
Prupon two
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By Andyhoth on 24 May 2024







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Alternative route avoiding extensive dangerous road walking. This is replaced with a pleasant section taking in Robert Stephensons cottage on the old railway line and the Close House golf course, before rejoining the original route at the A69.

Will add details and photos shortly

Alternative route avoiding extensive dangerous road walking. This is replaced with a pleasant section taking in Robert Stephensons cottage on the old railway line and the Close House golf course, before rejoining the original route at the A69.

Will add details and photos shortly


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref NZ0968462995
Lat / Lon 54.96150° / -1.85030°
Easting / Northing 409,684E / 562,995N
What3Words poets.waggled.volume
Grid Ref NZ1659272899
Lat / Lon 55.05032° / -1.74185°
Easting / Northing 416,592E / 572,899N
What3Words resists.streetcar.round

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24 May 2024 Spring

The route out of Prudhoe is steady, and urban on wide footpaths. Points of interest or the Ebeneezer Chapel and Weslyan Chapel, a nod to the distant past of miners and religion in West Wylam .
Path crosses the river Tyne via the spectacular Half Moon bridge and briefly joins old railway route to Wylam, one of the oldest railway tracks in the world.
Keep following the old railway tracks until you come to the historic Stephensons cottage, home to the world pioneering railway engineer.
Take the path onto the Close House golf course, and take heed of the warnings.
The path around most of the course is well marked, until you hit the woods. Follow the path up through the woods rather than onto the fairways, and you should soon be passing the club house and carpark on the right hand side. There are some lovely statues made from old drift wood and it is a pleasant walk to follow. After the large horse statue keep to the rough track as opposed to the concrete one and you will see the main hotel on the right. Turn right at the road and follow this road around the back of the hotel and through the black gates. You will then turn sharply uphill to the North up an old track towards The Garden House. At Close Lea there are several paths heading uphill. If you just stick to the left hand side and tack along the edge of the woods you keep climbing upwards and reach Hill Head Farm. This is the most physically strenuous part of the walk with a kilometre or so of uphill walking, partly on rougher tracks.

The path alongside the A69 is easy to follow and partly paved, but the noise from the road takes any rural joy away.
The turn Northwards away rom the A69 is marked by a small indicator on the fence next to the road, but there is no clear evidence of a path when I walked it, due to long grass in the field. Once you have gone halfway up the field a gate will come into view and you should head towards this. Several of the stiles here are in various levels of disrepair and need careful climbing. The path improves again after Breckney Hill farm.
The left hand turn after Heddon Laws Farm is also difficult to negotiate as there are several fields dedicated to horses, with electric fences that need to be negotiated. There are handles to create breaks in the fence, but the landowner hasn't made it easy, and there is minimal signage.
When leaving the Medburn road at Woodhill Farm make sure you pick up the path after heading downhill through the first field. I ended up having to backtrack after incorrectly following the farmers quad tracks.
The final section through Ponteland is very easy walking along an old waggonway.

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285 m

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