West HorndonChadwell St Mary

Wescha one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting West Horndon and Chadwell St Mary.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting West Horndon and Chadwell St Mary.

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This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

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Problems reported -  Safety (1)

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

West Horndon
Grid Ref TQ6229188113
Lat / Lon 51.56854° / 0.34028°
Easting / Northing 562,291E / 188,113N
What3Words golf.being.bride
Chadwell St Mary
Grid Ref TQ6453778519
Lat / Lon 51.48170° / 0.36819°
Easting / Northing 564,537E / 178,519N
What3Words goods.oppose.rear

Wescha One's land is

Arable 64.9%
Other 0.4%
Pasture 14.0%
Urban 20.7%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Daisy C

17 Jan 2024 Winter

I walked just part of this route recently, but this review is to flag a dangerous section and some other problems. This was between Fen Lane and Parkers Farm Road, I don't think it was covered by Rodway's earlier (summertime) review. I've also described a potential solution.

Problems from north to south - (purple labels on attached map):
A) narrow path with 1) a lot of thorny undergrowth - take secateurs 2) dangerous crumbling path by stream with deep drop and seasonally hidden by nettles (see WesCha 1 review);
B) paddocks with 1) official path blocked by locked gate surrounded by deep puddle (unsigned unofficial reroute is drier and not blocked) and 2) crumbling rotten steps on two stiles, one with uncovered electric fence;
C) mapped path line is the wrong side of fence line in two places (if using OSM maps like the Slow Ways site, but OS maps are ok);
D) 1) stile blocked by thorny tree and briar, (cut back Jan '24) 2) very waterlogged grass and deep wet ruts to be jumped over south of stile;
E) official path diagonally across field very waterlogged (edges much drier),
F) diagonal field path very muddy after ploughing, not restored by farmer.
Some of these will resolve in dry weather, others might with decent maintenance (Thurrock Council has just gone bankrupt!) but the crumbling stream bank is too risky to recommend as a Slow Way, especially in any season except winter or early spring, which is when waterlogging elsewhere may be a problem.

There is a potentially better way (green line) avoiding the worst parts: coming from the north continue west on Fen Lane (decent verge and sightlines) instead of turning off. Then south on Harrow Lane, then join the path heading east at ///clap.zebra.cling (permissive entrance to RoW) is just south of Glass House Retreat (labelled Jack Poulter's Path on Slow Ways map) and rejoin this route at ///hedge.owners.mull. But... I suspect that path is currently very muddy, rutted and churned up by heavy equipment for the solar farm being installed/expanded. Difficult right now but should be better soon, after installation is finished.

This new route is ready to upload but I'm waiting to test the section south of Baker Street, I plan to go back in drier weather and recheck the solar farm carnage. Leave me a comment if you test it first and I'll upload it.

P1) map of problems and alt route
P2) Glass House Retreat permissive path, position and G St View
P3) from A) overgrown path (no photo of drop to stream)
P4) from B) rotten stile 1
P5) locked gate and puddle on official path
P6) rotten stile 2
P7) from D) thorny stile (now clear)
P8) waterlogging S of stile
P9) muddy churn and ruts (related to solar farm) S of stile
P10) mud and stile onto alt route leading W (beside solar farm)
P11) from C) muddy path on wrong side of fence (beside solar farm)
P12) from E) more waterlogging
P13) from F) view across footbridge of very muddy field and muddy boot after crossing.


09 Aug 2021 Summer

I walked the middle stretch of this route between Bakers Street and the Glasshouse Wellness Centre,There is a pub and a bus stop at Bakers Street.The first part is a minor road and this leads to a well marked footpath.The terrain is flat and no obstacles for walking found ,A number of small bridges were crossed.This is a lovely country walk ideal for people that want apeaceful stroll in the countryside.

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