are soon away from traffic on the Gorrell Stream Walk although the stream is now hidden under the concrete path. Crossing under the rail line we turn left, this path has a few steps, so continue along the cycle route if you wish to avoid them. The route passes the station but avoids the stepped bridge.

Once on the cycle route, Crab and Winkle Way it’s simple navigation and good under foot. A tall bridge under a road would make a great enclosed venue for something. There is a good sloped bridge over the A299. Amery Court Farm has acres of poly tunnels producing soft fruit including cherries.

If you need services or buses at Blean look to divert onto Whican-1 or 2. On route there is a seat at the church for a rest or picnic. In June 2024 there were posters everywhere opposing more new housing at Blean.

Meeting the main road we leave the cycle route but again for a surfaced path stay with it. Our enclosed footpath is fairly well used between the grounds of Kent College and house gardens. We cross the cycle way and continue along a hedge and fenced path here with a bonded surface. A mix of estate roads and paths lead to a path alongside the cemetery.

Crossing a road the path continues winding through an open plan housing estate. The next road crossing needs more care into a road of attractive old houses. An old lane bridge takes us safely over the railway then we soon enter Westgate Gardens for a delightful walk alongside Great Stour. Turning into St. Peter’s Street at the Westgate the walk ends perfectly along streets transformed into a continental cafe scene.

This is a straightforward direct easy walk with options to take a detour and break along the way if required.

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Whican one




124 m


110 m


Whican two




125 m


113 m


Whican three




110 m


102 m


Whican four




143 m


129 m

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