
Porfil one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Portishead and Filton.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Portishead and Filton.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref ST4674676449
Lat / Lon 51.48447° / -2.76832°
Easting / Northing 346,746E / 176,449N
What3Words riverside.whispers.crusted
Grid Ref ST6028979160
Lat / Lon 51.50996° / -2.57360°
Easting / Northing 360,289E / 179,160N
What3Words ideas.tall.supper

Porfil One's land is

Arable 4.7%
Estuary 1.1%
Marshes 2.6%
Pasture 7.1%
Urban 68.7%
Woods 15.8%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



05 Mar 2022 Winter

I wouldn’t walk one this for a leisure day out, but if you do want to get from Portishead to Filton, it’s a decent route and I had plenty of fun exploring it.

This Slow Way is a right old mixture, routing variously via the modern development around the Portishead marina; a bit of Severn Estuary coast; a wetland nature reserve; some semi-rural roadside; a cycle path snaking around the course of a disused railway and vast car parks used to house vehicles imported through Bristol docks; the M5 motorway bridge over the River Avon; a wooded limestone ridge through the suburb of Shirehampton; remnant estate parklands; plus a couple of golf courses and the Southmead housing estate.

The route looks to be largely wheelable between Portishead and Shirehampton, with mostly paved or good surfaces, but then passes through a lot of woodland from Shirehampton to the Henbury/Combe Dingle area with various ups and downs, sets of steps, the odd stile and some very muddy paths in winter. I also found I had to use my GPS to help guide me through the array of pathways in the Blaise Castle estate near Combe Dingle, even though I know the area reasonably well.

There is one access issue on the route which demands a short detour. The little decorative iron footbridge over the B4057 Kingsweston Rd (at what3words toys.senses.cones) is unsafe and has been closed for some years and there is no sign of it being repaired at the moment. For now, the easiest alternative is to walk south 100m or so down the ridge and back up the B-road or to fight your way through the shrubbery near the top of Kingsweston Lane at its junction with the B4057. (and take care crossing the lively, curvy road here).

At the northern end of the walk the mapped route misses a couple of opportunities to use off-road footpaths instead of roads between Henbury Golf Club and the B4055, and again through the Southmead estate, but otherwise it makes very good use of the available green spaces.

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